
Simon B. Jones

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6EESimon P. Booth, Simon B. Jones: Walk Backwards to Happiness - Debugging by Time Travel. AADEBUG 1997: 171-183
5 Simon B. Jones: Linking Databases in Biotechnology. NeuroImage 4(3): S59-S60 (1996)
4 Simon P. Booth, Simon B. Jones: Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs. Functional Programming 1995: 1
3 Simon B. Jones: Experiences with Clean I/O. Functional Programming 1995: 7
2EESimon B. Jones, Daniel Le Métayer: Computer-Time Garbage Collection by Sharing Analysis. FPCA 1989: 54-74
1 Simon B. Jones, Daniel Le Métayer: A New Method for Strictness Analysis on Non-Flat Domains. Functional Programming 1989: 1-11

Coauthor Index

1Simon P. Booth [4] [6]
2Daniel Le Métayer [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)