INCOD (A System for Interactive Conceptual Design) Revisited - After the Implementation of a Prototype.

Paolo Atzeni, Enzo Carboni: INCOD (A System for Interactive Conceptual Design) Revisited - After the Implementation of a Prototype. ER 1983: 449-464
  author    = {Paolo Atzeni and
               Enzo Carboni},
  editor    = {Carl G. Davis and
               Sushil Jajodia and
               Peter A. Ng and
               Raymond T. Yeh},
  title     = {INCOD (A System for Interactive Conceptual Design) Revisited
               - After the Implementation of a Prototype},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Entity-Relationship Approach
  publisher = {North-Holland},
  year      = {1983},
  isbn      = {0-444-86777-5},
  pages     = {449-464},
  ee        = {db/conf/er/AtzeniC83.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/er/83},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Paolo Atzeni, Carlo Batini, Enzo Carboni, Valeria De Antonellis, Maurizio Lenzerini, Fulvio Villanelli, Bruna Zonta: INCOD-DTE: A System for Interative Conceptual Design of Data, Transactions and Events. Methodology and Tools for Data Base Design 1983: 205-228 BibTeX
Paolo Atzeni, Carlo Batini, Maurizio Lenzerini, Fulvio Villanelli: INCOD: A System for Conceptual Design of Data and Transactions in the Entity-Relationship Model. ER 1981: 375-410 BibTeX
Paolo Atzeni, Peter P. Chen: Completeness of Query Languages for the Entity-Relationship Model. ER 1981: 109-122 BibTeX
Carlo Batini, Maurizio Lenzerini, Gaetano Santucci: A computer-aided methodology for conceptual data-base design. Inf. Syst. 7(3): 265-280(1982) BibTeX
Stefano Ceri (Ed.): Methodology and Tools for Data Base Design. North-Holland 1983
Contents BibTeX
Peter P. Chen: The Entity-Relationship Model - Toward a Unified View of Data. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(1): 9-36(1976) BibTeX
Peter P. Chen (Ed.): Entity-Relationship Approach to Systems Analysis and Design. Proc. 1st International Conference on the Entity-Relationship Approach. North-Holland 1980, ISBN 0-444-85487-8
Contents BibTeX
Peter P. Chen (Ed.): Entity-Relationship Approach to Information Modeling and Analysis, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Entity-Relationship Approach (ER'81), Washington, DC, USA, October 12-14, 1981. North-Holland 1983, ISBN 0-444-86747-3
Contents BibTeX
Valeria De Antonellis, Bruna Zonta: Modelling Events a Data Base Application Design. VLDB 1981: 23-31 BibTeX
Maurizio Lenzerini, Gaetano Santucci: Cardinality Constraints in the Entity-Relationship Model. ER 1983: 529-549 BibTeX
Vincent Y. Lum, Sakti P. Ghosh, Mario Schkolnick, Robert W. Taylor, D. Jefferson, Stanley Y. W. Su, James P. Fry, Toby J. Teorey, B. Yao, D. S. Rund, B. Kahn, Shamkant B. Navathe, D. Smith, L. Aguilar, W. J. Barr, P. E. Jones: 1978 New Orleans Data Base Design Workshop Report. VLDB 1979: 328-339 BibTeX
C. A. Petri: Introduction to General Net Theory. Advanced Course: Net Theory and Applications 1975: 1-19 BibTeX
Roberto Tamassia, Carlo Batini, Maurizio Talamo: An Algorithm for Automatic Layout of Entity-Relationship Diagrams. ER 1983: 421-439 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Peter Baumann: Valences: A new Relationship Concept for the Entity-Relationship Model. ER 1989: 59-72
  2. Peter P. Chen: An Algebra for a Directional Binary Entity-Relationship Model. ICDE 1984: 37-40
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