
Marie-Hélène Abel

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11EEOuafia Ghebghoub, Marie-Hélène Abel, Claude Moulin: Learning Object Indexing Tool Based on a LOM Ontology. ICALT 2008: 576-578
10EEAdeline Leblanc, Marie-Hélène Abel: E-MEMORAe2.0: An e-learning Environment as Learners Communities Support. IJCSA 5(1): 108-123 (2008)
9EEHakim Amrouche, Marie-Hélène Abel, Amar Balla, Claude Moulin: Interrogation of Ontologies Formalized in Topic Maps with TMQL in E-Learning Context. AWIC 2007: 29-34
8EEMarie-Hélène Abel, Dominique Lenne, Adeline Leblanc: Organizational Learning at University. EC-TEL 2007: 408-413
7EEAdeline Leblanc, Marie-Hélène Abel: Using forum in an organizational learning context. Hypertext 2007: 41-42
6EEAdeline Leblanc, Marie-Hélène Abel: Using organizational memory and forum in an organizational learning context. ICDIM 2007: 266-271
5EEAhcene Benayache, Marie-Hélène Abel: Exploitation de documents numériques dans une formation e-learning. Technique et Science Informatiques 25(10): 1281-1310 (2006)
4EEMarie-Hélène Abel, Dominique Lenne, Claude Moulin, Ahcene Benayache: Using Topic Maps in an E-learning Context. ICWE 2004: 581-582
3EEMarie-Hélène Abel, Dominique Lenne, Claude Moulin, Ahcene Benayache: Using Two Ontologies to Index e-Learning Resources. Web Intelligence 2004: 549-552
2EEMarie-Hélène Abel, Ahcene Benayache, Dominique Lenne, Claude Moulin, Catherine Barry, Brigitte Chaput: Ontology-based Organizational Memory for e-learning. Educational Technology & Society 7(4): 98-111 (2004)
1 Marie-Hélène Abel, Dominique Lenne, Omar Cissé: e-Learning and Organizational Memory. IC-AI 2002: 418-423

Coauthor Index

1Hakim Amrouche [9]
2Amar Balla [9]
3Catherine Barry [2]
4Ahcene Benayache [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Brigitte Chaput [2]
6Omar Cissé [1]
7Ouafia Ghebghoub [11]
8Adeline Leblanc [6] [7] [8] [10]
9Dominique Lenne [1] [2] [3] [4] [8]
10Claude Moulin [2] [3] [4] [9] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)