Entity Evolution in ISA Hierarchies.

Antoni Olivé, Dolors Costal, Maria-Ribera Sancho: Entity Evolution in ISA Hierarchies. ER 1999: 62-80
  author    = {Antoni Oliv{\'e} and
               Dolors Costal and
               Maria-Ribera Sancho},
  editor    = {Jacky Akoka and
               Mokrane Bouzeghoub and
               Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau and
               Elisabeth M{\'e}tais},
  title     = {Entity Evolution in ISA Hierarchies},
  booktitle = {Conceptual Modeling - ER '99, 18th International Conference on
               Conceptual Modeling, Paris, France, November, 15-18, 1999, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {1728},
  year      = {1999},
  isbn      = {3-540-66686-9},
  pages     = {62-80},
  ee        = {db/conf/er/OliveCS99.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/er/99},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Carlo Batini, Stefano Ceri, Shamkant B. Navathe: Conceptual Database Design: An Entity-Relationship Approach. Benjamin/Cummings 1992, ISBN 0-8053-0244-1
Sonia Bergamaschi, Claudio Sartori: Chrono: A Conceptual Design Framework for Temporal Entities. ER 1998: 35-50 BibTeX
Dolors Costal, Antoni Olivé, Maria-Ribera Sancho: Temporal Features of Class Populations and Attributes in Conceptual Models. ER 1997: 57-70 BibTeX
Terry A. Halpin, Henderik Alex Proper: Subtyping and Polymorphism in Object-Role Modelling. Data Knowl. Eng. 15(3): 251-281(1995) BibTeX
Ralf Jungclaus, Gunter Saake, Thorsten Hartmann, Cristina Sernadas: TROLL - A Language for Object-Oriented Specification of Information Systems. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 14(2): 175-211(1996) BibTeX
Maurizio Lenzerini: Covering and Disjointness Constraints in Type Networks. ICDE 1987: 386-393 BibTeX
John Mylopoulos: Information Modeling in the Time of the Revolution. Inf. Syst. 23(3-4): 127-155(1998) BibTeX
Moira C. Norrie, Andreas Steiner, Alain Würgler, Martin Wunderli: A Model for Classification Structures with Evolution Control. ER 1996: 456-471 BibTeX
Antoni Olivé: Relationship Reification: A Temporal View. CAiSE 1999: 396-410 BibTeX
James E. Rumbaugh, Michael R. Blaha, William J. Premerlani, Frederick Eddy, William E. Lorensen: Object-Oriented Modeling and Design. Prentice-Hall 1991, ISBN 0-13-630054-5
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Monique Snoeck, Guido Dedene: Generalization/Specialization and Role in Object Oriented Conceptual Modeling. Data Knowl. Eng. 19(2): 171-195(1996) BibTeX
Stefano Spaccapietra, Christine Parent, Esteban Zimányi: Modeling Time from a Conceptual Perspective. CIKM 1998: 432-440 BibTeX
Andreas Steiner, Moira C. Norrie: Temporal Object Role Modelling. CAiSE 1997: 245-258 BibTeX
Jianwen Su: Dynamic Constraints and Object Migration. VLDB 1991: 233-242 BibTeX
Abdullah Uz Tansel, James Clifford, Shashi K. Gadia, Sushil Jajodia, Arie Segev, Richard T. Snodgrass (Eds.): Temporal Databases: Theory, Design, and Implementation. Benjamin/Cummings 1993, ISBN 0-8053-2413-5
Contents BibTeX
Charalampos I. Theodoulidis, Pericles Loucopoulos: The time dimension in conceptual modelling. Inf. Syst. 16(3): 273-300(1991) BibTeX
Roel Wieringa, Wiebren de Jonge, Paul Spruit: Using Dynamic Classes and Role Classes to Model Object Migration. TAPOS 1(1): 61-83(1995) BibTeX
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