30th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, December 5-10, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Proceedings.
Computer Measurement Group 2004 BibTeX
- Nalini J. Elkins:
TCP/IP Chargeback to Enforce Performance Targets.
1-8 BibTeX
- Denise P. Kalm:
Perception is Reality - The Psychology of Performance Management.
9-16 BibTeX
- Yong-Soo Kim:
Performance Metrics in IT Operation Outsourcing.
17-24 BibTeX
- Michael D. Maddox:
A Performance Process Maturity Model.
25-36 BibTeX
- Fabio Massimo Ottaviani:
CMG-Italia Best Paper: 7 Deadly Sins in WLC.
37-46 BibTeX
- David F. Redinbaugh:
A Methodology for Tracking Capital Spending for IT.
47-52 BibTeX
- Larry Reeve:
Adapting the TileBar Interface for Visualizing Resource Usage.
53-58 BibTeX
- Jerry L. Rosenberg:
Service Management - The ITIL Framework.
59-66 BibTeX
- David Rowley:
Utility Pricing - Software Licensing Strategies for an On Demand World.
67-78 BibTeX
- Michael A. Salsburg:
Self-Aware Business Processes.
79-86 BibTeX
- Susan Schreitmueller:
AIX Best Practices.
87-98 BibTeX
- Annie W. Shum, Jeffrey P. Buzen:
"Journeying to the Land of On-Demand: Principles to Follow, Pitfalls to Avoid".
99-110 BibTeX
- John H. Silver:
Asset Management as a Prerequisite for Capacity Planning.
111-114 BibTeX
- John H. Silver:
Why Develop a Storage Strategy?
115-118 BibTeX
- Christopher P. Strasser:
Evaluating IT Management Practice.
119-126 BibTeX
- M. Welch, Chris P. Schreck:
Software Licensing Cost Reduction Strategies for Large Mainframe Environments.
127-130 BibTeX
- Elaine Weston:
UK CMG Best Paper: Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning & Management.
131-136 BibTeX
- Yiping Ding:
Performance Impact of Load Balancers on Server Farms.
137-148 BibTeX
- Neil J. Gunther:
Linux Load Average Revealed.
149-160 BibTeX
- James Holtman:
Using a Discrete Simulation Tool for Modeling.
161-172 BibTeX
- David McGuinness, Liam Murphy, Andrew Lee:
Issues in Developing a Simulation Model of an EJB Application Server.
173-182 BibTeX
- Christopher A. Newland:
Projecting Large Scale Deployments with Multiple Year Rollouts.
183-194 BibTeX
- Tom A. Thompson:
Optimize Server Consolidations with End-to-End Modeling.
195-202 BibTeX
- Judson Veazey, Blaine Gaither, Larry J. Thayer:
More CPUs or more DIMMs? Finding the Optimal Balance between System Components.
203-214 BibTeX
- Lloyd G. Williams, Connie U. Smith:
Web Application Scalability: A Model-Based Approach.
215-226 BibTeX
- Jorge D. Xifra:
Performance Analysis: Converting Data Into Information Using One Simple Statistic Function.
227-238 BibTeX
- Bernard Domanski, Robert J. Domanski:
Configuration and Deployment of a Residential Web Server.
239-260 BibTeX
- Jozo J. Dujmovic, Zoran Avramov:
A Network Benchmark for the .NET Framework.
261-272 BibTeX
- Félix Hernández-Campos, F. Donelson Smith, Kevin Jeffay:
Generating Realistic TCP Workloads.
273-284 BibTeX
- David Konz:
A White Box Look at the Performance of 802.11 Wireless and its Variants.
285-302 BibTeX
- Sidney W. Soberman:
Web Bandwidth Management using Homemade Tools and Freeware.
303-310 BibTeX
- Nikhil Venugopal, Gaurav Caprihan:
Network Bandwidth Estimations Based on Use-Case Scenarios.
311-316 BibTeX
- Werner Vogels:
Web Services Are Not Distributed Objects.
317-324 BibTeX
- Geoff Adams:
CMG Australia Best Paper: VTS : 'What's Happening'- An Implementation Case Study.
325-344 BibTeX
- Robert Andresen:
Monitoring Linux with Native Tools.
345-354 BibTeX
- Joseph L. Babcock:
Care and Feeding of SMF in the Large System Environment.
355-364 BibTeX
- Thomas Bodenheimer:
DB2 Performance Monitoring using Snapshots.
365-372 BibTeX
- Giuseppe Cassone, Giacomo Giannini, Antonio Picca, Andrea Pinnola:
Performance Integration: from Development to Delivery All at Once.
373-382 BibTeX
- Robert E. Chaney:
"DB2 DDF, Life in the Fast Lane".
383-388 BibTeX
- James Cusick, Terry Welch:
Developing and Applying a Distributed Systems Performance Approach for a Web Platform.
389-398 BibTeX
- Andrew S. Duffen:
Managing All of Your Application's Servers From a Single Web Page.
399-406 BibTeX
- Pierre M. Fiorini, Yiping Ding:
The Performance Impact of Security Attacks on Enterprise Computing Systems.
407-418 BibTeX
- Rich Fronheiser:
"Too Many Servers, Not Enough Eyes (or - Where Did All These Servers Come From?!?)".
419-428 BibTeX
- Richard L. Gimarc, Amy C. Spellmann, James Reynolds:
Moving Beyond Test and Guess - Using Modeling with Load Testing to Improve Web Application Readiness.
429-440 BibTeX
- Adam Grummitt:
Corporate Performance Management as a Pragmatic Process in an ITIL World..
441-452 BibTeX
- Curtis E. Hrischuk:
Capacity Planning of Voice Response Middleware.
453-464 BibTeX
- Len Jejer, Raymond J. Smith:
WLM - Our Experiences Implementing Goals By Online Transaction Response Time.
465-472 BibTeX
- Mark W. Johnson:
Monitoring and Diagnosing Applications with ARM 4.0.
473-484 BibTeX
- Ronald R. Kaminski:
Automating Workload Characterization by Policy.
485-496 BibTeX
- William S. Keezer:
IT Web Reporting: All Things to All People.
497-504 BibTeX
- Richard Kephart:
The Job You Save.
505-512 BibTeX
- Jaqui Lynch:
Planning for Partitioned AIX Systems.
513-520 BibTeX
- Daniel A. Menascé, Emiliano Casalicchio:
Quality of Service Aspects and Metrics In Grid Computing.
521-532 BibTeX
- Linwood Merritt:
Seeing the Forest AND the Trees: Capacity Planning for a Large Number of Servers.
533-540 BibTeX
- Linwood Merritt:
A Finger in the Wind: Forecasting Techniques for Capacity Planning.
541-548 BibTeX
- Chris L. Molloy:
Best Practices for Server Virtualization.
549-554 BibTeX
- Rich Olcott:
Shared Disk in a Distributed Storage Environment - A Drag on Performance.
555-564 BibTeX
- Insung Park:
Event Tracing for Windows: Best Practices.
565-574 BibTeX
- Alexandre Polozoff:
Performance Testing Protocol.
575-584 BibTeX
- David F. Pultorak:
Service Level Management: More Than Just SLAs.
585-596 BibTeX
- Richard S. Ralston:
"z/Series, Sub Capacity Workload License Charges, Soft-Caps, and WLM".
597-612 BibTeX
- Russell A. Rogers:
Ubiquitous Data Collection in a Large Distributed Environment.
613-624 BibTeX
- Anthony J. Ruberry:
z/OS Performance Management in the Real World.
625-636 BibTeX
- Scott B. Small:
Supersizing Capacity and Performance.
637-646 BibTeX
- Yefim Somin:
Workload Characterization for Websphere Application Server.
647-656 BibTeX
- Shanti Subramanyam:
Principles of Good Benchmark Construction.
657-666 BibTeX
- Douglas A. Tapscott:
UNIX Update and Compile Performance Resolution.
667-670 BibTeX
- Igor A. Trubin, Linwood Merritt:
"Mainframe Global and Workload Level Statistical Exception Detection System, Based on MASF".
671-678 BibTeX
- Mike Tsykin, James P. Bouhana:
Beyond Thresholds: New Directions in QoS Monitoring and Alerting.
679-688 BibTeX
- Robert D. van der Mei, Bart Gijsen, Pieter J. Meulenhoff:
Overload Control for Web Services: Web Admission Control.
689-696 BibTeX
- Robert D. van der Mei, Bart Gijsen, Marcel Harkema:
Performance of Middleware-based Service Architectures: a Quantitative Approach.
697-702 BibTeX
- Baoning Wu, Brian D. Davison:
Implementing an Evaluation Architecture for Web Proxies.
703-714 BibTeX
- James A. Yaple:
A Practical Implementation of Guerrrilla Monitoring.
715-722 BibTeX
- David Carter:
ARMing Apache.
723-726 BibTeX
- Claire S. Cates:
Where's Waldo: Uncovering Hard-to-Find Application Killers.
727-740 BibTeX
- Claire S. Cates:
How's Your Memory?
741-750 BibTeX
- Carl J. De Pasquale:
Collecting Java Performance Measurements Using Byte Code Engineering.
751-764 BibTeX
- Marc J. Fleury:
Professional Open Source and the Future of JBoss.
765-774 BibTeX
- Thomas A. Halinski:
Performance Improvements from the "Things I Wish They'd Told Me 8 Years Ago" - Visualized.
775-790 BibTeX
- James Holtman:
The Use of "R" for System Performance Analysis.
791-802 BibTeX
- Peter Johnson:
How's My Performance? Dial 1-800-I-AM-FAST.
803-808 BibTeX
- Peter Johnson:
Java Garbage Collection Statistical Analysis 101.
809-820 BibTeX
- Henry H. Liu, Pat V. Crain:
An Analytic Model for Predicting the Performance of SOA-Based Enterprise Software Applications.
821-832 BibTeX
- Serg Mescheryakov:
Performance Comparison of Various Hierarchical Structures in Database Systems.
833-842 BibTeX
- Fred M. Richards Jr., Robert N. Will:
Performance Engineering throughout the Software Life Cycle.
843-852 BibTeX
- Connie U. Smith, Lloyd G. Williams:
Introduction to Software Performance Engineering.
853-864 BibTeX
- H. Pat Artis:
Understanding the Differences between z900 and z990 Service Time Measurements.
865-870 BibTeX
- Frank M. Bereznay, Shana J. Bereznay:
Reporting on I/O Configurations using RMF Data: Connecting the Logical to the Physical.
871-880 BibTeX
- Mark B. Friedman:
A Simplified Approach to Windows Disk Tuning.
881-892 BibTeX
- Kathleen N. Hodge:
Disaster Recovery is a Snap.
893-906 BibTeX
- Randy Kerns:
iSCSI - Understanding the Issues.
907-912 BibTeX
- Chao Li, Li-Zhu Zhou, Chun-Xiao Xing:
A Multi-tiered Model for Performance Analysis of Storage Area Network.
913-922 BibTeX
- Charles T. McGavin Jr., Anthony G. Mungal:
ESCON to FICON Migration Planning.
923-932 BibTeX
- Bruce McNutt:
SAN Virtualization Layout and Performance.
933-940 BibTeX
- Prem Mehra, Art Ullman:
SQL Server 2000 and Large Storage Deployment.
941-948 BibTeX
- Joel B. Motzny, Jeffry A. Smith:
Establishing an Open Systems Storage Strategy for your Company.
949-956 BibTeX
- Alan Phelan, William Z. Zahavi:
"Application Performance has Significantly Degraded, It Must be the I/O Subsystem, Please Upgrade It!".
957-966 BibTeX
- Robert Rogers:
"Business Process Mapping, Data Classification, and Service Level Objectives".
967-974 BibTeX
- Michael A. Salsburg:
Is a PetaByte More Than We Can Chew?
975-982 BibTeX
- Greg P. Schulz:
Performance and Capacity Planning Basics for Storage Networks V2.0.
983-988 BibTeX
- Xianneng Shen, Clark MacDonald, Randy Taylor:
Study of Linux I/O Performance Characteristics for Volume Managers on an Intel Xeon Server.
989-998 BibTeX
- Brian J. Smith, John G. Aschoff, Stefan Jaquet:
A Performance Advisor for Storage Provisioning.
999-1004 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:02:32 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)