Advanced Course:
Net Theory and Applications 1975
Wilfried Brauer (Ed.):
Net Theory and Applications, Proceedings of the Advanced Course on General Net Theory of Processes and Systems, Hamburg, October 8-19, 1979.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 84 Springer 1980, ISBN 3-540-10001-6 BibTeX
editor = {Wilfried Brauer},
title = {Net Theory and Applications, Proceedings of the Advanced Course
on General Net Theory of Processes and Systems, Hamburg, October
8-19, 1979},
booktitle = {Advanced Course: Net Theory and Applications 1975},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {84},
year = {1980},
isbn = {3-540-10001-6},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
- C. A. Petri:
Introduction to General Net Theory.
1-19 BibTeX
- Hartmann J. Genrich, Kurt Lautenbach, P. S. Thiagarajan:
Elements of General Net Theory.
21-163 BibTeX
- Matthias Jantzen, Rüdiger Valk:
Formal Properties of Place/Transition Nets.
165-212 BibTeX
- Gérard Memmi, Gérard Roucairol:
Linear Algebra in Net Theory.
213-223 BibTeX
- Eike Best:
Atomicity of Activities.
225-250 BibTeX
- C. A. Petri:
251-260 BibTeX
- Eike Best:
The Relative Strength of K-Density.
261-276 BibTeX
- Gérard Berthelot, Gérard Roucairol, Rüdiger Valk:
Reductions of Nets and Parallel Prgrams.
277-290 BibTeX
- Eike Best:
Adequacy of Path Programs.
291-305 BibTeX
- Joseph Sifakis:
Performance Evaluation of Systems Using Nets.
307-319 BibTeX
- Charles André, M. Diaz, Claude Girault, Joseph Sifakis:
Survey of French Research and Applications Based on Petri Nets.
321-345 BibTeX
- Jerre D. Noe:
Nets in Modeling and Simulation.
347-368 BibTeX
- Jerre D. Noe:
Abstractions of Net Models.
369-388 BibTeX
- Jerre D. Noe:
Applications of Net-Based Models.
389-400 BibTeX
- Robert M. Shapiro:
The Application of General Net Theory - A Personal History.
401-440 BibTeX
- Konrad Zuse:
Petri-Nets from the Engineer's Viewpoint.
441-479 BibTeX
- Horst Oberquelle:
Nets as a Tool in Teaching and in Terminology Work.
481-506 BibTeX
- Matthias Jantzen:
Structured Representation of Knowledge by Petri Nets as an Aid for Teaching and Research.
507-517 BibTeX
- Hartmann J. Genrich, E. Stankiewicz-Wiechno:
A Dictionary of Some Basic Notions of Net Theory.
519-531 BibTeX
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by Michael Ley (