Gail Marshall, Mikko J. Ruohonen (Eds.):
Capacity Building for IT in Education in Developing Countries, IFIP TC3 WG3.1, 3.4 & 2.5 Working Conference on Capacity Building for IT in Education in Developing Countries, 19-25 August 1997, Harare, Zimbabwe.
IFIP Conference Proceedings 118 Chapman & Hall 1998, ISBN 0-412-81460-9 BibTeX
editor = {Gail Marshall and
Mikko J. Ruohonen},
title = {Capacity Building for IT in Education in Developing Countries,
IFIP TC3 WG3.1, 3.4 {\&} 2.5 Working Conference on Capacity
Building for IT in Education in Developing Countries, 19-25 August
1997, Harare, Zimbabwe},
booktitle = {Capacity Building for IT in Education in Developing Countries},
publisher = {Chapman {\&} Hall},
series = {IFIP Conference Proceedings},
volume = {118},
year = {1998},
isbn = {0-412-81460-9},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
National Perspectives
- Peter Bollerslev:
Nordic cooperation on communication and information technologies and didactics in education.
15-26 BibTeX
- S. Ojo, B. Awuah:
Building resource capacity for IT education and training in schools - the case of Botswana.
27-38 BibTeX
- G. Kiangi:
Computer education and human capacity building for information technology in Namibia.
39-48 BibTeX
- Pieter Hogenbirk:
Schools with SPIRIT capacity building in The Netherlands.
49-56 BibTeX
- S. Røsvik:
Information technology in Norwegian education - consistency of strategic initiatives implementing IT in primary education.
57-66 BibTeX
- Alex C. W. Fung:
Development of information technology in Hong Kong education over the past decade.
67-74 BibTeX
- Hari Gopal Shrestha:
Fighting a lone battle for computer education in Nepal.
75-80 BibTeX
Building Skills in the National Context
- A. S. Sithole:
Building the skills gap in Zimbabwe.
83-90 BibTeX
- U. Modum:
Information technology education and training initiatives - the Nigerian experience.
91-100 BibTeX
- D. Arganbright:
Using applications programs in a university to build human capacity for information technology.
101-108 BibTeX
Targetted Projects
Research for IT-based Education
- R. Cohen:
Technology and young children - new strategies to prevent illiteracy and create better chances of success for all.
155-162 BibTeX
- Marta Turcsányi-Szabó:
Designing logo-based microworlds for effective learning - a road to improving teacher education.
163-172 BibTeX
Research for IT-based Education
- Mikko J. Ruohonen, Olayele Adelakun:
The needs and challenges of information systems education - the case of Nigerian universities.
175-184 BibTeX
- Deryn Watson:
Blame the technocentric artefact! What research tells us about problems inhibiting teacher use of IT.
185-192 BibTeX
- Gail Marshall:
Measuring success in the global village - resources for conducting systematic and comprehensive evaluations in IT settings.
193-202 BibTeX
Resource Acquisition,
Allocation and Utilization
- Peter Juliff:
Resource Acquisition, Allocation and Utilization.
205-212 BibTeX
- D. Dolan:
The European computer driving license.
213-221 BibTeX
- James Rajasingh Isaac:
Information literacy - the missing link in education, with special reference to developing countries.
221-230 BibTeX
- I. Mitchell:
Maximizing the benefits of aid for information technology.
231-238 BibTeX
- Adrie J. Visscher:
Building capacity for information technology in educational management in developing countries.
239-250 BibTeX
- M. Williams:
Information technology resources for education in developing countries.
251-260 BibTeX
A Curriculum for the Future
- D. Berg, J. Vogelaar:
The need for a new perspective - creating learning networks for African teachers: change, professional developments and ICTs.
263-274 BibTeX
- Tom J. van Weert:
Informatics for secondary education - the UNESCO/IFIP curriculum as a resource for developed and developing countries.
275-288 BibTeX
Workshop Presentations
Discussion Group Recommendations
- Discussion group 1 - IT in curriculum and courseware development.
319-326 BibTeX
- Discussion group 2 - Policies, strategies and initiatives of ICT in education.
326-332 BibTeX
- Discussion group 3 - Guidelines and directions for ICT policy in education.
333-336 BibTeX
- Discussion group 4 - IT education delivery and learning.
337-342 BibTeX
- Discussion group 5 - Information technology in institutional administration and management.
343-347 BibTeX
- Discussion group 6 - Building resource accessibility in developing countries.
347-350 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:22:39 2009
by Michael Ley (