
William Z. Zahavi

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9 Alan Phelan, William Z. Zahavi: "Application Performance has Significantly Degraded, It Must be the I/O Subsystem, Please Upgrade It!". Int. CMG Conference 2004: 957-966
8 William Z. Zahavi: Standards for an IO Benchmark. Int. CMG Conference 1999: 336-345
7 William Z. Zahavi: The World According to a Storage System. Int. CMG Conference 1998: 664-674
6 William Z. Zahavi: Modeling The Performance Budget - A Case Study. Int. CMG Conference 1995: 373-383
5 William Z. Zahavi: Capacity Planning/Needs Analysis - The Economy Version. Int. CMG Conference 1991: 884-890
4 William Z. Zahavi, Frances A. Habib, Kenneth J. Omahen: Tools and Techniques for Preliminary Sizing of Transaction Processing Applications. Digital Technical Journal 3(1): 0- (1991)
3 William Z. Zahavi: A First Approximation Sizing Technique - The I/O Operation as a Metric of CPU Power. Int. CMG Conference 1990: 610-619
2 Linda S. Wright, Walter H. Kohler, William Z. Zahavi: The Digital DebitCredit Benchmark: Methodology and Results. Int. CMG Conference 1989: 84-92
1 William Z. Zahavi, James P. Bouhana: Business-Level Description of Transaction Processing Applications. Int. CMG Conference 1988: 720-726

Coauthor Index

1James P. Bouhana [1]
2Frances A. Habib [4]
3Walter H. Kohler [2]
4Kenneth J. Omahen [4]
5Alan Phelan [9]
6Linda S. Wright [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)