
Jason Scott

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4EEKumar Chhokra, Ted Bapty, Jason Scott, Simon Winberg, Janos Sztipanovits, Don van Rheeden, Ben Abbott: WASP: A Radio Geolocation System on Highly Resource Constrained Mobile Platforms. ECBS 2004: 121-127
3EEGábor Szedö, Sandeep Neema, Jason Scott, Ted Bapty: Reconfigurable target recognition system (poster abstract). FPGA 2000: 221
2EETed Bapty, Jason Scott, Sandeep Neema, Janos Sztipanovits: Uniform Execution Environment for Dynamic Reconfiguration. ECBS 1999: 181-187
1EEJames Davis, Jason Scott, Janos Sztipanovits, Marcus Martinez: Multi-Domain Surety Modeling and Analysis for High Assurance Systems. ECBS 1999: 254-260

Coauthor Index

1Ben Abbott [4]
2Ted Bapty [2] [3] [4]
3Kumar Chhokra [4]
4James Davis [1]
5Marcus Martinez [1]
6Sandeep Neema [2] [3]
7Don van Rheeden [4]
8Gábor Szedö [3]
9Janos Sztipanovits [1] [2] [4]
10Simon Winberg [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)