
Alex C. W. Fung

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9 Ian Selwood, Alex C. W. Fung, Christopher D. O'Mahony: Management of Education in the Information Age: The Role of ICT, IFIP TC3/WG3.7 Fifth Working Conference on Information Technology in Educational Management (ITEM 2002), August 18-22, 2002, Helsinki, Finland Kluwer 2003
8 Ian Selwood, Alex C. W. Fung, Christopher O'Mahony: Management of Education in the Information Age. Information Technology in Educational Management 2002: 1-7
7 Alex C. W. Fung, Jenilyn Ledesma: Fostering Web Based Teaching and Learning in a University. Information Technology in Educational Management 2002: 105-117
6 Alex C. W. Fung, Jenylin Ledesma: The Management of e-Learning. Information Technology in Educational Management 2002: 183-187
5 C. J. Patrick Nolan, Alex C. W. Fung, Margaret A. Brown: Pathways to Institutional Improvement with Information Technology in Educational Management, IFIP TC3/WG3.7 Fourth International Working Conference on Information Technology in Educational Management, July 27-31, Auckland, New Zealand Kluwer 2001
4 Alex C. W. Fung, Adrie J. Visscher, Debbie Smith, Phil Wild: Comparative Evaluation of the Implementation of Computerised School Management Systems. WCCE 2001: 591-600
3 C. J. Patrick Nolan, Alex C. W. Fung, Margaret A. Brown: Pathways in Context. Information Technology in Educational Management 2000: 1-12
2 Alex C. W. Fung, Jenylin Ledesma: SAMS in Hong Kong Schools: A User Acceptance Audit. Information Technology in Educational Management 2000: 121-146
1 Alex C. W. Fung: Development of information technology in Hong Kong education over the past decade. Capacity Building for IT in Education in Developing Countries 1997: 67-74

Coauthor Index

1Margaret A. Brown [3] [5]
2Jenilyn Ledesma [7]
3Jenylin Ledesma [2] [6]
4C. J. Patrick Nolan [3] [5]
5Christopher O'Mahony [8]
6Christopher D. O'Mahony [9]
7Ian Selwood [8] [9]
8Debbie Smith [4]
9Adrie J. Visscher [4]
10Phil Wild [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)