
Jacqueline Lück

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5 Jacqueline Lück, Hermann B. Lück: Cellworks with Cell Rewriting and Cell Packing for Plant Morphogenesis. TAGT 1994: 536-549
4 Jacqueline Lück, Hermann B. Lück: Double-wall Cellworks Systems for Plant Meristems. Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science 1990: 564-581
3 Jacqueline Lück, Hermann B. Lück: From OL and IL map systems to indeterminate and determinate growth in plant morphogenesis. Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science 1986: 393-410
2 Jacqueline Lück, Hermann B. Lück: Generation of 3-dimensional plant bodies by double wall map and stereomap systems. Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science 1982: 219-231
1 Jacqueline Lück, Hermann B. Lück: Two-Dimensional, Differential, Intercalary Plant Tissue Growth and Parallel Graph Generating and Graph Recurrence Systems. Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science and Biology 1978: 284-300

Coauthor Index

1Hermann B. Lück [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)