
Sridhar Narayan

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6 Sridhar Narayan, Gene A. Tagliarini: Hopfield Networks To Solve Sudoku Puzzles. MLMTA 2007: 289-293
5EEAshraf M. Abdelbar, Deena Hassan, Gene A. Tagliarini, Sridhar Narayan: Receptive field optimization for ensemble encoding. Neural Computing and Applications 15(1): 1-8 (2006)
4 Sridhar Narayan: On the Behavior of K-out-of-N Hopfield Networks. Inf. Sci. 96(3&4): 183-191 (1997)
3 Sridhar Narayan: The Generalized Sigmoid Activation Function: Competetive Supervised Learning. Inf. Sci. 99(1-2): 69-82 (1997)
2EESridhar Narayan: Generating nonlinear class boundaries using distributed encodings. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1995: 249-253
1EESridhar Narayan, Edward W. Page, Gene A. Tagliarini: Radiographic Image Compression: A Neural Approach. Conference on Analysis of Neural Network Applications 1991: 116-122

Coauthor Index

1Ashraf M. Abdelbar [5]
2Deena Hassan [5]
3Edward W. Page [1]
4Gene A. Tagliarini [1] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)