HPCNCS 2007:
Mislav Grgic, Andrew H. Sung, Guoyin Wang (Eds.):
International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking and Communication Systems, HPCNCS-07, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 9-12 2007.
ISRST 2007, ISBN 978-0-9727412-5-5 BibTeX
- Xing Li, Paulus Stravers, Jos T. J. van Eijndhoven, Robert-Paul Berretty:
2D-to-3D TV Image Mapping on TriMedias.
1-5 BibTeX
- Xu Xiaoping:
A Key Recovery Scheme based on ElGamal and (t, n) Threshold.
6-8 BibTeX
- Faouzi Kamoun:
Performance Analysis of a Queuing System with Vacation and Correlated Train Arrivals.
9-15 BibTeX
- Finny Eapen Cherian:
Multichannel Scheduling Protocol (MSP) in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
16-20 BibTeX
- Chwen-Tzeng Su, Lung Huei:
Development of Web Quality Indicators by Citation Analysis.
21-25 BibTeX
- D. Bhattacharjee:
On Some New Arithmetical Convolutions.
26-30 BibTeX
- M. Reza Salehnamadi, N. Mirzaii, S. Mortezaiefard:
EL8: A Multiprocessor System for E-Training.
31-34 BibTeX
- S. Chandrasekaran, C. Dinesh, Kartic Ramesh, Al. Murugappan:
A Formal Approach for Identity Management in Federated Web Services.
35-40 BibTeX
- Eddy Nini:
NAT Traversal: Problems and Solutions.
41-46 BibTeX
- S. Sankara Gomathi, A. Nakkeeran, S. Krishnamurthi:
Increasing the Lifetime of Mobile Ad Hoc Network using Energy Aware Gradient Exchange Algorithm.
47-52 BibTeX
- Jud Leonard:
The Kautz Digraph as a Cluster Interconnect.
53-58 BibTeX
- Mohamed Abo El-Fotouh, Klaus Diepold:
AES Cryptographic Modes of Operation for High-Speed Networks.
59-63 BibTeX
- Sergeij Goldyrjew:
Novel Carrier Frequency Tracking Algorithm for Space-Time Coded MIMO Systems.
64-70 BibTeX
- Hwajung Lee:
Uninterruptible Reconfiguration for Dynamic Resource Management in a Grid Computing Network against a Single Link Attack/Failure.
71-76 BibTeX
- Yingang Yuan, Jun Du:
A New Scheme to Balance Load among Access Points in Wireless LANs.
77 BibTeX
- Dong-Jin Kim, Young-Ho Seo, Simon S. Lee:
Fast Inter Prediction Coding Technique for Real Time Compression of H.264/AVC.
83-88 BibTeX
- Amril Nazir, Hao Liu, Søren-Aksel Sørensen:
On-demand Resource Allocation Policies for Computational Steering Support in Grids.
89-96 BibTeX
- Gurmeet Kaur, M. L. Singh:
Effect of Four Wave Mixing in Optical Communication.
97-103 BibTeX
- Chow-Sing Lin, Wei-Ting Syu:
Enhancing P2P Live Streaming Performance by Balancing Description Distribution and Peer Loading.
104-111 BibTeX
- Alan Rosselet:
Transmission Rate Control for Java Datagrams.
112-119 BibTeX
- Manal Helal, Lenore R. Mullin, Hossam ElGindy, Bruno A. Gaëta:
Optimal Distributed Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Conformal Computing Methods.
120-127 BibTeX
- Rama Sushil, Rama Bhargava, Kumkum Garg:
Reduced cost location update scheme: a reactive approach for mobile agents.
128-135 BibTeX
- Sunil K. Venugopal, Chirag Parikh, Parimal Patel:
Implementation of an IEEE 802.11i based Wireless Security System.
136-143 BibTeX
- Natarajan Meghanathan:
Impact of Broadcast Route Discovery Strategies on the Performance of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols.
144-151 BibTeX
- Laurent Nadeau, Tricha Anjali:
Efficiency of Reliable Multicast Protocols.
152-159 BibTeX
- Byoung uk Kim:
Anomaly-based Fault Detection System using State Interface.
160-167 BibTeX
- Manish Kumar, M. C. Srivastava, Umesh Kumar:
Lowpass - Highpass and Highpass - Bandpass Transadmittance Filter Using Operational Amplifier.
168-170 BibTeX
- Anirban Bag, Mostafa A. Bassiouni:
Hotspot Preventing Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Networks-On-Chip.
171-177 BibTeX
- Jagannath I. Pattar, C. R. Venugopal:
Adaptive Transmit Power Control For 802.11.
178-186 BibTeX
- Arshad Aziz, Nassar Ikram:
A Look-Up-Table Implementation of AES.
187-191 BibTeX
- Shaonung Huang, Hsiufeng Lin, Jenshiuh Liu, Shihhsun Li:
Traceable Identity-based Threshold Signature Scheme with Multiple Signing Policies.
192-197 BibTeX
- Suman Kumar, Seung-Jong Park, S. Sitharama Iyengar, Jung-Han Kimn:
Time-Adaptive Numerical Simulation for High Speed Networks.
198-205 BibTeX
- Jun-Ho Her, R. S. Ramakrishna:
An O(log n) Parallel Time Depth-First Search Algorithm for Solid Grid Graphs.
206-211 BibTeX
- Xiaobo Zhang, Heping Wang, Ashfaq A. Khokhar:
An Energy-efficient Data Gathering Scheme for Event Driven Applications in Sensor Networks.
212-217 BibTeX
- Aqib Perwaiz, Shoab A. Khan:
High Performance and Low Power Programmable Bit Serial Digital down Converter Design Based on Half Band FIR Decimation.
218-223 BibTeX
- Salem Benferhat, Karima Sedki, Sylvain Gombault:
Towards Selecting Relevant Attributes using Decision Trees for Intrusion Detection.
224-230 BibTeX
- Paris Kitsos, Bhanu Prasad:
A System-on-Chip Design of the RadioGatún Hash Function.
231-237 BibTeX
- Silvano P. V. Barros, Farrukh N. Alavi, Supratim Barman:
AntSeg: A Parallel Implementation of an Ant Algorithm for Image Segmentation.
238-244 BibTeX
- Pavel S. Kostenetskiy, Leonid B. Sokolinsky:
Analysis of Hierarchical Multiprocessor Database Systems.
245-251 BibTeX
- Santosh L. Deshpande, N. H. Ayachit, Kamaksi Prasad:
Predicate Routing algorithm - some new aspects.
252-256 BibTeX
- Hema Ajetrao, Navnath Gaikwad:
Content Protection in Binary Image.
257-261 BibTeX
- Hema Ajetrao, Navnath Gaikwad:
A Novel Scheme of Data Hiding in MIDI Files Using System Exclusive Messages.
262-266 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:15:02 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)