
Byoung uk Kim

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7 Byoung uk Kim: Anomaly-based Fault Detection System using State Interface. HPCNCS 2007: 160-167
6EEByoung uk Kim, Salim Hariri: Anomaly-based Fault Detection System in Distributed System. SERA 2007: 782-789
5EEHuoping Chen, Salim Hariri, Byoung uk Kim, Yeliang Zhang, Mazin S. Yousif: Self-Deployment and Self-Configuration of Pervasive Network Services. ICPS 2004: 242-242
4 Byoung uk Kim, Ilkyeun Ra, Yoonhee Kim, Salim Hariri, Huoping Chen, Bithika Khargharia, Ming Zhang, Hyoung-Woo Park: An evaluation of autonomic self-configuration in network centric systems. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2004: 64-69
3EEJingmei Yang, Huoping Chen, Byoung uk Kim, Salim Hariri, Manish Parashar: Autonomic Runtime System for Large Scale Parallel and Distributed Applications. UPP 2004: 297-311
2EEBithika Khargharia, Salim Hariri, Manish Parashar, Lewis Ntaimo, Byoung uk Kim: vGrid: A Framework For Building Autonomic Applications. CLADE 2003: 19
1EEYoonhee Kim, Ilkyeun Ra, Sung-Yong Park, Byoung uk Kim, Salim Hariri, Bithika Khargharia, Sangsan Lee: ADViCE over Grid Services: Initial Deployment. CLADE 2003: 27

Coauthor Index

1Huoping Chen [3] [4] [5]
2Salim Hariri [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Bithika Khargharia [1] [2] [4]
4Yoonhee Kim [1] [4]
5Sangsan Lee [1]
6Lewis Ntaimo [2]
7Manish Parashar [2] [3]
8Hyoung-Woo Park [4]
9Sung-Yong Park [1]
10Ilkyeun Ra [1] [4]
11Jingmei Yang [3]
12Mazin S. Yousif [5]
13Ming Zhang [4]
14Yeliang Zhang [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)