
Linwood Merritt

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18 Linwood Merritt: Using Business Growth Information in Capacity Planning Forecasts. Int. CMG Conference 2008: 627-632
17 Linwood Merritt: Closing the Gaps - Understanding Capacity Summarization. Int. CMG Conference 2005: 273-280
16 Linwood Merritt: Seeing the Forest AND the Trees: Capacity Planning for a Large Number of Servers. Int. CMG Conference 2004: 533-540
15 Linwood Merritt: A Finger in the Wind: Forecasting Techniques for Capacity Planning. Int. CMG Conference 2004: 541-548
14 Igor A. Trubin, Linwood Merritt: "Mainframe Global and Workload Level Statistical Exception Detection System, Based on MASF". Int. CMG Conference 2004: 671-678
13 Igor A. Trubin, Linwood Merritt: Disk Subsystem Capacity Management, Based on Business Drivers, I/O Performance Metrics and MASF. Int. CMG Conference 2003: 359-368
12 Linwood Merritt: A Capacity Planning Partnership with the Business. Int. CMG Conference 2002: 155-160
11 Linwood Merritt: Reporting Data Processing Availability. Int. CMG Conference 2001: 663-670
10 Linwood Merritt: Capacity Planning for the New Workloads. Int. CMG Conference 2001: 877-886
9 Linwood Merritt: Focus on the End-User in the New Data Processing Environment. Int. CMG Conference 1999: 523-529
8 Linwood Merritt: Web-Based Capacity and Availability Reporting. Int. CMG Conference 1999: 709-715
7 Linwood Merritt: Getting to Goal Mode. Int. CMG Conference 1998: 166-171
6 Linwood Merritt: From the Server to the Intranet: Automating the Collection and Reporting of Enterprise Performance Data. Int. CMG Conference 1997: 1102-1111
5 Linwood Merritt: Introduction To Capacity Management Techniques. Int. CMG Conference 1996: 131-135
4 Linwood Merritt: Storing And Using Performance Data From Multiple Platforms. Int. CMG Conference 1996: 554-559
3 Linwood Merritt: Batch Window Management Using Critical Path Analysis. Int. CMG Conference 1995: 834-840
2 Linwood Merritt: Extending Capacity Management To UNIX And Other Platforms. Int. CMG Conference 1995: 967-977
1 Linwood Merritt: Upgrading the Capacity Planning Process. Int. CMG Conference 1991: 908-912

Coauthor Index

1Igor A. Trubin [13] [14]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)