
Haluk Ögmen

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8EESimon X. Yang, Haluk Ögmen, Greg Maguire: Neural computations in the tiger salamander and mudpuppy outer retinae and an analysis of GABA action from horizontal cells. Biological Cybernetics 88(6): 450-458 (2003)
7EEGopathy Purushothaman, Haluk Ögmen, Harold E. Bedell: Suprathreshold Intrinsic Dynamics of the Human Visual System. Neural Computation 15(12): 2883-2908 (2003)
6 Saumil S. Patel, Bai-Chuan Jiang, Haluk Ögmen: Vergence Dynamics Predict Fixation Disparity. Neural Computation 13(7): 1495-1525 (2001)
5 James Carvajal, Guanrong Chen, Haluk Ögmen: Fuzzy PID controller: Design, performance evaluation, and stability analysis. Inf. Sci. 123(3-4): 249-270 (2000)
4EES. Azizi, Haluk Ögmen, B. H. Jansen: A unified analysis of alpha rhythm, fast synchronized oscillations, and flash visual evoked potentials. Neural Networks 9(2): 223-242 (1996)
3EEHaluk Ögmen: Continuous-time global computer vision with analog, specialized, and interacting neural networks. Inf. Sci. 70(1-2): 5-25 (1993)
2EEHaluk Ögmen: A neural theory of retino-cortical dynamics. Neural Networks 6(2): 245-273 (1993)
1EEHaluk Ögmen, S. Gagné: Neural network architectures for motion perception and elementary motion detection in the fly visual system. Neural Networks 3(5): 487-505 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1S. Azizi [4]
2Harold E. Bedell [7]
3James Carvajal [5]
4Guanrong Chen [5]
5S. Gagné [1]
6B. H. Jansen [4]
7Bai-Chuan Jiang [6]
8Greg Maguire [8]
9Saumil S. Patel [6]
10Gopathy Purushothaman [7]
11Simon X. Yang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)