1. CANPC 1997:
San Antonio,
Dhabaleswar K. Panda, Craig B. Stunkel (Eds.):
Communication and Architectural Support for Network-Based Parallel Computing, First International Workshop, CANPC '97, San Antonio, Texas, USA, February 1-2, 1997, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1199 Springer 1997, ISBN 3-540-62573-9 BibTeX
editor = {Dhabaleswar K. Panda and
Craig B. Stunkel},
title = {Communication and Architectural Support for Network-Based Parallel
Computing, First International Workshop, CANPC '97, San Antonio,
Texas, USA, February 1-2, 1997, Proceedings},
booktitle = {CANPC},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1199},
year = {1997},
isbn = {3-540-62573-9},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Al Davis, Mark R. Swanson, Michael Parker:
Efficient Communication Mechanisms for Cluster Based Parallel Computing.
1-15 BibTeX
- Stefanos N. Damianakis, Cezary Dubnicki, Edward W. Felten:
Stream Sockets on SHRIMP.
16-30 BibTeX
- David C. DiNucci:
A Simple and Efficient Process and Communication Abstraction for Network Operating Systems.
31-45 BibTeX
- Federico Silla, Manuel P. Malumbres, Antonio Robles, Pedro López, José Duato:
Efficient Adaptive Routing in Networks of Workstations with Irregular Topology.
46-60 BibTeX
- Bülent Abali:
A Deadlock Avoidance Method for Computer Networks.
61-72 BibTeX
- Jonathan S. Turner:
Extending ATM Networks for Efficient Reliable Multicast.
73-87 BibTeX
- Manolis Katevenis, Panagiota Vatsolaki, Dimitrios N. Serpanos, Evangelos P. Markatos:
ATLAS: A Single-Chip ATM Switch for NOWs.
88-101 BibTeX
- Bozhidar Dimitrov, Vernon Rego:
Arachne: A Portable Threads Library Supporting Migrant Threads on Heterogeneous Network Farms.
102-114 BibTeX
- Shik Kim, Muyong Hyun, Sangjo Lee:
Transparent Treatment of Remote Pointers Using IPC Primitive in RPC Systems.
115-129 BibTeX
- P. Marenzoni, Giovanni Rimassa, Massimo Bertozzi, Gianni Conte, Pietro Rossi:
An Operating System Support to Low-Overhead Communications in NOW Clusters.
130-143 BibTeX
- Jordan Bonney, Ranga S. Ramanujan, Atiq Ahamad, Siddhartha Takkella, Kenneth J. Thurber:
Distributed Hardware Support for Process Synchronization in NSM Workstation Clusters.
144-157 BibTeX
- Knut Omang:
Synchronization Support in I/O Adapter Based SCI Clusters.
158-172 BibTeX
- Maher Kaddoura:
Load Balancing for Regular Data-Parallel Applications on Workstation Network.
173-183 BibTeX
- Henri E. Bal, Rutger F. H. Hofman, Kees Verstoep:
A Comparison of Three High Speed Networks for Parallel Cluster Computing.
184-197 BibTeX
- Wagner Meira Jr., Thomas J. LeBlanc, Nikos Hardavellas, Claudio Luis de Amorim:
Understanding the Performance of DSM Applications.
198-211 BibTeX
- Natawut Nupairoj, Lionel M. Ni:
Performance Metrics and Measurement Techniques of Collective Communication Services.
212-226 BibTeX
- Juan Carlos Gomez, Vernon Rego, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
CLAM: Connection-less, Lightweight, and Multiway Communication Support for Distributed Computing.
227-240 BibTeX
- Hiroyuki Yamashita, Toshihiko Suguri, Shingo Kinoshita, Yasushi Okada:
Network-wide Cooperative Computing Architecture (NCCA).
241-255 BibTeX
- Nikos Chrisochoides, Induprakas Kodukula, Keshav Pingali:
Data Movement and Control Substrate for Parallel Scientific Computing.
256-268 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:00:21 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)