
Enric Mayol

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20 Rafael Silveira, Joan Pastor, Enric Mayol: Towards a Method for Enterprise Information Systems Integration. ICEIS (1) 2008: 349-354
19EEXavier Franch, Gemma Grau, Enric Mayol, Carme Quer, Claudia P. Ayala, Carlos Cares, Fredy Navarrete, Mariela Haya, Pere Botella: Systematic Construction of I* Strategic Dependency Models for Socio-technical Systems. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 17(1): 79-106 (2007)
18EECarlos Cares, Xavier Franch, Enric Mayol: Using Antimodels to Define Agents' Strategy. CLIMA VII 2006: 284-293
17EECarlos Cares, Xavier Franch, Enric Mayol, Enrique Alvarez: Goal-Driven Agent-Oriented Software Processes. EUROMICRO-SEAA 2006: 336-347
16EECarlos Cares, Xavier Franch, Enric Mayol: Perspectives about Paradigms in Software Engineering. PhiSE 2006
15EECarlos Cares, Xavier Franch, Enric Mayol: Extending Tropos for a Prolog Implementation: A Case Study Using the Food Collecting Agent Problem. CLIMA VI 2005: 396-405
14 Gemma Grau, Xavier Franch, Enric Mayol, Claudia P. Ayala, Carlos Cares, Mariela Haya, Fredy Navarrete, Pere Botella, Carme Quer: RiSD: A Methodology for Building i-Strategic Dependency Models. SEKE 2005: 259-266
13 Claudia P. Ayala, Carlos Cares, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Gemma Grau, Mariela Haya, Guadalupe Salazar, Xavier Franch, Enric Mayol, Carme Quer: A Comparative Analysis of i*-Based Agent-Oriented Modeling Languages. SEKE 2005: 43-50
12EEMariela Haya, Xavier Franch, Enric Mayol: Uso de los Diagramas de Actividades UML Y el Lenguage i* Modelado del Proceso de Implantacion del Balanced Scorecard. WER 2004: 88-99
11EEEnric Mayol, Ernest Teniente: Consistency preserving updates in deductive databases. Data Knowl. Eng. 47(1): 61-103 (2003)
10EEEnric Mayol, Ernest Teniente: Dealing with Modification Requests During View Updating and Integrity Constraint Maintenance. FoIKS 2000: 192-212
9EEJohn F. Roddick, Lina Al-Jadir, Leopoldo E. Bertossi, Marlon Dumas, Florida Estrella, Heidi Gregersen, Kathleen Hornsby, Jens Lufter, Federica Mandreoli, Tomi Männistö, Enric Mayol, Lex Wedemeijer: Evolution and Change in Data Management - Issues and Directions. SIGMOD Record 29(1): 21-25 (2000)
8EEEnric Mayol, Ernest Teniente: Addressing Efficiency Issues During the Process of Integrity Maintenance. DEXA 1999: 270-281
7EEEnric Mayol, Ernest Teniente: A Survey of Current Methods for Integrity Constraint Maintenance and View Updating. ER (Workshops) 1999: 62-73
6 Enric Mayol, Joan Antoni Pastor, Ernest Teniente, Toni Urpí, Carles Farré: Integrated Treatment of Updates in Deductive Databases: the FOLRE Project (extended abstract). JIDBD 1998: 3-10
5 Enric Mayol, Ernest Teniente: Structuring the Process of Integrity Maintenance. DEXA 1997: 262-275
4 Enric Mayol, Joan Antoni Pastor, Ernest Teniente, Toni Urpí: FOLRE: A Deductive Database System for the Integrated Treatment of Updates. Rules in Database Systems 1997: 35-50
3 Ernest Teniente, Carles Farré, Carme Martín, Enric Mayol, Joan Antoni Pastor, Jaume Sistac, Toni Urpí: FOLRE: Un sistema papa et tratamiento integrado de actualizaciones en bases de datos. JIDBD 1996: 132-141
2 Enric Mayol, Ernest Teniente: Incorporating Modification Requests in Updating Consistent Knowledge Bases. DAISD 1993: 335-359
1 Enric Mayol, Maria-Ribera Sancho, Jaume Sistac: The Odissea Project: An Environment for the Development of Information Systems from DCM. DAISD 1992: 17-47

Coauthor Index

1Lina Al-Jadir [9]
2Enrique Alvarez [17]
3Claudia P. Ayala [13] [14] [19]
4Leopoldo E. Bertossi [9]
5Pere Botella [14] [19]
6Carlos Cares [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
7Juan Pablo Carvallo [13]
8Marlon Dumas [9]
9Florida Estrella [9]
10Carles Farré [3] [6]
11Xavier Franch [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
12Gemma Grau [13] [14] [19]
13Heidi Gregersen [9]
14Mariela Haya [12] [13] [14] [19]
15Kathleen Stewart Hornsby (Kathleen Hornsby) [9]
16Jens Lufter [9]
17Federica Mandreoli [9]
18Tomi Männistö [9]
19Carme Martín [3]
20Fredy Navarrete [14] [19]
21Joan Pastor [20]
22Joan Antoni Pastor (Joan Antoni Pastor-Collado) [3] [4] [6]
23Carme Quer [13] [14] [19]
24John F. Roddick [9]
25Guadalupe Salazar [13]
26Maria-Ribera Sancho [1]
27Rafael Silveira [20]
28Jaume Sistac [1] [3]
29Ernest Teniente [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
30Toni Urpí [3] [4] [6]
31Lex Wedemeijer [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)