Integrating Light-Weight Workflow Management Systems within Existing Business Environments.

Peter Muth, Jeanine Weißenfels, Michael Gillmann, Gerhard Weikum: Integrating Light-Weight Workflow Management Systems within Existing Business Environments. ICDE 1999: 286-293
  author    = {Peter Muth and
               Jeanine Wei{\ss}enfels and
               Michael Gillmann and
               Gerhard Weikum},
  title     = {Integrating Light-Weight Workflow Management Systems within Existing
               Business Environments},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Data Engineering,
               23-26 March 1999, Sydney, Austrialia},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year      = {1999},
  pages     = {286-293},
  ee        = {db/conf/icde/MuthWGW99.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/icde/99},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Copyright © 1999 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Abstract used with permission.


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Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Data Engineering, 23-26 March 1999, Sydney, Austrialia. IEEE Computer Society 1999
Contents BibTeX


Gustavo Alonso, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi, C. Mohan: Functionality and Limitations of Current Workflow Management Systems. submitted to IEEE Expert : (1997) BibTeX
Gustavo Alonso, Claus Hagen: Geo-Opera: Workflow Concepts for Spatial Processes. SSD 1997: 238-258 BibTeX
Michael J. Carey, David J. DeWitt: Of Objects and Databases: A Decade of Turmoil. VLDB 1996: 3-14 BibTeX
Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Mark F. Hornick, Amit P. Sheth: An Overview of Workflow Management: From Process Modeling to Workflow Automation Infrastructure. Distributed and Parallel Databases 3(2): 119-153(1995) BibTeX
Roger Günthör, Stefan Jablonski: Transaction-Based Application Integration in Workflow Management Systems. DEXA 1996: 456-466 BibTeX
David Harel: Statecharts: A Visual Formulation for Complex Systems. Sci. Comput. Program. 8(3): 231-274(1987) BibTeX
David Harel, Hagi Lachover, Amnon Naamad, Amir Pnueli, Michal Politi, Rivi Sherman, Aharon Shtull-Trauring, Mark B. Trakhtenbrot: STATEMATE: A Working Environment for the Development of Complex Reactive Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(4): 403-414(1990) BibTeX
Joachim Hammer, Hector Garcia-Molina, Svetlozar Nestorov, Ramana Yerneni, Markus M. Breunig, Vasilis Vassalos: Template-Based Wrappers in the TSIMMIS System. SIGMOD Conference 1997: 532-535 BibTeX
Chen Li, Ramana Yerneni, Vasilis Vassalos, Hector Garcia-Molina, Yannis Papakonstantinou, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Murty Valiveti: Capability Based Mediation in TSIMMIS. SIGMOD Conference 1998: 564-566 BibTeX
John A. Miller, Devanand Palaniswami, Amit P. Sheth, Krys Kochut, Harvinder Singh: WebWork: METEOR2's Web-Based Workflow Management System. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 10(2): 185-215(1998) BibTeX
Peter Muth, Dirk Wodtke, Jeanine Weißenfels, Angelika Kotz Dittrich, Gerhard Weikum: From Centralized Workflow Specification to Distributed Workflow Execution. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 10(2): 159-184(1998) BibTeX
Hubert Naacke, Georges Gardarin, Anthony Tomasic: Leveraging Mediator Cost Models with Heterogeneous Data Sources. ICDE 1998: 351-360 BibTeX
Berthold Reinwald, C. Mohan: Structured Workflow Management with Lotus Notes Release 4. COMPCON 1996: 451-457 BibTeX
Mary Tork Roth, Peter M. Schwarz: Don't Scrap It, Wrap It! A Wrapper Architecture for Legacy Data Sources. VLDB 1997: 266-275 BibTeX
Hans Schuster, Stefan Jablonski, Petra Heinl, Christoph Bussler: A General Framework for the Execution of Heterogenous Programs in Workflow Management Systems. CoopIS 1996: 104-113 BibTeX
Gio Wiederhold: Mediators in the Architecture of Future Information Systems. IEEE Computer 25(3): 38-49(1992) BibTeX
Dirk Wodtke, Jeanine Weißenfels, Gerhard Weikum, Angelika Kotz Dittrich: The Mentor Project: Steps Toward Enterprise-Wide Workflow Management. ICDE 1996: 556-565 BibTeX
Michael Gillmann, Peter Muth, Gerhard Weikum, Jeanine Weißenfels: Benchmarking von Workflow-Management-Systemen. BTW 1999: 456-465 BibTeX
Peter Muth, Jeanine Weißenfels, Michael Gillmann, Gerhard Weikum: Workflow History Management in Virtual Enterprises Using a Light-Weight Workflow Management System. RIDE 1999: 148-155 BibTeX
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