
Ruben Abagyan

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19EEKimberly A. Reynolds, Vsevolod Katritch, Ruben Abagyan: Identifying conformational changes of the beta2 adrenoceptor that enable accurate prediction of ligand/receptor interactions and screening for GPCR modulators. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 23(5): 273-288 (2009)
18EEGeorge Nicola, Colin A. Smith, Ruben Abagyan: New Method for the Assessment of All Drug-Like Pockets Across a Structural Genome. Journal of Computational Biology 15(3): 231-240 (2008)
17EEJosé Ignacio Garzón, Julio A. Kovacs, Ruben Abagyan, Pablo Chacón: ADP_EM: fast exhaustive multi-resolution docking for high-throughput coverage. Bioinformatics 23(4): 427-433 (2007)
16EEJosé Ignacio Garzón, Julio A. Kovacs, Ruben Abagyan, Pablo Chacón: DFprot: a webtool for predicting local chain deformability. Bioinformatics 23(7): 901-902 (2007)
15EELevon Budagyan, Ruben Abagyan: Weighted quality estimates in machine learning. Bioinformatics 22(21): 2597-2603 (2006)
14EEAndrew J. Bordner, Ruben Abagyan: REVCOM: a robust Bayesian method for evolutionary rate estimation. Bioinformatics 21(10): 2315-2321 (2005)
13EEBrian Marsden, Ruben Abagyan: SAD - a normalized structural alignment database: improving sequence-structure alignments. Bioinformatics 20(15): 2333-2344 (2004)
12EEVsevolod Katritch, Maxim Totrov, Ruben Abagyan: ICFF: A new method to incorporate implicit flexibility into an internal coordinate force field. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(2): 254-265 (2003)
11 Badry D. Bursulaya, Maxim Totrov, Ruben Abagyan, Charles L. Brooks III: Comparative study of several algorithms for flexible ligand docking. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 17(11): 755-763 (2003)
10EEJuan Fernandez-Recio, Maxim Totrov, Ruben Abagyan: Screened Charge Electrostatic Model in Protein-Protein Docking Simulations. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2002: 552-565
9EERuben Abagyan: Computational structural proteomics and virtual ligand screening. RECOMB 2002: 1
8EEYingyao Zhou, Ruben Abagyan: Match-Only Integral Distribution (MOID) Algorithm for high-density oligonucleotide array analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 3: 3 (2002)
7EETimothy Cardozo, Serge Batalov, Ruben Abagyan: Estimating Local Backbone Structural Deviation in Homology Models. Computers & Chemistry 24(1): 13-31 (2000)
6EEMaxim Totrov, Ruben Abagyan: Derivation of sensitive discrimination potential for virtual ligand screening. RECOMB 1999: 312-320
5EERuben Abagyan: Challenges of biomolecular structure prediction (abstract). RECOMB 1998: 1
4 Ruben Abagyan, Serge Batalov, Timothy Cardozo, Maxim Totrov: From fold recognition to flexible docking. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1997: 9-10
3EEPatrick Argos, Ruben Abagyan: The Protein Folding Problem: Finding a Few Minimums in a Near Infinite Space. Computers & Chemistry 18(3): 225-231 (1994)
2 Maxim Totrov, Ruben Abagyan: Efficient Parallelization of the Energy, Surface, and Dericative Calculations for Internal Coordinate Mechanics. Journal of Computational Chemistry 15(10): 1105-1112 (1994)
1 Ruben Abagyan, Maxim Totrov, Dmitry Kuznetsov: ICM - A New Method for Protein Modeling and Design: Applications to Docking and Strucutre Prediction from the Distorted Native Conformation. Journal of Computational Chemistry 15(5): 488-506 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Patrick Argos [3]
2Serge Batalov [4] [7]
3Andrew J. Bordner [14]
4Charles L. Brooks III [11]
5Levon Budagyan [15]
6Badry D. Bursulaya [11]
7Timothy Cardozo [4] [7]
8Pablo Chacón [16] [17]
9Juan Fernandez-Recio [10]
10José Ignacio Garzón [16] [17]
11Vsevolod Katritch [12] [19]
12Julio A. Kovacs [16] [17]
13Dmitry Kuznetsov [1]
14Brian Marsden [13]
15George Nicola [18]
16Kimberly A. Reynolds [19]
17Colin A. Smith [18]
18Maxim Totrov [1] [2] [4] [6] [10] [11] [12]
19Yingyao Zhou [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)