ACM SIGMOD Anthology Volume 6, List of Authors 
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
Ackerman, Mark S.
  Augmenting Organizational Memory: A Field Study of Answer Garden TOIS 16(3)

Afsarmanesh, Hamideh
  The 3DIS: An Extensible Object-Oriented Information Management Environment TOIS 7(4)

Aggarwal, Charu C.
  On the design of a learning crawler for topical resource discovery TOIS 19(3)

Agichtein, Eugene
  Learning to find answers to questions on the Web TOIT 4(2)

Ahlsen, Matts
  An Architecture for Object Management in OIS TOIS 2(3)

Aiken, Milam W.
  Integrating Expert Systems with Group Decision Support Systems TOIS 9(1)

Akiyama, Toyokazu
  Design and Implementation of DB-MAN Alpha: Does Database Migration Work Well in a Real Environment? ADC 2002

Al-Garawi, Fatima
  On the design of a learning crawler for topical resource discovery TOIS 19(3)

Alasuvanto, Jari
  Distributed Form Management TOIS 8(1)

Allen, Robert B.
  A New Name - ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Editorial TOIS 7(1)
  Computer-Human Interaction and ACM TOIS - Editorial TOIS 9(2)
  Editorial TOIS 12(1)
  Details of Command-Language Keystrokes TOIS 1(2)

Alvisi, Lorenzo
  Engineering web cache consistency TOIT 2(3)

Amagasa, Toshiyuki
  XRel: a path-based approach to storage and retrieval of XML documents using relational databases TOIT 1(1)
  A Path-based Relational RDF Database ADC 2005

Amati, Gianni
  Probabilistic models of information retrieval based on measuring the divergence from randomness TOIS 20(4)

Amato, Giuseppe
  Region proximity in metric spaces and its use for approximate similarity search TOIS 21(2)

Amiri, Ali
  Efficient scheduling of Internet banner advertisements TOIT 3(4)

Ammann, Art
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

An, Jiyuan
  The Complex Polyhedra Technique: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Space ADC 2002

Anderson, Kenneth M.
  Chimera: hypermedia for heterogeneous software development enviroments TOIS 18(3)

Andler, Sten
  The COSIE Communication Subsystem: Support for Distributed Office Applications TOIS 2(2)

Andrade, Marcus Vinícius Alvim
  Improving Productivity and Quality of GIS Databases Design using an Analysis Pattern Catalog APCCM 2005

Anh, Vo Ngoc
  Improved Retrieval Effectiveness Through Impact Transformation ADC 2002
  Index Compression Using Fixed Binary Codewords ADC 2004

Anthony, Patricia
  Developing a bidding agent for multiple heterogeneous auctions TOIT 3(3)

Antonie, Maria-Luiza
  Classifying Text Documents by Associating Terms With Text Categories ADC 2002

Apté, Chidanand
  Automated Learning of Decision Rules for Text Categorization TOIS 12(3)

Arasu, Arvind
  Searching the Web TOIT 1(1)

Aridor, Yariv
  Knowledge encapsulation for focused search from pervasive devices TOIS 20(1)

Aritsugi, Masayoshi
  Performance Evaluation of Combining Data Migration and Method Migration in Object Database Environments ADC 2002

Arlitt, Martin F.
  Characterizing the scalability of a large web-based shopping system TOIT 1(1)

Arthur, Kevin W.
  Evaluating 3D Task Performance for Fish Tank Virtual Worlds TOIS 11(3)

Atzeni, Paolo
  Design and development of data-intensive web sites: The araneus approach TOIT 3(1)

Auramäki, Esa
  A Speech-Act-Based Office Modeling Approach TOIS 6(2)

Bachman, Charles W.
  An Interview of Charles W. Bachman, Conducted by Thomas Haigh, Sep. 25-26 2004
  DBTG Report, October 1969
  Commentary on the CODASYL Systems Committee's interim report on distributed database technology

Baeza-Yates, Ricardo A.
  Proximal Nodes: A Model to Query Document Databases by Content and Structure TOIS 15(4)
  Fast and flexible word searching on compressed text TOIS 18(2)

Bahle, Dirk
  Fast phrase querying with combined indexes TOIS 22(4)

Bailey, James
  Transformation and Reaction Rules for Data on the Web ADC 2005
  Static Analysis of XSLT Programs ADC 2004

Bailey Jr., Andrew D.
  An OIS Model for Internal Accounting Control Evaluation TOIS 1(1)

Ballard, Bruce W.
  LDC-1: A Transportable, Knowledge-Based Natural Language Processor for Office Environments TOIS 2(1)

Ballou, Nat
  A Distributed Object-Oriented Database System Supporting Shared and Private Databases TOIS 9(1)
  Data Model Issues for Object-Oriented Applications TOIS 5(1)

Banerjee, Jay
  Data Model Issues for Object-Oriented Applications TOIS 5(1)

Bansler, Jorgen P.
  A Reappraisal of Structured Analysis: Design in an Organizational Context TOIS 11(2)

Barber, Gerald
  Supporting Organizational Problem Solving with a Work Station TOIS 1(1)

Barber, Susanna
  Channel Selection and Effective Communication for Managerial Decision Making TOIS 2(2)

Barbic, Federico
  C-TODOS: An Automatic Tool for Office System Conceptual Design TOIS 7(4)

Barg, Michael
  Cooperative Query Answering for Semistructured Data ADC 2003

Barga, Roger S.
  Recovery guarantees for Internet applications TOIT 4(3)

Barnes, Vincent
  Cursor Movement during Text Editing TOIS 3(1)

Barta, Robert A.
  The tau Model, Formalizing Topic Maps APCCM 2005

Batchelor, Richard E.
  DBTG Report, October 1969

Beech, David
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Begeman, Michael L.
  gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Exploratory Policy Discussion TOIS 6(4)

Belussi, Alberto
  Self-Spacial Join Selectivity Estimation Using Fractal Concepts TOIS 16(2)

Benatallah, Boualem
  A Petri Net-based Model for Web Service Composition ADC 2003
  Dynamic Restructuring of Recovery Nets ADC 2005
  A Collaborative Approach for Caching Dynamic Data in Portal Applications ADC 2004

Benjamin, Robert I.
  Projecting Demand for Electronic Communications in Automated Offices TOIS 1(3)

Bennett, William
  ITS: A Tool for Rapidly Developing Interactive Applications TOIS 8(3)

Berger, Helmut
  An Adaptive Information Retrieval System Based on Associative Networks APCCM 2004
  Improving Domain Ontologies by Mining Semantics from Text APCCM 2004

Berghel, Hal
  An Extension of Ukkonen's Enhanced Dynamic Programming ASM Algorithm TOIS 14(1)

Beriss, I. Marvin
  DBTG Report, October 1969

Berry, Daniel M.
  DITROFF/FFORTID, An Adaptation of the UNIX DITROFF for Formatting Bidirectional Text TOIS 3(4)

Bertino, Elisa
  A Flexible Authorization Mechanism for Relational Data Management Systems TOIS 17(2)
  Query Processing in a Multimedia Document System TOIS 6(1)
  A hierarchical access control model for video database systems TOIS 21(2)

Besen, Stanley M.
  Evaluating the competitive effects of mergers of internet backbone providers TOIT 2(3)

Bharat, Krishna
  When experts agree: using non-affiliated experts to rank popular topics TOIS 20(1)

Bier, Eric A.
  EmbeddedButtons: Supporting Buttons in Documents TOIS 10(4)

Biermann, Alan W.
  An Imperative Sentence Processor for Voice Interactive Office Applications TOIS 3(4)

Bigi, Brigitte
  An information-theoretic approach to automatic query expansion TOIS 19(1)

Bikson, Tora K.
  Work Group Structures and Computer Support: A Field Experiment TOIS 6(4)

Billerbeck, Bodo
  Questioning Query Expansion: An Examination of Behaviour and Parameters ADC 2004

Binemann-Zdanowicz, Aleksander
  Context-Aware Web Information Systems APCCM 2004

Bird, Linda
  UML and XML Schema ADC 2002

Björnerstedt, Anders
  An Architecture for Object Management in OIS TOIS 2(3)

Blake, G. Elizabeth
  Shortening the OED: Experience with a Grammar-Defined Database TOIS 10(3)

Blose, Charles R.
  DBTG Report, October 1969

Blumenthal, Marjory S.
  Rethinking the design of the Internet: the end-to-end arguments vs. the brave new world TOIT 1(1)

Bobrow, Daniel G.
  WYSIWIS Revised: Early Experiences with Multiuser Interfaces TOIS 5(2)

Bødker, Keld
  A Reappraisal of Structured Analysis: Design in an Organizational Context TOIS 11(2)

Bodoff, David
  Relevance models to help estimate document and query parameters TOIS 22(3)

Bohte, Sander M.
  Market-based recommendation: Agents that compete for consumer attention TOIT 4(4)

Boies, Stephen J.
  Human Factors Challenges in Creating a Principal Support Office System - The Speech Filing System Approach TOIS 1(4)
  ITS: A Tool for Rapidly Developing Interactive Applications TOIS 8(3)

Bolchini, Cristiana
  Logical and physical design issues for smart card databases TOIS 21(3)

Bollmann, Peter
  A Critical Investigation of Recall and Precision as Measures of Retrieval System Performance TOIS 7(3)

Bolmarcich, Anthony
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

Boman, Magnus
  Agent trade servers in financial exchange systems TOIT 4(3)

Bommel, Patrick van
  Transformation selection for aptness-based web retrieval ADC 2005

Bond, Gregory W.
  An open architecture for next-generation telecommunication services TOIT 4(1)

Boneh, Dan
  Fine-grained control of security capabilities TOIT 4(1)

Bookstein, Abraham
  Storing Text Retrieval Systems on CD-ROM: Compression and Encryption Considerations TOIS 7(3)
  Compression, Information Theory, and Grammars: A Unified Approach TOIS 8(1)
  Modeling Word Occurrences for the Compression of Concordances TOIS 15(3)

Booth, Kellogg S.
  Evaluating 3D Task Performance for Fish Tank Virtual Worlds TOIS 11(3)

Borgida, Alexander
  Telos: Representing Knowledge About Information Systems TOIS 8(4)

Borning, Alan
  A Prototype Electronic Encyclopedia TOIS 3(1)

Borsack, Julie
  Evaluation of Model-Based Retrieval Effectiveness with OCR Text TOIS 14(1)

Botafogo, Rodrigo A.
  Structural Analysis of Hypertexts: Identifying Hierarchies and Useful Metrics TOIS 10(2)

Boukottaya, Aida
  Automating XML document Transformations: A conceptual modelling based approach APCCM 2004

Bowers, Shawn
  Putting Integrated Information in Context: Superimposing Conceptual Models with SPARCE APCCM 2004

Brabrand, Claus
  The <bigwig> project TOIT 2(2)

Bracchi, Giampio
  The Design Requirements of Office Systems TOIS 2(2)

Brafman, Ronen I.
  Qualitative decision making in adaptive presentation of structured information TOIS 22(4)

Braumandl, Reinhard
  Quality of service in an information economy TOIT 3(4)

Bray, Tim
  Shortening the OED: Experience with a Grammar-Defined Database TOIS 10(3)

Bressan, Stéphane
  Context Interchange: New Features and Formalisms for the Intelligent Integration of Information TOIS 17(3)

Brightman, Harvey J.
  Design Implications of a Task-Driven Approach to Unstructured Cognitive Tasks in Office Work TOIS 3(3)

Britts, Stefan
  An Architecture for Object Management in OIS TOIS 2(3)

Brotz, Douglas K.
  Message System Mores: Etiquette in Laurel TOIS 1(2)

Brown, Polly S.
  An Experimental Study of People Creating Spreadsheets TOIS 5(3)

Bruns, Tom
  Interface and Data Architecture for Query Preview in Networked Information Systems TOIS 17(3)

Bruza, Peter
  Application of aboutness to functional benchmarking in information retrieval TOIS 19(4)

Bryson, G. C.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Brzakovic, Dragana
  Evaluation of an Algorithm for Finding a Match of a Distorted Texture Pattern in a Large Image Database TOIS 16(1)

Buchman, Cary
  DITROFF/FFORTID, An Adaptation of the UNIX DITROFF for Formatting Bidirectional Text TOIS 3(4)

Buckley, Chris
  A Probabilistic Learning Approach for Document Indexing TOIS 9(3)

Bui, Tung X.
  Communications Design for Co-oP: A Group Decision Support System TOIS 4(2)

Bulterman, Dick C. A.
  Embedded Video in Hypermedia Documents: Supporting Integration and Adaptive Control TOIS 13(4)

Burakreis, Turgut I.
  DBTG Report, October 1969

Butler, Michael
  A self-configuring and self-administering name system with dynamic address assignment TOIT 2(1)

Buyukkokten, Orkut
  Efficient web browsing on handheld devices using page and form summarization TOIS 20(1)

Byers, Simon
  Defending against an Internet-based attack on the physical world TOIT 4(3)

Cabarrus, Cyrano Ruiz
  Hyperdocuments as Automata: Verification of Trace-Based Browsing Properties by Model Checking TOIS 16(1)

Cahoon, Brendon
  Evaluating the performance of distributed architectures for information retrieval using a variety of workloads TOIS 18(1)

Calado, Pável
  Local versus global link information in the Web TOIS 21(1)

Callan, James P.
  Query-based sampling of text databases TOIS 19(2)

Callan, Jamie
  A semisupervised learning method to merge search engine results TOIS 21(4)

Campagnoni, F. R.
  Information Retrieval Using a Hypertext-Based Help System TOIS 7(3)

Can, Fazli
  Incremental Clustering for Dynamic Information Processing TOIS 11(2)

Cannane, Adam
  A general-purpose compression scheme for large collections TOIS 20(3)

Cao, Jinli
  Formal Authorisation Allocation Approaches for Permission-role Assignment Using Relational Algebra Operations ADC 2003

Capra, Licia
  xlinkit: a consistency checking and smart link generation service TOIT 2(2)

Card, Stuart K.
  A Morphological Analysis of the Design Space of Input Devices TOIS 9(2)

Carmel, David
  Knowledge encapsulation for focused search from pervasive devices TOIS 20(1)

Carpineto, Claudio
  An information-theoretic approach to automatic query expansion TOIS 19(1)
  Improving retrieval feedback with multiple term-ranking function combination TOIS 20(3)

Carroll, John M.
  Getting Around the Task-Artifact Cycle: How to Make Claims and Design by Scenario TOIS 10(2)
  Learning to Use Word Processors: Problems and Prospects TOIS 1(3)

Carter, Belinda M.
  Customizing Internal Activity Behaviour for Flexible Process Enforcement ADC 2004

Carter, Mark
  Groupwork Close Up: A Comparison of the Group Design Process With and Without a Simple Group Editor TOIS 11(4)

Cate, H. P.
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Celentano, Augusto
  Document Retrieval in Office Environment: Knowledge Modelling and Browsing TOIS 13(3)

Chadha, Urvashi
  Incorporating Business Requirements and Constraints in Database Conceptual Model APCCM 2004

Chang, Edward Y.
  MEGA - the maximizing expected generalization algorithm for learning complex query concepts TOIS 21(4)

Chang, Elizabeth
  A semantic network-based design methodology for XML documents TOIS 20(4)

Chang, Kevin Chen-Chuan
  Predicate Rewriting for Translating Boolean Queries in a Heterogeneous Information System TOIS 17(1)

Chang, Man Kit
  A Speech-Act Negotiation Protocol: Design, Implementation, and Test Use TOIS 12(4)

Chang, Shi-Kuo
  A Knowledge-Based Message Management System TOIS 5(3)

Chen, Danny Z.
  Optimizing The Lazy DFA Approach for XML Stream Processing ADC 2004

Chen, Ding-Yi
  Determining the Fitness of a Document Model by Using Conflict Instances ADC 2005

Chen, G.
  On Deductive Database with Incomplete Information TOIS 13(3)

Chen, Hanxiong
  The Complex Polyhedra Technique: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Space ADC 2002

Chen, Hao
  Integrating geometrical and linguistic analysis for email signature block parsing TOIS 17(4)

Chen, Hsinchun
  The use of dynamic context to improve casual internet searching TOIS 21(3)
  Applying associative retrieval techniques to alleviate the sparsity problem in collaborative filtering TOIS 22(1)

Chen, Qi Fan
  Order-Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Functions and Information Retrieval TOIS 9(3)

Chen, Weidong
  Aggregate Predicate Support in DBMS ADC 2002

Chen, Xia
  Determining the Fitness of a Document Model by Using Conflict Instances ADC 2005

Cheng, Chun Hung
  Application of aboutness to functional benchmarking in information retrieval TOIS 19(4)

Cheow, Peng Yew
  Representing and Reasoning on XForms Document ADC 2004

Cherkasova, Ludmila
  Measuring and characterizing end-to-end Internet service performance TOIT 3(4)

Cheung, Eric
  An open architecture for next-generation telecommunication services TOIT 4(1)

Cheung, Waiman
  The Model-Assisted Global Query System for Multiple Databases in Distributed Enterprises TOIS 14(4)

Chien, Lee-Feng
  Anchor text mining for translation of Web queries: A transitive translation approach TOIS 22(2)

Chignell, Mark H.
  Knowledge-Based Search Tactics for an Intelligent Intermediary System TOIS 7(3)
  Virtual Reality for Palmtop Computers TOIS 11(3)

Chimera, Richard
  An Exploratory Evaluation of Three Interfaces for Browsing Large Hierarchical Tables of Contents TOIS 12(4)

Chiu, Chi-Huang
  Aggregate Predicate Support in DBMS ADC 2002

Cho, Junghoo
  Estimating frequency of change TOIT 3(3)
  Searching the Web TOIT 1(1)

Chou, Hong-Tai
  Data Model Issues for Object-Oriented Applications TOIS 5(1)

Choudhari, Ramesh
  Integrating Diverse Knowledge Sources in Text Recognition TOIS 1(1)

Choudhary, Rajiv
  A High-Level and Flexible Framework for Implementing Multiuser User Interfaces TOIS 10(4)

Chow, E. C.
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Chowdhury, Abdur
  Collection statistics for fast duplicate document detection TOIS 20(2)

Choy, David M.
  An Algebra for Structured Office Documents TOIS 7(2)

Christodoulakis, Stavros
  Signature Files: An Access Method for Documents and Its Analytical Performance Evaluation TOIS 2(4)
  Description and Performance Analysis of Signature File Methods for Office Filing TOIS 5(3)
  Message Files TOIS 1(1)
  Optimal Placement of High-Probability Randomly Retrieved Blocks on CLV Optical Discs TOIS 9(1)
  Multimedia Document Presentation, Information Extraction, and Document Formation in MINOS: A Model and a System TOIS 4(4)
  Principles of Delay-Sensitive Multimedia Data Storage and Retrieval TOIS 10(1)

Chua, Tat-Seng
  A Video Retrieval and Sequencing System TOIS 13(4)

Chun, Jonghun
  Automated Data Warehousing for Rule-based CRM Systems ADC 2003

Chute, Christopher G.
  An Example-Based Mapping Method for Text Categorization and Retrieval TOIS 12(3)

Ciaccia, Paolo
  Estimating Accesses in Partitioned Signature File Organizations TOIS 11(2)

Claessens, Joris
  (How) can mobile agents do secure electronic transactions on untrusted hosts? A survey of the security issues and the current solutions TOIT 3(1)

Clark, David D.
  Rethinking the design of the Internet: the end-to-end arguments vs. the brave new world TOIT 1(1)

Clarke, Charles L. A.
  Shortest-substring retrieval and ranking TOIS 18(1)

Claussen, Joanne S.
  Early user - system interaction for database selection in massive domain-specific online environments TOIS 21(1)

Clement, Andrew
  Evolution of an Organizational Interface: The New Business Department at a Large Insurance Firm TOIS 5(4)

Coane, M. A.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Cohen, Jonathan D.
  Recursive Hashing Functions for n-Grams TOIS 15(3)

Cohen, William W.
  Context-Sensitive Learning Methods for Text Categorization TOIS 17(2)
  Data integration using similarity joins and a word-based information representation language TOIS 18(3)

Cole, Linda
  An Experimental Evaluation of Property Precedence in Conceptual Modelling APCCM 2004

Colomb, Robert M.
  Using Ontologies to Index Conceptual Structures for Tendering Automation ADC 2002

Comai, Sara
  Computing graphical queries over XML data TOIS 19(4)

Condit, Allen
  Evaluation of Model-Based Retrieval Effectiveness with OCR Text TOIS 14(1)

Conklin, Jeff
  gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Exploratory Policy Discussion TOIS 6(4)

Connell, Margaret E.
  Query-based sampling of text databases TOIS 19(2)

Connors, Tim
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Conrad, Jack G.
  Early user - system interaction for database selection in massive domain-specific online environments TOIS 21(1)

Conrad, Stefan
  Relational.OWL - A Data and Schema Representation Format Based on OWL APCCM 2005

Conway, Matthew
  Lessons Learned from SUIT, the Simple User Interface Toolkit TOIS 10(4)

Cook, Peter
  Project Nick: Meetings Augmentation and Analysis TOIS 5(2)

Cookson, J.
  A Prototype System for the Electronic Storage and Retrieval of Document Images TOIS 3(3)

Cooley, Robert
  The use of web structure and content to identify subjectively interesting web usage patterns TOIT 3(2)

Coombs, James H.
  The Envoy Framework: An Open Architecture for Agents TOIS 10(3)

Cooper, Brian F.
  Peer-to-peer data trading to preserve information TOIS 20(2)

Cooper, William S.
  Some Inconsistencies and Misidentified Modeling Assumptions in Probabilistic Information Retrieval TOIS 13(1)

Cope, Jared
  Automated Discovery of Search Interfaces on the Web ADC 2003

Cormack, Gordon V.
  Shortest-substring retrieval and ranking TOIS 18(1)

Crane, Gregory
  Evaluating Hypermedia and Learning: Methods and Results from the Perseus Project TOIS 12(1)

Cranor, Lorrie Faith
  The architecture of robust publishing systems TOIT 1(2)

Craswell, Nick
  Query-independent evidence in home page finding TOIS 21(3)
  How Valuable is External Link Evidence When Searching Enterprise Webs? ADC 2004
  Automated Discovery of Search Interfaces on the Web ADC 2003
  Performance and Cost Tradeoffs in Web Search. ADC 2004

Crestani, Fabio
  A Study of Probability Kinematics in Information Retrieval TOIS 16(3)

Crimmins, Francis
  How Valuable is External Link Evidence When Searching Enterprise Webs? ADC 2004
  Performance and Cost Tradeoffs in Web Search. ADC 2004

Croft, W. Bruce
  Evaluation of an Inference Network-Based Retrieval Model TOIS 9(3)
  PIC matrices: a computationally tractable class of probabilistic query operators TOIS 17(4)
  Improving the effectiveness of information retrieval with local context analysis TOIS 18(1)
  Corpus-Based Stemming Using Cooccurrence of Word Cariants TOIS 16(1)
  Editorial TOIS 9(3)
  Task Support in an Office System TOIS 2(3)
  Implementing Ranking Strategies Using Text Signatures TOIS 6(1)
  Lexical Ambiguity and Information Retrieval TOIS 10(2)

Cui, Bin
  Diagonal Ordering: A New Approach to High-Dimensional KNN Processing ADC 2004
  Exploring Bit-Difference for Approximate KNN Search in High-dimensional Databases ADC 2005

Culnan, Mary J.
  The Dimensions of Accessibility to Online Information: Implications for Implementing Office Information Systems TOIS 2(2)

Dahlin, Michael
  Engineering web cache consistency TOIT 2(3)

Dalal, Yogen K.
  The Clearinghouse: A Decentralized Agent for Locating Named Objects in a Distributed Environment TOIS 1(3)

Damerau, Fred
  Automated Learning of Decision Rules for Text Categorization TOIS 12(3)
  Problems and Some Solutions in Customization of Natural Language Database Front Ends TOIS 3(2)

Damiani, Ernesto
  Computing graphical queries over XML data TOIS 19(4)

Dani, Anita
  Conceptual Modelling of Computations On Data Streams APCCM 2005

Dannenberg, Roger B.
  A Butler Process for Resource Sharing on Spice Machines TOIS 3(3)

Daoud, Amjad M.
  Order-Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Functions and Information Retrieval TOIS 9(3)

Davis, J. W.
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Davison, Jay W.
  A Visual Interface for a Database with Version Management TOIS 4(3)

DeLine, Robert
  Lessons Learned from SUIT, the Simple User Interface Toolkit TOIS 10(4)

Deerwester, Scott C.
  Storing Text Retrieval Systems on CD-ROM: Compression and Encryption Considerations TOIS 7(3)

Dekeyser, Stijn
  Conflict Scheduling of Transactions on XML Documents ADC 2004

Delcambre, Lois M. L.
  Putting Integrated Information in Context: Superimposing Conceptual Models with SPARCE APCCM 2004

Delis, Vasilis
  Approximate spatio-temporal retrieval TOIS 19(1)

Delisle, Norman M.
  Contexts - A Partitioning Concept for Hypertext TOIS 5(2)

Derrett, Nigel
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Deshpande, Mukund
  Item-based top-N recommendation algorithms TOIS 22(1)
  Selective Markov models for predicting Web page accesses TOIT 4(2)

Dewan, Prasun
  A High-Level and Flexible Framework for Implementing Multiuser User Interfaces TOIS 10(4)

Dill, Stephen
  Self-similarity in the web TOIT 2(3)

Dillon, Tharam S.
  A semantic network-based design methodology for XML documents TOIS 20(4)

Dimitrova, Nevenka
  Motion Recovery for Video Content Classification TOIS 13(4)

Ding, Xuhua
  Fine-grained control of security capabilities TOIT 4(1)

Dittenbach, Michael
  An Adaptive Information Retrieval System Based on Associative Networks APCCM 2004
  Improving Domain Ontologies by Mining Semantics from Text APCCM 2004

Doan, Khoa
  Interface and Data Architecture for Query Preview in Networked Information Systems TOIS 17(3)

Dobbie, Gillian
  Databases, But Not As We Know Them ADC 2004

Dodd, George G.
  DBTG Report, October 1969
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Domshlak, Carmel
  Qualitative decision making in adaptive presentation of structured information TOIS 22(4)

Donahue, James E.
  Whiteboards: A Graphical Database Tool TOIS 4(1)

Dong, Ce
  Static Analysis of XSLT Programs ADC 2004

Dong, Zhao Yang
  Determining the Fitness of a Document Model by Using Conflict Instances ADC 2005

Doucet, Anne
  A Two-Phase Commit Protocol for Mobile Wireless Environment ADC 2005

Dourish, Paul
  Extending document management systems with user-specific active properties TOIS 18(2)

Dreilinger, Daniel
  Experiences with Selecting Search Engines Using Metasearch TOIS 15(3)

Drias, Habiba
  A Two-Phase Commit Protocol for Mobile Wireless Environment ADC 2005

Dumais, Susan T.
  The Spatial Metaphor for User Interfaces: Experimental Tests of Reference by Location versus Name TOIS 4(1)

Dunlop, Mark D.
  The Effect of Accessing Nonmatching Documents on Relevance Feedback TOIS 15(2)

Duong, Maggie
  LSDX: A New Labelling Scheme for Dynamically Updating XML Data ADC 2005

Dupont, Pierre B.
  Electronic Calendars in the Office: An Assessment of User Needs and Current Technology TOIS 3(1)

Earnest, C. P.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Eastman, Caroline M.
  Coverage, relevance, and ranking: The impact of query operators on Web search engine results TOIS 21(4)

Eberhardt, Jennifer
  Formative Design-Evaluation of SuperBook TOIS 7(1)

Edwards, W. Keith
  Extending document management systems with user-specific active properties TOIS 18(2)

Effelsberg, Wolfgang
  XMovie: Architecture and Implementation of a Distributed Movie System TOIS 13(4)

Egan, Dennis E.
  Formative Design-Evaluation of SuperBook TOIS 7(1)

Egenhofer, Max J.
  Metric Details for Natural-Language Spatial Relations TOIS 16(4)

Ehrich, Roger W.
  Computer Analysis of User Interfaces Based on Repetition in Transcripts of User Sessions TOIS 9(4)

Ehrlich, Kate
  Information Retrieval Using a Hypertext-Based Help System TOIS 7(3)

Ehrlich, Susan F.
  Strategies for Encouraging Successful Adoption of Office Communication Systems TOIS 5(4)

Eirinaki, Magdalini
  Web mining for web personalization TOIT 3(1)

El-Kwae, Essam A.
  Efficient content-based indexing of large image databases TOIS 18(2)
  A Robust Framework for Content-based Retrieval by Spatial Similarity in Image Databases TOIS 17(2)

Ellis, Clarence A.
  Project Nick: Meetings Augmentation and Analysis TOIS 5(2)
  Selected Papers from the Conference on Office Information Systems (Toronto, 1984) - Editor's Introduction TOIS 2(3)

Elmagarmid, Ahmed K.
  A hierarchical access control model for video database systems TOIS 21(2)

Eloranta, Eero
  Distributed Form Management TOIS 8(1)

Embley, David W.
  Towards Semantic Understanding -- An Approach Based on Information Extraction Ontologies ADC 2004

Emmerich, Wolfgang
  xlinkit: a consistency checking and smart link generation service TOIT 2(2)

Engles, R. W.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Entlich, Richard
  Making a Digital Library: The Contents of the CORE Project TOIS 15(2)

Epstein, Samuel S.
  Transportable Natural Language Processing through Simplicity - The PRE System TOIS 3(2)

Estrin, Deborah
  Inter-Organization Networks, Computer Integration, and Shifts in Interdependence: The Case of the Semiconductor Industry TOIS 9(4)

Etzioni, Oren
  Scaling question answering to the web TOIS 19(3)

Eveland, J. D.
  Work Group Structures and Computer Support: A Field Experiment TOIS 6(4)

Everest, Gordon C.
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Falcao, Veronica
  The Active Badge Location System TOIS 10(1)

Faloutsos, Christos
  Self-Spacial Join Selectivity Estimation Using Fractal Concepts TOIS 16(2)
  Signature Files: An Access Method for Documents and Its Analytical Performance Evaluation TOIS 2(4)
  Description and Performance Analysis of Signature File Methods for Office Filing TOIS 5(3)

Fan, Hongjian
  A Bayesian Approach to Use Emerging Patterns for Classification ADC 2003

Fan, Jianping
  A hierarchical access control model for video database systems TOIS 21(2)

Fan, Weiguo
  Literature-based discovery on the World Wide Web TOIT 2(4)

Fang, Xiao
  LinkSelector: A Web mining approach to hyperlink selection for Web portals TOIT 4(2)

Farber, James M.
  Interface Design and Multivariate Analysis of UNIX Command Use TOIS 2(1)

Farrell, Jerry
  The Design of Star's Records Processing: Data Processing for the Noncomputer Professional TOIS 1(1)

Fekete, Alan
  Transactions in Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems ADC 2003

Feng, Ling
  Beyond intratransaction association analysis: mining multidimensional intertransaction association rules TOIS 18(4)
  A semantic network-based design methodology for XML documents TOIS 20(4)

Feng, Michael
  A self-configuring and self-administering name system with dynamic address assignment TOIT 2(1)

Ferrari, Elena
  A hierarchical access control model for video database systems TOIS 21(2)

Ferrarotti, Flavio A.
  On the Computation of Approximations of Database Queries ADC 2004

Fiedler, Gunar
  Database Collaboration Instead of Integration APCCM 2005

Fielding, Roy T.
  Principled design of the modern Web architecture TOIT 2(2)

Filho, Jugurta Lisboa
  Improving Productivity and Quality of GIS Databases Design using an Analysis Pattern Catalog APCCM 2005

Fineman, Linda
  An Imperative Sentence Processor for Voice Interactive Office Applications TOIS 3(4)

Finkelstein, Anthony
  xlinkit: a consistency checking and smart link generation service TOIT 2(2)

Finkelstein, Lev
  Placing search in context: the concept revisited TOIS 20(1)

Finn, Gregory G.
  An Experimental Multimedia Mail System TOIS 6(1)

Fischer, Gerhard
  The Role of Critiquing in Cooperative Problem Solving TOIS 9(2)

Fisher, Damien K.
  Querying and Maintaining Ordered XML Data using Relational Databases ADC 2005

Fishman, Daniel H.
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Fitzmaurice, George W.
  The Envoy Framework: An Open Architecture for Agents TOIS 10(3)
  Virtual Reality for Palmtop Computers TOIS 11(3)

Fiume, Eugene
  KNOs: KNowledge Acquisition, Dissemination, and Manipulation Objects TOIS 5(1)

Flake, Gary William
  Guest editorial: Machine learning for the Internet TOIT 4(2)
  Guest editorial: Machine learning for the Internet TOIT 4(4)

Flores, Fernando
  Computer Systems and the Design of Organizational Interaction TOIS 6(2)

Ford, Daniel Alexander
  Optimal Placement of High-Probability Randomly Retrieved Blocks on CLV Optical Discs TOIS 9(1)

Foster, Gregg
  WYSIWIS Revised: Early Experiences with Multiuser Interfaces TOIS 5(2)

Foulger, Cameron
  Data Flow and Validation in Workflow Modelling ADC 2004

Fox, Edward A.
  Order-Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Functions and Information Retrieval TOIS 9(3)
  Streams, structures, spaces, scenarios, societies (5s): A formal model for digital libraries TOIS 22(2)

Frasconi, Paolo
  Guest editorial: Machine learning for the Internet TOIT 4(2)
  Guest editorial: Machine learning for the Internet TOIT 4(4)

Frasincar, Flavius
  XAL: An Algebra For XML Query Optimization ADC 2002

Fraternali, Piero
  Model-driven development of Web applications: the AutoWeb system TOIS 18(4)
  Computing graphical queries over XML data TOIS 19(4)

French, James C.
  Comparing the performance of collection selection algorithms TOIS 21(4)

Frieder, Ophir
  Collection statistics for fast duplicate document detection TOIS 20(2)
  Exploiting Parallelism in Pattern Matching: An Information Retrieval Application TOIS 9(1)

Friedman, Batya
  Bias in Computer Systems TOIS 14(3)

Friedman, Carol
  Transporting the Linguistic String Project System from a Medical to a Navy Domain TOIS 3(2)

Fry, Christopher
  Experiments with Oval: A Radically Tailorable Tool for Cooperative Work TOIS 13(2)

Fry, James P.
  A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Fu, Yun
  Measuring and characterizing end-to-end Internet service performance TOIT 3(4)

Fugini, Maria Grazia
  C-TODOS: An Automatic Tool for Office System Conceptual Design TOIS 7(4)
  Document Retrieval in Office Environment: Knowledge Modelling and Browsing TOIS 13(3)

Fuh, Gene Y. C.
  Aggregate Predicate Support in DBMS ADC 2002

Fuhr, Norbert
  Optimal Polynomial Retrieval Functions Based on the Probability Ranking Principle TOIS 7(3)
  A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Database Selection in Networked IR TOIS 17(3)
  A Probabilistic Learning Approach for Document Indexing TOIS 9(3)
  Probabilistic Information Retrieval as a Combination of Abstraction, Inductive Learning, and Probabilistic Assumptions TOIS 12(1)
  A Probabilistic Relational Algebra for the Integration of Information Retrieval and Database Systems TOIS 15(1)
  XIRQL: An XML query language based on information retrieval concepts TOIS 22(2)

Fuller, Mary E.
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Furuse, Kazutaka
  The Complex Polyhedra Technique: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Space ADC 2002

Furuta, Richard
  Hyperdocuments as Automata: Verification of Trace-Based Browsing Properties by Model Checking TOIS 16(1)
  Petri-Net-Based Hypertext: Document Structure with Browsing Semantics TOIS 7(1)

Gabrilovich, Evgeniy
  Placing search in context: the concept revisited TOIS 20(1)

Galdes, Deb
  Knowledge-Based Search Tactics for an Intelligent Intermediary System TOIS 7(3)

Ganesan, Prasanna
  Exploiting hierarchical domain structure to compute similarity TOIS 21(1)

Garcia-Molina, Hector
  Peer-to-peer data trading to preserve information TOIS 20(2)
  Exploiting hierarchical domain structure to compute similarity TOIS 21(1)
  Efficient web browsing on handheld devices using page and form summarization TOIS 20(1)
  Predicate Rewriting for Translating Boolean Queries in a Heterogeneous Information System TOIS 17(1)
  Building a distributed full-text index for the web TOIS 19(3)
  Estimating frequency of change TOIT 3(3)
  Searching the Web TOIT 1(1)

Garson, Lorrin
  Making a Digital Library: The Contents of the CORE Project TOIS 15(2)

Garza, Jorge F.
  A Distributed Object-Oriented Database System Supporting Shared and Private Databases TOIS 9(1)
  Data Model Issues for Object-Oriented Applications TOIS 5(1)

Garzotto, Franca
  HDM - A Model-Based Approach to Hypertext Application Design TOIS 11(1)

Gash, Debra C.
  Technological Frames: Making Sense of Information Technology in Organizations TOIS 12(2)

Gasser, Les
  The Integration of Computing and Routine Work TOIS 4(3)

Gauch, Susan
  Search Improvement via Automatic Query Reformulation TOIS 9(3)
  A Corpus Analysis Approach for Automatic Query Expansion and Its Extension to Multiple Databases TOIS 17(3)

Gburzynski, Pawel
  Fighting the spam wars: A remailer approach with restrictive aliasing TOIT 4(1)

Gemmell, Jim
  Principles of Delay-Sensitive Multimedia Data Storage and Retrieval TOIS 10(1)

Gerding, Enrico
  Market-based recommendation: Agents that compete for consumer attention TOIT 4(4)

Gerlach, James H.
  An OIS Model for Internal Accounting Control Evaluation TOIS 1(1)

Gerson, Elihu M.
  Analyzing Due Process in the Workplace TOIS 4(3)

Getta, Janusz R.
  Conceptual Modelling of Computations On Data Streams APCCM 2005

Giannini, Vittorio
  Improving retrieval feedback with multiple term-ranking function combination TOIS 20(3)

Gibbons, Jonathan
  The Active Badge Location System TOIS 10(1)

Gibbs, Simon J.
  Query Processing in a Multimedia Document System TOIS 6(1)
  A Data Modeling Approach for Office Information Systems TOIS 1(4)
  KNOs: KNowledge Acquisition, Dissemination, and Manipulation Objects TOIS 5(1)

Gilbert, Kermit C.
  An Imperative Sentence Processor for Voice Interactive Office Applications TOIS 3(4)

Giles, C. Lee
  Analysis of lexical signatures for improving information persistence on the World Wide Web TOIS 22(4)
  Guest editorial: Machine learning for the Internet TOIT 4(2)
  Guest editorial: Machine learning for the Internet TOIT 4(4)

Gils, Bas van
  Transformation selection for aptness-based web retrieval ADC 2005

Gladney, H. M.
  Access Control for Large Collections TOIS 15(2)

Gladney, Henry M.
  Trustworthy 100-year digital objects: Evidence after every witness is dead TOIS 22(3)

Goasdoué, François
  Answering queries using views: A KRDB perspective for the semantic Web TOIT 4(3)

Godden, Kurt
  Portability of Syntax and Semantics in Datalog TOIS 3(2)

Goh, Cheng Hian
  Context Interchange: New Features and Formalisms for the Intelligent Integration of Information TOIS 17(3)

Golshani, Forouzan
  Motion Recovery for Video Content Classification TOIS 13(4)

Gomez, Louis M.
  Formative Design-Evaluation of SuperBook TOIS 7(1)

Gonçalves, Marcos André
  Streams, structures, spaces, scenarios, societies (5s): A formal model for digital libraries TOIS 22(2)

Gonczarowski, Jakob
  DITROFF/FFORTID, An Adaptation of the UNIX DITROFF for Formatting Bidirectional Text TOIS 3(4)

Gonzalez-Perez, Cesar
  The Rationale of Powertype Powertype-based Metamodelling to Underpin nderpin Software D Development evelopment Methodologies APCCM 2005

Goodchild, Andrew
  UML and XML Schema ADC 2002

Gopalan, Raj P.
  CT-ITL : Efficient Frequent Item Set Mining Using a Compressed Prefix Tree with Pattern Growth ADC 2003

Gordon, Michael D.
  Literature-based discovery on the World Wide Web TOIT 2(4)

Gotlieb, C. C.
  Evolution of an Organizational Interface: The New Business Department at a Large Insurance Firm TOIS 5(4)

Gottlob, Georg
  Extending Object-Oriented Systems with Roles TOIS 14(3)

Gould, John D.
  An Experimental Study of People Creating Spreadsheets TOIS 5(3)
  Cursor Movement during Text Editing TOIS 3(1)
  Human Factors Challenges in Creating a Principal Support Office System - The Speech Filing System Approach TOIS 1(4)
  Behavioral Experiments on Handmarkings TOIS 5(4)
  ITS: A Tool for Rapidly Developing Interactive Applications TOIS 8(3)

Governatori, Guido
  A Model of Dynamic Resource Allocation in Workflow Systems ADC 2004
  An algorithm for the induction of defeasible logic theories from databases ADC 2003
  Representing and Reasoning on XForms Document ADC 2004

Graf, Mike
  Project Nick: Meetings Augmentation and Analysis TOIS 5(2)

Grant, Kenneth R.
  Semistructured Messages Are Surprisingly Useful for Computer-Supported Coordination TOIS 5(2)

Grant, Rebecca A.
  Computerized Performance Monitors as Multidimensional Systems: Derivation and Application TOIS 14(2)

Gravano, Luis
  QProber: A system for automatic classification of hidden-Web databases TOIS 21(1)
  Data Structures for Efficient Broker Implementation TOIS 15(3)
  Learning to find answers to questions on the Web TOIT 4(2)

Graves, Michael
  Computer Systems and the Design of Organizational Interaction TOIS 6(2)

Green, Mark
  Decoupled Simulation in Virtual Reality with the MR Toolkit TOIS 11(3)

Greene, Sharon L.
  ITS: A Tool for Rapidly Developing Interactive Applications TOIS 8(3)

Greenfield, Paul
  Transactions in Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems ADC 2003

Greif, Irene
  Data Sharing in Group Work TOIS 5(2)

Greiff, Warren R.
  PIC matrices: a computationally tractable class of probabilistic query operators TOIS 17(4)
  The maximum entropy approach and probabilistic IR models TOIS 18(3)

Großjohann, Kai
  XIRQL: An XML query language based on information retrieval concepts TOIS 22(2)

Grossman, David A.
  Collection statistics for fast duplicate document detection TOIS 20(2)

Grossmann, Georg
  On the Road to Behavior-Based Integration APCCM 2004

Grudin, Jonathan
  Consistency, Standards, and Formal Approaches to Interface Development and Evaluation: A Note on Wiecha, Bennett, Boies, Gould, and Greene TOIS 10(1)
  Integration of Interpersonal Space and Shared Workspace: ClearBoard Design and Experiments TOIS 11(4)

Grundeman, Peter
  Extending a Persistent Object Framework to Enhance Enterprise Application Server Performance ADC 2002

Grundy, John C.
  Extending a Persistent Object Framework to Enhance Enterprise Application Server Performance ADC 2002

Gudivada, Venkat N.
  Design and Evaluation of Algorithms for Image Retrieval by Spatial Similarity TOIS 13(2)

Guglielmo, Eugene J.
  Natural-Language Retrieval of Images Based on Descriptive Captions TOIS 14(3)

Gulla, Jon Atle
  A General Explanation Component for Conceptual Modeling in CASE Environments TOIS 14(3)

Guo, Xin
  An optimal strategy for sellers in an online auction TOIT 2(1)

Gupta, Amar
  A self-configuring and self-administering name system with dynamic address assignment TOIT 2(1)

Güting, Ralf Hartmut
  An Algebra for Structured Office Documents TOIS 7(2)

Guttman, Antonin
  Document Processing in a Relational Database System TOIS 1(2)

Haan, Bernard J.
  The Envoy Framework: An Open Architecture for Agents TOIS 10(3)

Haas, Laura M.
  Data Structures for Efficient Broker Implementation TOIS 15(3)

Haas, Stephanie W.
  The Constituent Object Parser: Syntactic Structure Matching for Information Retrieval TOIS 7(3)

Hacid, Mohand-Said
  A hierarchical access control model for video database systems TOIS 21(2)

Hafenrichter, Bernd
  Optimization of Relational Preference Queries ADC 2005

Hafner, Carole D.
  Portability of Syntax and Semantics in Datalog TOIS 3(2)

Haigh, Thomas
  An Interview of Charles W. Bachman, Conducted by Thomas Haigh, Sep. 25-26 2004

Hamadi, Rachid
  A Petri Net-based Model for Web Service Composition ADC 2003
  Dynamic Restructuring of Recovery Nets ADC 2005

Hamidjadja, Herry
  A CORBA Cooperative Cache Approach with Popularity Admission and Routing Mechanism ADC 2002

Hämmäinen, Heikki
  Distributed Form Management TOIS 8(1)

Han, Jiawei
  Beyond intratransaction association analysis: mining multidimensional intertransaction association rules TOIS 18(4)

Han, Seungchul
  Schemes of Storing XML Query Cache ADC 2005

Hanrahan, Maria
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

Hanson, Stephen Jose
  Interface Design and Multivariate Analysis of UNIX Command Use TOIS 2(1)

Hara, Takahiro
  Design and Implementation of DB-MAN Alpha: Does Database Migration Work Well in a Real Environment? ADC 2002

Harabagiu, Sanda M.
  Performance issues and error analysis in an open-domain question answering system TOIS 21(2)

Harper, L. N.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Harris, Sidney E.
  Design Implications of a Task-Driven Approach to Unstructured Cognitive Tasks in Office Work TOIS 3(3)

Hart, Paul
  Inter-Organization Networks, Computer Integration, and Shifts in Interdependence: The Case of the Semiconductor Industry TOIS 9(4)

Hartfield, Brad
  Computer Systems and the Design of Organizational Interaction TOIS 6(2)

Hartley, P. A.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Hartmann, Sven
  Reasoning about participation constraints and Chen's constraints ADC 2003
  Normalisation in the Presence of Lists ADC 2004

Hartmann, Thorsten
  TROLL - A Language for Object-Oriented Specification of Information Systems TOIS 14(2)

Hartson, H. Rex
  The UAN: A User-Oriented Representation for Direct Manipulation Interface Designs TOIS 8(3)

Hauzeur, Bernard M.
  A Model for Naming, Addressing, and Routing TOIS 4(4)

Hawes, Mary K.
  A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Hawking, David
  Query-independent evidence in home page finding TOIS 21(3)
  Methods for Information Server Selection TOIS 17(1)
  Challenges in Enterprise Search ADC 2004
  How Valuable is External Link Evidence When Searching Enterprise Webs? ADC 2004
  Automated Discovery of Search Interfaces on the Web ADC 2003
  Performance and Cost Tradeoffs in Web Search. ADC 2004

Hayes, Philip J.
  Guest Editorial - Special Issue on Text Categorization TOIS 12(3)

He, Minghua
  Southampton TAC: An adaptive autonomous trading agent TOIT 3(3)

Heath, Lenwood S.
  Order-Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Functions and Information Retrieval TOIS 9(3)

Heer, Jeffrey
  WebQuilt: A proxy-based approach to remote web usability testing TOIS 19(3)

Heimbigner, Dennis
  A Federated Architecture for Information Management TOIS 3(3)

Heinz, Steffen
  Burst tries: a fast, efficient data structure for string keys TOIS 20(2)

Helgeson, William
  DBTG Report, October 1969
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Henderson-Sellers, Brian
  The Rationale of Powertype Powertype-based Metamodelling to Underpin nderpin Software D Development evelopment Methodologies APCCM 2005

Herlocker, Jonathan L.
  Evaluating collaborative filtering recommender systems TOIS 22(1)

Herman, George
  Genre taxonomy: A knowledge repository of communicative actions TOIS 19(4)

Hersh, William R.
  Do Clarity Scores for Queries Correlate with User Performance? ADC 2004

Hevner, Alan R.
  FORMANAGER: An Office Forms Management System TOIS 2(3)
  Query Optimization on Local Area Networks TOIS 3(1)

Hewitt, Carl
  Offices Are Open Systems TOIS 4(3)

Hibbard, Peter G.
  A Butler Process for Resource Sharing on Spice Machines TOIS 3(3)

Hicks, David L.
  A Hypermedia Version Control Framework TOIS 16(2)
  Semantic Data Modeling of Hypermedia Associations TOIS 11(1)

Hidalgo, José María Gómez
  Multidocument summarization: An added value to clustering in interactive retrieval TOIS 22(2)

Hidders, Jan
  Conflict Scheduling of Transactions on XML Documents ADC 2004

Higgins, Christopher A.
  A Critical Appraisal of Task Taxonomies as a Tool for Studying Office Activities TOIS 2(4)
  Computerized Performance Monitors as Multidimensional Systems: Derivation and Application TOIS 14(2)

Hindus, Debby
  Capturing, Structuring, and Representing Ubiquitous Audio TOIS 11(4)

Hirschheim, Rudy
  Understanding the Office: A Social-Analytic Perspective TOIS 4(4)

Hix, Deborah
  The UAN: A User-Oriented Representation for Direct Manipulation Interface Designs TOIS 8(3)

Ho, Cheng-Seen
  A Society Model for Office Information Systems TOIS 4(2)

Ho, F.
  Multimedia Document Presentation, Information Extraction, and Document Formation in MINOS: A Model and a System TOIS 4(4)

Hoch, C. G.
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Hochgesang, Guy
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

Hochheiser, Harry
  The platform for privacy preference as a social protocol: An examination within the U.S. policy context TOIT 2(4)

Hofmann, Thomas
  Latent semantic models for collaborative filtering TOIS 22(1)

Holt, Anatol W.
  Diplans: A New Language for the Study and Implementation of Coordination TOIS 6(2)

Hong, Jason I.
  WebQuilt: A proxy-based approach to remote web usability testing TOIS 19(3)

Hong, Jun
  PageCluster: Mining conceptual link hierarchies from Web log files for adaptive Web site navigation TOIT 4(2)

Hong, Yang-Chang
  A Society Model for Office Information Systems TOIS 4(2)

Hopkin, D. J.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Hopkins, Bryan
  Architecture and performance of server-directed transcoding TOIT 3(4)

Hoppenbrouwers, Stijn
  On Utility-based Selection of Architecture-Modelling Concepts APCCM 2005

Hopper, Andy
  The Active Badge Location System TOIS 10(1)

Horner, Chris
  Capturing, Structuring, and Representing Ubiquitous Audio TOIS 11(4)

Hornick, Mark F.
  A Shared, Segmented Memory System for an Object-Oriented Database TOIS 5(1)

Hosoya, Haruo
  XDuce: A statically typed XML processing language TOIT 3(2)

Hou, Jingyu
  Constructing Good Quality Web Page Communities ADC 2002
  Utilizing Hyperlink Transitivity to Improve Web Page Clustering ADC 2003

Houben, Geert-Jan
  XAL: An Algebra For XML Query Optimization ADC 2002

Howe, Adele E.
  Experiences with Selecting Search Engines Using Metasearch TOIS 15(3)

Hsu, Cheng
  The Model-Assisted Global Query System for Multiple Databases in Distributed Enterprises TOIS 14(4)

Hu, Hong
  Using Association Rules to Make Rule-based Classifiers Robust ADC 2005

Hu, Jianying
  Integrating geometrical and linguistic analysis for email signature block parsing TOIS 17(4)

Hu, Jing
  Diagonal Ordering: A New Approach to High-Dimensional KNN Processing ADC 2004

Huang, Kuan-Tsae
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

Huang, Zan
  Applying associative retrieval techniques to alleviate the sparsity problem in collaborative filtering TOIS 22(1)

Huck, Paul
  A self-configuring and self-administering name system with dynamic address assignment TOIT 2(1)

Hudson, Scott E.
  A Generator of Direct Manipulation Office Systems TOIS 4(2)
  Interactive Specification of Flexible User Interface Displays TOIS 8(3)

Hughes, John G.
  PageCluster: Mining conceptual link hierarchies from Web log files for adaptive Web site navigation TOIT 4(2)

Hull, Jonathan J.
  Integrating Diverse Knowledge Sources in Text Recognition TOIS 1(1)

Hulten, Christer
  An Architecture for Object Management in OIS TOIS 2(3)

Hurley, Neil J.
  Collaborative recommendation: A robustness analysis TOIT 4(4)

Indulska, Marta
  On Aggregation Issues in Spatial Data Management ADC 2002

Ioannidis, Yannis E.
  Conceptual Learning in Database Design TOIS 10(3)

Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G.
  QProber: A system for automatic classification of hidden-Web databases TOIS 21(1)

Isakowitz, Tomás
  Toward a Logical/Physical Theory of Spreadsheet Modeling TOIS 13(1)

Ishii, Hiroshi
  Integration of Interpersonal Space and Shared Workspace: ClearBoard Design and Experiments TOIS 11(4)

Ishikawa, Hiroshi
  An Access Control Method Based on the Prefix Labeling Scheme for XML Repositories ADC 2005

Ishikawa, Masahiro
  The Complex Polyhedra Technique: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Space ADC 2002

Israel, Jay E.
  Authentication in Office System Internetworks TOIS 1(3)

Iyengar, Arun
  Engineering web cache consistency TOIT 2(3)

Jacob, Robert J. K.
  The Use of Eye Movements in Human-Computer Interaction Techniques: What You Look At is What You Get TOIS 9(2)

Jajodia, Sushil
  A Flexible Authorization Mechanism for Relational Data Management Systems TOIS 17(2)

Jang, Julian
  Transactions in Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems ADC 2003

Jansen, Bernard J.
  Coverage, relevance, and ranking: The impact of query operators on Web search engine results TOIS 21(4)

Janssen, Norbert J. M.
  Document Architecture and Text Formatting TOIS 3(4)

Jarke, Matthias
  Communications Design for Co-oP: A Group Decision Support System TOIS 4(2)
  Telos: Representing Knowledge About Information Systems TOIS 8(4)
  DAIDA: An Environment for Evolving Information Systems TOIS 10(1)

Järvelin, Kalervo
  Cumulated gain-based evaluation of IR techniques TOIS 20(4)

Jennings, Nicholas R.
  Developing a bidding agent for multiple heterogeneous auctions TOIT 3(3)
  Southampton TAC: An adaptive autonomous trading agent TOIT 3(3)

Ji, Minwen
  Affinity-based management of main memory database clusters TOIT 2(4)

Jiang, Haifeng
  Path Materialization Revisited: An Efficient Storage Model for XML Data ADC 2002

Johnston, Benjamin
  An algorithm for the induction of defeasible logic theories from databases ADC 2003

Jones, William P.
  The Spatial Metaphor for User Interfaces: Experimental Tests of Reference by Location versus Name TOIS 4(1)

Jøsang, Audun
  Semantic Constraints for Trust Transitivity APCCM 2005

Joshi, Ramesh C.
  Finding Similarity in Time Series Data by Method of Time Weighted Moments ADC 2005

Joyce, J. D.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Jung, Gwang S.
  A Critical Investigation of Recall and Precision as Measures of Retrieval System Performance TOIS 7(3)

Jungclaus, Ralf
  TROLL - A Language for Object-Oriented Specification of Information Systems TOIS 14(2)

Justus, Carol F.
  Transportability to Other Languages: The Natural Language Processing Project in the AI Program at MCC TOIS 3(2)

Kabuka, Mansur R.
  Efficient content-based indexing of large image databases TOIS 18(2)
  A Robust Framework for Content-based Retrieval by Spatial Similarity in Image Databases TOIS 17(2)

Kacmar, Charles J.
  PROXHY: A Process-Oriented Extensible Hypertext Architecture TOIS 9(4)

Kalash, Joseph
  Document Processing in a Relational Database System TOIS 1(2)

Kaljuvee, Oliver
  Efficient web browsing on handheld devices using page and form summarization TOIS 20(1)

Kamada, Tomihisa
  A General Framework for Bidirectional Translation between Abstract and Pictorial Data TOIS 10(4)

Kanamori, Yoshinari
  Performance Evaluation of Combining Data Migration and Method Migration in Object Database Environments ADC 2002

Kang, Hyunchul
  Schemes of Storing XML Query Cache ADC 2005
  Deferred Incremental Refresh of XML Materialized Views : Algorithms and Performance Evaluation ADC 2003

Kapurubandara, Mahesha
  Incorporating Business Requirements and Constraints in Database Conceptual Model APCCM 2004

Karam, Gerald M.
  Cooperating Knowledge-Based Assistants for the Office TOIS 5(4)

Karlapalem, Kamalakar
  View Relevance Driven Materialized View Selection in Data Warehousing Environment ADC 2002

Karypis, George
  Item-based top-N recommendation algorithms TOIS 22(1)
  Selective Markov models for predicting Web page accesses TOIT 4(2)

Kaschek, Roland
  Context-Aware Web Information Systems APCCM 2004

Kaszkiel, Marcin
  Efficient passage ranking for document databases TOIS 17(4)

Kataoka, Yutaka
  A Model for Input and Output for Multilingual Text in a Windowing Environment TOIS 10(4)

Katayama, Kaoru
  An Access Control Method Based on the Prefix Labeling Scheme for XML Repositories ADC 2005

Katz, Alan R.
  An Experimental Multimedia Mail System TOIS 6(1)

Katzenstein, Gary
  Beneath the surface of organizational processes: a social representation framework for business process redesign TOIS 18(4)

Kay, Anthony J.
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Kaye, A. Roger
  Cooperating Knowledge-Based Assistants for the Office TOIS 5(4)
  Electronic Calendars in the Office: An Assessment of User Needs and Current Technology TOIS 3(1)

Kayed, Ahmad
  Using Ontologies to Index Conceptual Structures for Tendering Automation ADC 2002

Kekäläinen, Jaana
  Cumulated gain-based evaluation of IR techniques TOIS 20(4)

Keller, Ralf
  XMovie: Architecture and Implementation of a Distributed Movie System TOIS 13(4)

Kelley, J. F.
  An Iterative Design Methodology for User-Friendly Natural Language Office Information Applications TOIS 2(1)

Kemper, Alfons
  Quality of service in an information economy TOIT 3(4)

Kent, William
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Khaled, Omar Abou
  Automating XML document Transformations: A conceptual modelling based approach APCCM 2004

Khan, Khaled M.
  Incorporating Business Requirements and Constraints in Database Conceptual Model APCCM 2004

Khanna, Sankalp
  An Efficient Method for Indexing Now-relative Bitemporal data ADC 2004

Khorasani, Al
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

Khoury, Gerald R.
  Enterprise Architecture Modelling using Elastic Metaphors APCCM 2004

Kießling, Werner
  Optimization of Relational Preference Queries ADC 2005

Kim, Han-joon
  Automated Data Warehousing for Rule-based CRM Systems ADC 2003

Kim, Hyoung-Joo
  Data Model Issues for Object-Oriented Applications TOIS 5(1)

Kim, Tae-wan
  A Distance-Based Packing Method for High Dimensional Data ADC 2003

Kim, Won
  A Distributed Object-Oriented Database System Supporting Shared and Private Databases TOIS 9(1)
  Data Model Issues for Object-Oriented Applications TOIS 5(1)

Kim, Younghyun
  Schemes of Storing XML Query Cache ADC 2005

Kimbrough, Steven O.
  On Automated Message Processing in Electronic Commerce and Work Support Systems: Speech Act Theory and Expressive Felicity TOIS 15(4)

Kincaid, Christine M.
  Electronic Calendars in the Office: An Assessment of User Needs and Current Technology TOIS 3(1)

King, Irwin
  Distributed content-based visual information retrieval system on peer-to-peer networks TOIS 22(3)

King, Rob
  Introduction to the Special Issue on Social Science Perspectives on IS TOIS 12(2)

King, Roger
  A Generator of Direct Manipulation Office Systems TOIS 4(2)
  A Database Design Methodology and Tool for Information Systems TOIS 3(1)
  Designing Database Interfaces with DBface TOIS 11(2)
  Ensuring the Court Admissibility of Computer-Generated Records TOIS 3(4)
  Direct: A Query Facility for Multiple Databases TOIS 12(4)

Kipp, Neill A.
  Streams, structures, spaces, scenarios, societies (5s): A formal model for digital libraries TOIS 22(2)

Kirchberg, Markus
  On the Implication Problem for Functional Dependencies in the Higher-Order Entity-Relationship Model ADC 2003

Kit, Lau Hoi
  Enumerating XML Data for Dynamic Updating ADC 2005

Kitsuregawa, Masaru
  WEB Community Mining and WEB Log Mining: Commodity Cluster Based Execution ADC 2002

Klein, Shmuel T.
  Storing Text Retrieval Systems on CD-ROM: Compression and Encryption Considerations TOIS 7(3)
  Compression, Information Theory, and Grammars: A Unified Approach TOIS 8(1)
  Modeling Word Occurrences for the Compression of Concordances TOIS 15(3)

Klose, Paul
  The Design of Star's Records Processing: Data Processing for the Noncomputer Professional TOIS 1(1)

Knapp, S. C.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Knutsson, Björn
  Architecture and performance of server-directed transcoding TOIT 3(4)

Kobayashi, Minoru
  Integration of Interpersonal Space and Shared Workspace: ClearBoard Design and Experiments TOIS 11(4)

Kobsa, Alfred
  Privacy through pseudonymity in user-adaptive systems TOIT 3(2)

Koike, Hideki
  The Role of Another Spatial Dimension in Software Visualization TOIS 11(3)
  Generalized Fractal Views: A Fractal-Based Method for Controlling Information Display TOIS 13(3)

Kolda, Tamara G.
  A Semidiscrete Matrix Decomposition for Latent Semantic Indexing Information Retrieval TOIS 16(4)

Kong, Quinzheng
  On Deductive Database with Incomplete Information TOIS 13(3)

Konstan, Joseph A.
  Introduction to recommender systems: Algorithms and Evaluation TOIS 22(1)
  Evaluating collaborative filtering recommender systems TOIS 22(1)
  PocketLens: Toward a personal recommender system TOIS 22(3)

Kormann, David P.
  Defending against an Internet-based attack on the physical world TOIT 4(3)

Kossmann, Donald
  Quality of service in an information economy TOIT 3(4)

Koubarakis, Manolis
  Telos: Representing Knowledge About Information Systems TOIS 8(4)

Kraut, Robert E.
  Interface Design and Multivariate Analysis of UNIX Command Use TOIS 2(1)

Krishnamurthy, Diwakar
  Characterizing the scalability of a large web-based shopping system TOIT 1(1)

Krishnamurthy, Ravi
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

Kristol, David M.
  HTTP Cookies: Standards, privacy, and politics TOIT 1(2)

Krovetz, Robert
  Lexical Ambiguity and Information Retrieval TOIS 10(2)
  Analysis of lexical signatures for improving information persistence on the World Wide Web TOIS 22(4)

Kumar, Ravi
  Self-similarity in the web TOIT 2(3)

Kumar, Srihari Sampath
  Feedback Techniques for Continuity and Synchronisation in Multimedia Information Retrieval TOIS 13(2)

Kuo, Dean
  Transactions in Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems ADC 2003

Kuo, Te-Son
  A Society Model for Office Information Systems TOIS 4(2)

Kuribayashi, Hiroshi
  A Model for Input and Output for Multilingual Text in a Windowing Environment TOIS 10(4)

Kushmerick, Nicholas
  Collaborative recommendation: A robustness analysis TOIT 4(4)

Kwan, Stephen K.
  Channel Selection and Effective Communication for Managerial Decision Making TOIS 2(2)

Kwok, Cody C. T.
  Scaling question answering to the web TOIS 19(3)

Kwok, K. L.
  Experiments with a Component Theory of Probabilistic Information Retrieval Based on Single Terms as Document Components TOIS 8(4)
  A Network Approach to Probabilistic Information Retrieval TOIS 13(3)

LaMarca, Anthony
  Extending document management systems with user-specific active properties TOIS 18(2)

Laborda, Cristian Pérez de
  Relational.OWL - A Data and Schema Representation Format Based on OWL APCCM 2005

Lafferty, John D.
  A study of smoothing methods for language models applied to information retrieval TOIS 22(2)

Lai, Kum-Yew
  Experiments with Oval: A Radically Tailorable Tool for Cooperative Work TOIS 13(2)
  Semistructured Messages Are Surprisingly Useful for Computer-Supported Coordination TOIS 5(2)
  Object Lens: A "Spreadsheet" for Cooperative Work TOIS 6(4)

Lally, Ann M.
  The use of dynamic context to improve casual internet searching TOIS 21(3)

Lam, Franky
  Querying and Maintaining Ordered XML Data using Relational Databases ADC 2005

Lam, W.
  A Multilevel Approach to Intelligent Information Filtering: Model, System, and Evaluation TOIS 15(4)

Lamparter, Bernd
  XMovie: Architecture and Implementation of a Distributed Movie System TOIS 13(4)

Lamping, John
  Extending document management systems with user-specific active properties TOIS 18(2)

Landauer, Thomas K.
  Formative Design-Evaluation of SuperBook TOIS 7(1)

Landay, James A.
  WebQuilt: A proxy-based approach to remote web usability testing TOIS 19(3)

Lanning, Stan
  WYSIWIS Revised: Early Experiences with Multiuser Interfaces TOIS 5(2)

Lawrence, Steve
  Learning to find answers to questions on the Web TOIT 4(2)

Lee, Dik Lun
  Partitioned Signature Files: Design Issues and Performance Evaluation TOIS 7(2)
  Document Ranking on Weight-Partitioned Signature Files TOIS 14(2)

Lee, Hsi-Jian
  Anchor text mining for translation of Web queries: A transitive translation approach TOIS 22(2)

Lee, Jintae
  Partially Shared Views: A Scheme for Communicating among Groups that Use Different Type Hierarchies TOIS 8(1)

Lee, Kuo Chu
  Exploiting Parallelism in Pattern Matching: An Information Retrieval Application TOIS 9(1)

Lee, Ronald M.
  Bureaucracies as Deontic Systems TOIS 6(2)

Lee, Sang-goo
  Automated Data Warehousing for Rule-based CRM Systems ADC 2003

Lee, Taehee
  Automated Data Warehousing for Rule-based CRM Systems ADC 2003

Lefkovits, Henry C.
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Lefkowitz, Lawrence S.
  Task Support in an Office System TOIS 2(3)

Leggett, John J.
  Hyperform: A Hypermedia System Development Environment TOIS 15(1)
  A Hypermedia Version Control Framework TOIS 16(2)
  PROXHY: A Process-Oriented Extensible Hypertext Architecture TOIS 9(4)
  Semantic Data Modeling of Hypermedia Associations TOIS 11(1)

Lehnert, Wendy G.
  Information as Basic for High-Precision Text Classification TOIS 12(3)

Lehtinen, Erkki
  A Speech-Act-Based Office Modeling Approach TOIS 6(2)

Lemke, Andreas C.
  The Role of Critiquing in Cooperative Problem Solving TOIS 9(2)

Lempel, Ronny
  Knowledge encapsulation for focused search from pervasive devices TOIS 20(1)
  SALSA: the stochastic approach for link-structure analysis TOIS 19(2)
  PicASHOW: pictorial authority search by hyperlinks on the web TOIS 20(1)
  Optimizing result prefetching in web search engines with segmented indices TOIT 4(1)

Leng, Chun-Wu
  Partitioned Signature Files: Design Issues and Performance Evaluation TOIS 7(2)

Lerch, F. Javier
  Beneath the surface of organizational processes: a social representation framework for business process redesign TOIS 18(4)

Leroy, Gondy
  The use of dynamic context to improve casual internet searching TOIS 21(3)

Lesk, Michael
  Making a Digital Library: The Contents of the CORE Project TOIS 15(2)

Leung, L.
  A Knowledge-Based Message Management System TOIS 5(3)

Levene, Mark
  A Nested-Graph Model for the Representation and Manipulation of Complex Objects TOIS 12(1)

Lewis, Clayton
  Cursor Movement during Text Editing TOIS 3(1)

Lewis, Clayton H.
  Learning to Use Word Processors: Problems and Prospects TOIS 1(3)

Lewis, David D.
  Guest Editorial - Special Issue on Text Categorization TOIS 12(3)

Li, Beitao
  MEGA - the maximizing expected generalization algorithm for learning complex query concepts TOIS 21(4)

Li, Jiuyong
  Using Association Rules to Make Rule-based Classifiers Robust ADC 2005

Li, Ki-Joune
  A Distance-Based Packing Method for High Dimensional Data ADC 2003

Li, Xue
  Determining the Fitness of a Document Model by Using Conflict Instances ADC 2005

Li, Zhuogang
  A highly scalable and effective method for metasearch TOIS 19(3)

Liang, Jiandong
  Decoupled Simulation in Virtual Reality with the MR Toolkit TOIS 11(3)

Liddy, Elizabeth D.
  Text Categorization for Multiple Users Based on Semantic Features from a Machine-Readable Dictionary TOIS 12(3)

Lim, Ee-Peng
  Harp: A Distributed Query System for Legacy Public Libraries and Structured Databases TOIS 17(3)
  CrystalBall : A Framework for Mining Variants of Association Rules ADC 2003

Limb, John O.
  Editor's introduction TOIS 1(1)

Limthanmaphon, Benchaphon
  Web Service Composition Transaction Management ADC 2004
  Web Service Composition with Case-Based Reasoning ADC 2003

Lin, Joe Y.-C.
  Customizing Internal Activity Behaviour for Flexible Process Enforcement ADC 2004

Lin, Xuemin
  Multi-resolution Algorithms for Building Spatial Histograms ADC 2003
  Clustering Moving Objects for Spatio-temporal Selectivity Estimation ADC 2004

Linden, Theodore A.
  Authentication in Office System Internetworks TOIS 1(3)

Lindsay, Robert K.
  Literature-based discovery on the World Wide Web TOIT 2(4)

Link, Sebastian
  On the Implication Problem for Functional Dependencies in the Higher-Order Entity-Relationship Model ADC 2003
  Normalisation in the Presence of Lists ADC 2004

Linton, Mark A.
  Unidraw: A Framework for Building Domain-Specific Graphical Editors TOIS 8(3)

Little, Thomas
  Introduction to the Special Issue on Video Information Retrieval TOIS 13(4)

Littman, Michael L.
  Measuring praise and criticism: Inference of semantic orientation from association TOIS 21(4)

Liu, Qing
  Multi-resolution Algorithms for Building Spatial Histograms ADC 2003

Lochbaum, Carol C.
  Formative Design-Evaluation of SuperBook TOIS 7(1)

Lochovsky, Frederick H.
  Logical Routing Specification in Office Information Systems TOIS 2(4)
  Supporting Distributed Office Problem Solving in Organizations TOIS 4(3)

Lomet, David B.
  Recovery guarantees for Internet applications TOIT 4(3)

Loomis, Anne
  The Envoy Framework: An Open Architecture for Agents TOIS 10(3)

López, Manuel J. Maña
  Multidocument summarization: An added value to clustering in interactive retrieval TOIS 22(2)

Lovatt, Howard C.
  A Pattern Enforcing Compiler (PEC) for Java: Using the Compiler APCCM 2005

Lu, Honghui
  Architecture and performance of server-directed transcoding TOIT 3(4)

Lu, Hongjun
  Beyond intratransaction association analysis: mining multidimensional intertransaction association rules TOIS 18(4)
  Path Materialization Revisited: An Efficient Storage Model for XML Data ADC 2002
  On Efficient Management of XML Documents ADC 2003

Lu, Wen-Hsiang
  Anchor text mining for translation of Web queries: A transitive translation approach TOIS 22(2)

Lu, Ying
  Harp: A Distributed Query System for Legacy Public Libraries and Structured Databases TOIS 17(3)

Lu, Zhihong
  Evaluating the performance of distributed architectures for information retrieval using a variety of workloads TOIS 18(1)

Lucarella, Dario
  A Visual Retrieval Environment for Hypermedia Information Systems TOIS 14(1)

Lucas Jr., Henry C.
  Toward a Logical/Physical Theory of Spreadsheet Modeling TOIS 13(1)

Lucking, J. R.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Lue, Calvin
  Data Structures for Efficient Broker Implementation TOIS 15(3)

Luo, Dawei
  FORMANAGER: An Office Forms Management System TOIS 2(3)

Lusth, John C.
  LDC-1: A Transportable, Knowledge-Based Natural Language Processor for Office Environments TOIS 2(1)

Lybäck, David
  Agent trade servers in financial exchange systems TOIT 4(3)

Lyngbæk, Peter
  Object Management in Distributed Information Systems TOIS 2(2)
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Lynn, Nadene
  Document Processing in a Relational Database System TOIS 1(2)

Lyon, John
  DBTG Report, October 1969

Lyytinen, Kalle
  A Speech-Act-Based Office Modeling Approach TOIS 6(2)

Ma, Jiangang
  Discovering User Access Pattern Based on Probabilistic Latent Factor Model ADC 2005

Ma, Liping
  Document Classification via Structure Synopses ADC 2003

Maarek, Yoëlle S.
  Knowledge encapsulation for focused search from pervasive devices TOIS 20(1)

Maciaszek, Leszek A.
  Roundtrip Architectural Modeling APCCM 2005

Mack, Robert L.
  Learning to Use Word Processors: Problems and Prospects TOIS 1(3)

Mackay, Wendy E.
  Diversity in the Use of Electronic Mail: A Preliminary Inquiry TOIS 6(4)

Mackinlay, Jock D.
  A Morphological Analysis of the Design Space of Input Devices TOIS 9(2)

Madnick, Stuart E.
  Context Interchange: New Features and Formalisms for the Intelligent Integration of Information TOIS 17(3)

Maggini, Marco
  Guest editorial: Machine learning for the Internet TOIT 4(2)
  Guest editorial: Machine learning for the Internet TOIT 4(4)

Mahbod, Brom
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Mahdavi, Mehregan
  A Collaborative Approach for Caching Dynamic Data in Portal Applications ADC 2004

Maher, Michael J.
  Rewriting General Conjunctive Queries Using Views ADC 2002

Maier, David
  Integrating an Object Server with Other Worlds TOIS 5(1)
  Putting Integrated Information in Context: Superimposing Conceptual Models with SPARCE APCCM 2004

Maiocchi, Roberto
  C-TODOS: An Automatic Tool for Office System Conceptual Design TOIS 7(4)

Maitan, Jacek
  Fighting the spam wars: A remailer approach with restrictive aliasing TOIT 4(1)

Mak, Victor Wing-Kit
  Exploiting Parallelism in Pattern Matching: An Information Retrieval Application TOIS 9(1)

Malone, Thomas W.
  Experiments with Oval: A Radically Tailorable Tool for Cooperative Work TOIS 13(2)
  How Do People Organize Their Desks? Implications for the Design of Office Information Systems TOIS 1(1)
  Partially Shared Views: A Scheme for Communicating among Groups that Use Different Type Hierarchies TOIS 8(1)
  Semistructured Messages Are Surprisingly Useful for Computer-Supported Coordination TOIS 5(2)
  Object Lens: A "Spreadsheet" for Cooperative Work TOIS 6(4)

Mamoulis, Nikos
  Approximate spatio-temporal retrieval TOIS 19(1)

Manber, Udi
  A text Compression Scheme that Allows Fast Searching Directly in the Compressed File TOIS 15(2)

Mangan, Peter J.
  On Building Workflow Models for Flexible Processes ADC 2002

Marchionini, Gary
  Evaluating Hypermedia and Learning: Methods and Results from the Perseus Project TOIS 12(1)

Markus, M. Lynne
  Finding a Happy Medium: Explaining the Negative Effects of Electronic Communication on Social Life at Work TOIS 12(2)

Marsh, Elaine
  Transporting the Linguistic String Project System from a Medical to a Navy Domain TOIS 3(2)

Martin, Brian K.
  Augmenting Thesauri for Information Systems TOIS 5(4)

Martin, P.
  Complete Logical Routings in Computer Mail Systems TOIS 4(1)

Masiero, Paulo Cesar
  A statechart-based model for hypermedia applications TOIS 19(1)

Mastaglio, Thomas W.
  The Role of Critiquing in Cooperative Problem Solving TOIS 9(2)

Matias, Yossi
  Placing search in context: the concept revisited TOIS 20(1)

Matono, Akiyoshi
  A Path-based Relational RDF Database ADC 2005

Matsuoka, Satoshi
  A General Framework for Bidirectional Translation between Abstract and Pictorial Data TOIS 10(4)

Mazer, Murray S.
  Logical Routing Specification in Office Information Systems TOIS 2(4)

McAfee, R. Preston
  An OIS Model for Internal Accounting Control Evaluation TOIS 1(1)

McCabe, M. Catherine
  Collection statistics for fast duplicate document detection TOIS 20(2)

McCall, Raymond
  Incremental Formalization with the Hyper-Object Substrate TOIS 17(2)

McClellan, Charles
  From Text to Hypertext by Indexing TOIS 13(1)

McCurley, Kevin S.
  Self-similarity in the web TOIT 2(3)

McGee, William C.
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

McKinley, Kathryn S.
  Evaluating the performance of distributed architectures for information retrieval using a variety of workloads TOIS 18(1)

McKinzie, Gerald E.
  DBTG Report, October 1969

McLeod, Dennis
  Object Management in Distributed Information Systems TOIS 2(2)
  A Database Design Methodology and Tool for Information Systems TOIS 3(1)
  The 3DIS: An Extensible Object-Oriented Information Management Environment TOIS 7(4)
  A Federated Architecture for Information Management TOIS 3(3)

Mecca, Giansalvatore
  Design and development of data-intensive web sites: The araneus approach TOIT 3(1)

Melnik, Sergey
  Building a distributed full-text index for the web TOIS 19(3)

Menczer, Filippo
  Topical web crawlers: Evaluating adaptive algorithms TOIT 4(4)

Meng, Weiyi
  A highly scalable and effective method for metasearch TOIS 19(3)

Menon, Syam
  Efficient scheduling of Internet banner advertisements TOIT 3(4)

Merialdo, Paolo
  Design and development of data-intensive web sites: The araneus approach TOIT 3(1)

Merkl, Dieter
  An Adaptive Information Retrieval System Based on Associative Networks APCCM 2004
  Improving Domain Ontologies by Mining Semantics from Text APCCM 2004

Merz, Ulla
  Direct: A Query Facility for Multiple Databases TOIS 12(4)

Metaxides, Tax A.
  DBTG Report, October 1969
  DBTG Report, April 1971
  A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Metzler, Douglas P.
  The Constituent Object Parser: Syntactic Structure Matching for Information Retrieval TOIS 7(3)

Meuss, Holger
  Complete answer aggregates for treelike databases: a novel approach to combine querying and navigation TOIS 19(2)

Meyrowitz, Norman K.
  The Envoy Framework: An Open Architecture for Agents TOIS 10(3)

Middleton, Stuart E.
  Ontological user profiling in recommender systems TOIS 22(1)

Mihaila, George A.
  When experts agree: using non-affiliated experts to rank popular topics TOIS 20(1)

Miller, Bradley N.
  PocketLens: Toward a personal recommender system TOIS 22(3)

Miller, Steven M.
  Exceptions and Exception Handling in Computerized Information Processes TOIS 13(2)

Minneman, Scott L.
  VideoDraw: A Video Interface for Collaborative Drawing TOIS 9(2)

Moffat, Alistair
  Self-Indexing Inverted Files for Fast Text Retrieval TOIS 14(4)
  Arithmetic Coding Revisited TOIS 16(3)
  Improved Retrieval Effectiveness Through Impact Transformation ADC 2002
  Index Compression Using Fixed Binary Codewords ADC 2004
  Performance and Cost Tradeoffs in Web Search. ADC 2004

Mogul, Jeffrey C.
  Architecture and performance of server-directed transcoding TOIT 3(4)

Mohamed, Shamim P.
  Interactive Specification of Flexible User Interface Displays TOIS 8(3)

Moldovan, Dan I.
  Performance issues and error analysis in an open-domain question answering system TOIS 21(2)

Møller, Anders
  The <bigwig> project TOIT 2(2)

Moon, ChanHo
  Deferred Incremental Refresh of XML Materialized Views : Algorithms and Performance Evaluation ADC 2003

Moore, Scott A.
  On Automated Message Processing in Electronic Commerce and Work Support Systems: Speech Act Theory and Expressive Felicity TOIS 15(4)

Moran, Shlomo
  SALSA: the stochastic approach for link-structure analysis TOIS 19(2)
  Optimizing result prefetching in web search engines with segmented indices TOIT 4(1)

Mørch, Anders I.
  The Role of Critiquing in Cooperative Problem Solving TOIS 9(2)

Mori, Renato de
  An information-theoretic approach to automatic query expansion TOIS 19(1)

Morisaki, Masato
  A Model for Input and Output for Multilingual Text in a Windowing Environment TOIS 10(4)

Morrissey, Joan M.
  Imprecise Information and Uncertainty in Information Systems TOIS 8(2)

Moss, J. Eliot B.
  Design of the Mneme Persistent Object Store TOIS 8(2)

Mostafa, Javed
  A Multilevel Approach to Intelligent Information Filtering: Model, System, and Evaluation TOIS 15(4)

Motro, Amihai
  SEAVE: A Mechanism for Verifying User Presuppositions in Query Systems TOIS 4(4)
  BAROQUE: A Browser for Relational Databases TOIS 4(2)
  VAGUE: A User Interface to Relational Databases that Permits Vague Queries TOIS 6(3)

Moura, Edleno Silva de
  Fast and flexible word searching on compressed text TOIS 18(2)
  Local versus global link information in the Web TOIS 21(1)

Mukhopadhyay, Snehasis
  A Multilevel Approach to Intelligent Information Filtering: Model, System, and Evaluation TOIS 15(4)

Muro, J. M.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Murthy, Sudarshan
  Putting Integrated Information in Context: Superimposing Conceptual Models with SPARCE APCCM 2004

Myers, Brad A.
  A New Model for Handling Input TOIS 8(3)

Mylopoulos, John
  Telos: Representing Knowledge About Information Systems TOIS 8(4)
  DAIDA: An Environment for Evolving Information Systems TOIS 10(1)

Natsev, Apostol
  Aggregate Predicate Support in DBMS ADC 2002

Navarro, Gonzalo
  Proximal Nodes: A Model to Query Document Databases by Content and Structure TOIS 15(4)
  Fast and flexible word searching on compressed text TOIS 18(2)

Nawijn, Wop
  Document Architecture and Text Formatting TOIS 3(4)

Neal, Radford M.
  Arithmetic Coding Revisited TOIS 16(3)

Neches, Robert
  Knowledge-Based Tools to Promote Shared Goals and Terminology Between Interface Designers TOIS 6(3)

Neimat, Marie-Anne
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Nentwich, Christian
  xlinkit: a consistency checking and smart link generation service TOIT 2(2)

Nepal, Surya
  A Heuristic Algorithm for Combining Fuzzy Results in Multimedia Databases ADC 2002

Newby, Steve
  Extending a Persistent Object Framework to Enhance Enterprise Application Server Performance ADC 2002

Newman, Michael
  Sequential Patterns in Information Systems Development: An Application of a Social Process Model TOIS 14(1)

Ng, Cheuk Hang
  Distributed content-based visual information retrieval system on peer-to-peer networks TOIS 22(3)

Ng, Vincent
  Enumerating XML Data for Dynamic Updating ADC 2005

Ng, Wee Keong
  CrystalBall : A Framework for Mining Variants of Association Rules ADC 2003

Nguyen, Anh
  Document Classification via Structure Synopses ADC 2003

Nicholson, Robert T.
  Usage Patterns in an Integrated Voice and Data Communications System TOIS 3(3)

Nie, Jian-Yun
  Query clustering using user logs TOIS 20(1)

Nierstrasz, Oscar
  KNOs: KNowledge Acquisition, Dissemination, and Manipulation Objects TOIS 5(1)

Nishio, Shojiro
  Design and Implementation of DB-MAN Alpha: Does Database Migration Work Well in a Real Environment? ADC 2002

Nissenbaum, Helen
  Bias in Computer Systems TOIS 14(3)

Normore, Lorraine
  Making a Digital Library: The Contents of the CORE Project TOIS 15(2)

Nouali, Nadia
  A Two-Phase Commit Protocol for Mobile Wireless Environment ADC 2005

Novak, Michael
  Designing Database Interfaces with DBface TOIS 11(2)

Nürnberg, Peter J.
  A Hypermedia Version Control Framework TOIS 16(2)

Nutt, Gary J.
  An Experimental Distributed Modeling System TOIS 1(2)

O'Leary, Dianne P.
  A Semidiscrete Matrix Decomposition for Latent Semantic Indexing Information Retrieval TOIS 16(4)

O'Mahony, Michael P.
  Collaborative recommendation: A robustness analysis TOIT 4(4)

Oberweis, Andreas
  Information System Behavior Specification by High-Level Petri Nets TOIS 14(4)

Ohara, Hiroyoshi
  A Model for Input and Output for Multilingual Text in a Windowing Environment TOIS 10(4)

Ohbo, Nobuo
  The Complex Polyhedra Technique: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Space ADC 2002

Ohta, Manabu
  An Access Control Method Based on the Prefix Labeling Scheme for XML Repositories ADC 2005

Oliveira, Maria Cristina Ferreira de
  A statechart-based model for hypermedia applications TOIS 19(1)

Olle, T. William
  A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Olsen, Jan
  Making a Digital Library: The Contents of the CORE Project TOIS 15(2)

Olson, Gary M.
  Groupwork Close Up: A Comparison of the Group Design Process With and Without a Simple Group Editor TOIS 11(4)

Olson, Judith S.
  Groupwork Close Up: A Comparison of the Group Design Process With and Without a Simple Group Editor TOIS 11(4)

Olson, Margrethe H.
  Work at Home for Computer Professionals: Current Attitudes and Future Prospects TOIS 7(4)

Olson, Ronald M.
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Ong, Kok-Leong
  CrystalBall : A Framework for Mining Variants of Association Rules ADC 2003

Ooi, Beng Chin
  B-trees: Bearing Fruits of All Kinds ADC 2002

Oppen, Derek C.
  The Clearinghouse: A Decentralized Agent for Locating Named Objects in a Distributed Environment TOIS 1(3)

Orlikowski, Wanda J.
  Genre taxonomy: A knowledge repository of communicative actions TOIS 19(4)
  Technological Frames: Making Sense of Information Technology in Organizations TOIS 12(2)

Orlowska, Maria E.
  Customizing Internal Activity Behaviour for Flexible Process Enforcement ADC 2004
  On Aggregation Issues in Spatial Data Management ADC 2002
  Data Flow and Validation in Workflow Modelling ADC 2004

Owei, Vesper
  An intelligent approach to handling imperfect information in concept-based natural language queries TOIS 20(3)

Özsu, M. Tamer
  Queries and Query Processing in Object-Oriented Database Systems TOIS 8(4)

Paddock, Charles E.
  Office Automation Projects and Their Impact on Organization, Planning, and Control TOIS 2(4)

Paepcke, Andreas
  Efficient web browsing on handheld devices using page and form summarization TOIS 20(1)
  Predicate Rewriting for Translating Boolean Queries in a Heterogeneous Information System TOIS 17(1)
  Searching the Web TOIT 1(1)

Paganelli, Federica
  Automating XML document Transformations: A conceptual modelling based approach APCCM 2004

Pahlavan, K.
  Wireless Intraoffice Networks TOIS 6(3)

Paik, Woojin
  Text Categorization for Multiple Users Based on Semantic Features from a Machine-Readable Dictionary TOIS 12(3)

Palakal, Mathew J.
  A Multilevel Approach to Intelligent Information Filtering: Model, System, and Evaluation TOIS 15(4)

Palaniappan, Murugappan
  The Envoy Framework: An Open Architecture for Agents TOIS 10(3)

Panko, Raymond R.
  38 Offices: Analyzing Needs in Individual Offices TOIS 2(3)
  Productivity Trends in Certain Office-Intensive Sectors of the U.S. Federal Government TOIS 3(4)

Pankratius, Victor
  A Formal Foundation for Workflow Composition, Workflow View Definition, and Workflow Normalization based on Petri Nets APCCM 2005

Pant, Gautam
  Topical web crawlers: Evaluating adaptive algorithms TOIT 4(4)

Paolini, Paolo
  Model-driven development of Web applications: the AutoWeb system TOIS 18(4)
  HDM - A Model-Based Approach to Hypertext Application Design TOIS 11(1)

Papa, M.
  Multimedia Document Presentation, Information Extraction, and Document Formation in MINOS: A Model and a System TOIS 4(4)

Papadias, Dimitris
  Approximate spatio-temporal retrieval TOIS 19(1)

Park, Jinsoo
  Information systems interoperability: What lies beneath? TOIS 22(4)

Park, Seung-Taek
  Analysis of lexical signatures for improving information persistence on the World Wide Web TOIS 22(4)

Parsons, Jeffrey
  An Experimental Evaluation of Property Precedence in Conceptual Modelling APCCM 2004

Pasca, Marius
  Performance issues and error analysis in an open-domain question answering system TOIS 21(2)

Pathria, A.
  Multimedia Document Presentation, Information Extraction, and Document Formation in MINOS: A Model and a System TOIS 4(4)

Pau, Cristian
  XAL: An Algebra For XML Query Optimization ADC 2002

Pausch, Randy F.
  Lessons Learned from SUIT, the Simple User Interface Toolkit TOIS 10(4)

Pedersen, Dennis
  A Powerful and SQL-Compatible Data Model and Query Language for OLAP ADC 2002

Pedersen, Torben Bach
  A Powerful and SQL-Compatible Data Model and Query Language for OLAP ADC 2002

Peels, Arno J. H. M.
  Document Architecture and Text Formatting TOIS 3(4)

Pennock, David M.
  Analysis of lexical signatures for improving information persistence on the World Wide Web TOIS 22(4)

Peramunetilleke, Desh
  Currency Exchange Rate Forecasting From News Headlines ADC 2002

Pernici, Barbara
  C-TODOS: An Automatic Tool for Office System Conceptual Design TOIS 7(4)
  The Design Requirements of Office Systems TOIS 2(2)

Persily, M. P.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Petersen, Karin
  Extending document management systems with user-specific active properties TOIS 18(2)

Pfeifer, Ulrich
  Probabilistic Information Retrieval as a Combination of Abstraction, Inductive Learning, and Probabilistic Assumptions TOIS 12(1)

Pierce, Benjamin C.
  XDuce: A statically typed XML processing language TOIT 3(2)

Plaisant, Catherine
  Interface and Data Architecture for Query Preview in Networked Information Systems TOIS 17(3)

Pliskin, Nava
  Electronic Mail as a Coalition-Building Information Technology TOIS 16(1)

Pollock, Stephen
  A Rule-Based Message Filtering System TOIS 6(3)

Ponte, Jay M.
  The maximum entropy approach and probabilistic IR models TOIS 18(3)

Pope, Simon
  Semantic Constraints for Trust Transitivity APCCM 2005

Postel, Jonathan B.
  An Experimental Multimedia Mail System TOIS 6(1)

Poulovassilis, Alexandra
  A Nested-Graph Model for the Representation and Manipulation of Complex Objects TOIS 12(1)

Poutré, Johannes A. La
  Market-based recommendation: Agents that compete for consumer attention TOIT 4(4)

Powell, Allison L.
  Comparing the performance of collection selection algorithms TOIS 21(4)

Pozzi, Silvano
  Document Retrieval in Office Environment: Knowledge Modelling and Browsing TOIS 13(3)

Pramudiono, Iko
  WEB Community Mining and WEB Log Mining: Commodity Cluster Based Execution ADC 2002

Prasher, Sham
  Multiresolution Amalgamation: Dynamic Spatial Data Cube Generation ADC 2004

Preneel, Bart
  (How) can mobile agents do secure electronic transactions on untrusted hosts? A survey of the security issues and the current solutions TOIT 3(1)

Price, Richard C.
  Concepts for Multimedia Database Exploitation ADC 2005

Prinz, Andreas
  Operational Semantics of Transactions ADC 2003

Proper, Henderik Alex
  On Utility-based Selection of Architecture-Modelling Concepts APCCM 2005
  Transformation selection for aptness-based web retrieval ADC 2005

Purdy, Alan
  Integrating an Object Server with Other Worlds TOIS 5(1)

Purdy, K. Hal
  An open architecture for next-generation telecommunication services TOIT 4(1)

Purvis, Martin K.
  Information Systems as Distributed Multi-agent Systems APCCM 2005

Purvy, Robert
  The Design of Star's Records Processing: Data Processing for the Noncomputer Professional TOIS 1(1)

Raak, Thomas
  Database Collaboration Instead of Integration APCCM 2005

Rabin, Jonas
  A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems

Rabitti, Fausto
  Query Processing in a Multimedia Document System TOIS 6(1)
  Dynamic Partitioning of Signature Files TOIS 9(4)
  Region proximity in metric spaces and its use for approximate similarity search TOIS 21(2)

Rachakonda, Satya Mahesh
  A Corpus Analysis Approach for Automatic Query Expansion and Its Extension to Multiple Databases TOIS 17(3)

Rada, Roy
  Structured Hypertext with Domain Semantics TOIS 16(4)
  Converting a Textbook to Hypertext TOIS 10(3)
  Augmenting Thesauri for Information Systems TOIS 5(4)

Radicati, Siranush
  Managing Transient Internetwork Links in the Xerox Internet TOIS 2(3)

Raghavan, Sriram
  Building a distributed full-text index for the web TOIS 19(3)
  Searching the Web TOIT 1(1)

Raghavan, Vijay V.
  A Critical Investigation of Recall and Precision as Measures of Retrieval System Performance TOIS 7(3)
  Design and Evaluation of Algorithms for Image Retrieval by Spatial Similarity TOIS 13(2)

Raita, Timo
  Modeling Word Occurrences for the Compression of Concordances TOIS 15(3)

Rajagopalan, Sridhar
  Self-similarity in the web TOIT 2(3)

Ram, Sudha
  Collaborative Conceptual Schema Design: A Process Model and Prototype System TOIS 16(4)
  Information systems interoperability: What lies beneath? TOIS 22(4)

Rama, D. V.
  An Investigation of Content Representation Using Text Grammars TOIS 11(1)

Ramakrishna, M. V.
  A Heuristic Algorithm for Combining Fuzzy Results in Multimedia Databases ADC 2002

Ramamohanarao, Kotagiri
  A Bayesian Approach to Use Emerging Patterns for Classification ADC 2003

Ramanathan, Srinivas
  Feedback Techniques for Continuity and Synchronisation in Multimedia Information Retrieval TOIS 13(2)

Rames, J. R.
  C-TODOS: An Automatic Tool for Office System Conceptual Design TOIS 7(4)

Ramesh, Venkataraman
  Collaborative Conceptual Schema Design: A Process Model and Prototype System TOIS 16(4)

Ramm, M. A.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Ramming, J. Christopher
  An open architecture for next-generation telecommunication services TOIT 4(1)

Rangan, P. Venkat
  Feedback Techniques for Continuity and Synchronisation in Multimedia Information Retrieval TOIS 13(2)

Rao, Aibing
  Theory of keyblock-based image retrieval TOIS 20(2)

Rao, Ramana
  Semistructured Messages Are Surprisingly Useful for Computer-Supported Coordination TOIS 5(2)

Rashidian, M.
  A Prototype System for the Electronic Storage and Retrieval of Document Images TOIS 3(3)

Rauch, Felix
  OS Support for a Commodity Database on PC clusters - Distributed Devices vs. Distributed File Systems ADC 2005

Rein, Gail L.
  Project Nick: Meetings Augmentation and Analysis TOIS 5(2)

Remde, Joel R.
  Formative Design-Evaluation of SuperBook TOIS 7(1)

Ren, Liming
  Document Ranking on Weight-Partitioned Signature Files TOIS 14(2)

Resnick, Paul
  Phone-Based CSCW: Tools and Trials TOIS 11(4)

Reynolds, Joyce K.
  An Experimental Multimedia Mail System TOIS 6(1)

Ribeiro-Neto, Berthier A.
  Local versus global link information in the Web TOIS 21(1)

Rice, Ronald E.
  Access to, Usage of, and Outcomes from an Electronic Messaging System TOIS 6(3)

Rich, Martin J.
  A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Riedl, John
  Evaluating collaborative filtering recommender systems TOIS 22(1)
  PocketLens: Toward a personal recommender system TOIS 22(3)

Riis, Karsten
  A Powerful and SQL-Compatible Data Model and Query Language for OLAP ADC 2002

Rijsbergen, C. J. van
  A Study of Probability Kinematics in Information Retrieval TOIS 16(3)
  Probabilistic models of information retrieval based on measuring the divergence from randomness TOIS 20(4)
  The impact on retrieval effectiveness of skewed frequency distributions TOIS 17(4)

Riloff, Ellen
  Information as Basic for High-Precision Text Classification TOIS 12(3)

Rivlin, Ehud
  Structural Analysis of Hypertexts: Identifying Hierarchies and Useful Metrics TOIS 10(2)
  Placing search in context: the concept revisited TOIS 20(1)

Roach, David
  An Extension of Ukkonen's Enhanced Dynamic Programming ASM Algorithm TOIS 14(1)

Roantree, Mark
  Metadata Management in Federated Multimedia Systems ADC 2002

Robertson, George G.
  A Morphological Analysis of the Design Space of Input Devices TOIS 9(2)

Robey, Daniel
  Sequential Patterns in Information Systems Development: An Application of a Social Process Model TOIS 14(1)

Röck, Brigitte
  Extending Object-Oriented Systems with Roles TOIS 14(3)

Rodríguez, Manuel de Buenaga
  Multidocument summarization: An added value to clustering in interactive retrieval TOIS 22(2)

Rolia, Jerry
  Characterizing the scalability of a large web-based shopping system TOIT 1(1)

Rolland, Colette
  C-TODOS: An Automatic Tool for Office System Conceptual Design TOIS 7(4)

Rölleke, Thomas
  A Probabilistic Relational Algebra for the Integration of Information Retrieval and Database Systems TOIS 15(1)

Romano, Giovanni
  An information-theoretic approach to automatic query expansion TOIS 19(1)
  Improving retrieval feedback with multiple term-ranking function combination TOIS 20(3)

Romm, Celia T.
  Electronic Mail as a Coalition-Building Information Technology TOIS 16(1)

Rosenblitt, David
  Semistructured Messages Are Surprisingly Useful for Computer-Supported Coordination TOIS 5(2)

Rosson, Mary Beth
  Getting Around the Task-Artifact Cycle: How to Make Claims and Design by Scenario TOIS 10(2)

Rotolo, Antonino
  A Model of Dynamic Resource Allocation in Workflow Systems ADC 2004

Roure, David De
  Ontological user profiling in recommender systems TOIS 22(1)

Rousset, Marie-Christine
  Answering queries using views: A KRDB perspective for the semantic Web TOIT 4(3)

Routledge, Nicholas
  UML and XML Schema ADC 2002

Rowe, Neil C.
  Using Local Optimality Criteria for Efficient Information Retrieval with Redundant Information Filters TOIS 14(2)
  Natural-Language Retrieval of Images Based on Descriptive Captions TOIS 14(3)

Ruan, Li-Qun
  A Video Retrieval and Sequencing System TOIS 13(4)

Rubin, Aviel D.
  The architecture of robust publishing systems TOIT 1(2)
  Defending against an Internet-based attack on the physical world TOIT 4(3)

Ruhleder, Karen
  Rich and Lean Representations of Information for Knowledge Work: The Role of Computing Packages in the Work of Classical Scholars TOIS 12(2)

Ruppin, Eytan
  Placing search in context: the concept revisited TOIS 20(1)

Rus, Daniela
  Customizing Information Capture and Access TOIS 15(1)

Russell, J. F.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Ryan, T. A.
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Saake, Gunter
  TROLL - A Language for Object-Oriented Specification of Information Systems TOIS 14(2)

Sacks-Davis, Ron
  Efficient passage ranking for document databases TOIS 17(4)

Sadiq, Shazia W.
  A Model of Dynamic Resource Allocation in Workflow Systems ADC 2004
  On Building Workflow Models for Flexible Processes ADC 2002
  Data Flow and Validation in Workflow Modelling ADC 2004

Sadiq, Wasim
  Data Flow and Validation in Workflow Modelling ADC 2004

Safayeni, Frank R.
  A Critical Appraisal of Task Taxonomies as a Tool for Studying Office Activities TOIS 2(4)

Sahami, Mehran
  QProber: A system for automatic classification of hidden-Web databases TOIS 21(1)

Sakai, Shinobu
  Design and Implementation of DB-MAN Alpha: Does Database Migration Work Well in a Real Environment? ADC 2002

Salaun, Josiane
  Behavioral Experiments on Handmarkings TOIS 5(4)

Salice, Fabio
  Logical and physical design issues for smart card databases TOIS 21(3)

Salisbury, Michael
  Extending document management systems with user-specific active properties TOIS 18(2)

Salminen, Airi
  From Text to Hypertext by Indexing TOIS 13(1)

Salzer, Gernot
  The tau Model, Formalizing Topic Maps APCCM 2005

Samarati, Pierangela
  A Flexible Authorization Mechanism for Relational Data Management Systems TOIS 17(2)

Sander, Peter
  Information System Behavior Specification by High-Level Petri Nets TOIS 14(4)

Sanderson, Mark
  The impact on retrieval effectiveness of skewed frequency distributions TOIS 17(4)

Sarin, Sunil K.
  Data Sharing in Group Work TOIS 5(2)

Sassone, Peter G.
  Cost-Benefit Methodology for Office Systems TOIS 5(3)

Saulys, Tomas
  Conceptual Learning in Database Design TOIS 10(3)

Savino, Pasquale
  Implementing Ranking Strategies Using Text Signatures TOIS 6(1)
  Region proximity in metric spaces and its use for approximate similarity search TOIS 21(2)

Scamell, Richard W.
  Office Automation Projects and Their Impact on Organization, Planning, and Control TOIS 2(4)

Scerbo, M. W.
  Details of Command-Language Keystrokes TOIS 1(2)

Schäuble, Peter
  On the Expressive Power of Query Languages TOIS 12(1)

Schewe, Klaus-Dieter
  Context-Aware Web Information Systems APCCM 2004
  Balancing Redundancy and Query Costs in Distributed Data Warehouses APCCM 2005
  Using Abstract State Machines for Distributed Data Warehouse Design APCCM 2004
  Redundancy, Dependencies and Normal Forms for XML Databases ADC 2005

Schmandt, Chris
  Capturing, Structuring, and Representing Ubiquitous Audio TOIS 11(4)

Schmidt, Joachim W.
  DAIDA: An Environment for Evolving Information Systems TOIS 10(1)

Schnase, John L.
  A Hypermedia Version Control Framework TOIS 16(2)
  Semantic Data Modeling of Hypermedia Associations TOIS 11(1)

Schocken, Shimon
  Toward a Logical/Physical Theory of Spreadsheet Modeling TOIS 13(1)

Schreck, Jörg
  Privacy through pseudonymity in user-adaptive systems TOIT 3(2)

Schrefl, Michael
  Extending Object-Oriented Systems with Roles TOIS 14(3)
  On the Road to Behavior-Based Integration APCCM 2004

Schreiber, Fabio A.
  Logical and physical design issues for smart card databases TOIS 21(3)

Schubert, Richard F.
  DBTG Report, April 1971
  A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Schuchardt, Bruce
  Integrating an Object Server with Other Worlds TOIS 5(1)

Schulz, Klaus U.
  Complete answer aggregates for treelike databases: a novel approach to combine querying and navigation TOIS 19(2)

Schwabe, Daniel
  HDM - A Model-Based Approach to Hypertext Application Design TOIS 11(1)

Schwartz, Mayer D.
  Contexts - A Partitioning Concept for Hypertext TOIS 5(2)

Schwartzbach, Michael I.
  The <bigwig> project TOIT 2(2)

Schwarz, Peter M.
  Data Structures for Efficient Broker Implementation TOIS 15(3)

Sciore, Edward
  Object Specialization TOIS 7(2)

Sernadas, Cristina
  TROLL - A Language for Object-Oriented Specification of Information Systems TOIS 14(2)

Seth, R.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Shadbolt, Nigel
  Ontological user profiling in recommender systems TOIS 22(1)

Shan, Ming-Chien
  Iris: An Object-Oriented Database Management System TOIS 5(1)

Shariff, A. Rashid B. M.
  Metric Details for Natural-Language Spatial Relations TOIS 16(4)

Shasha, Dennis
  New Techniques for Best-Match Retrieval TOIS 8(2)

Shaw, Christopher D.
  Decoupled Simulation in Virtual Reality with the MR Toolkit TOIS 11(3)

Shegalov, German
  Recovery guarantees for Internet applications TOIT 4(3)

Shen, Heng Tao
  Diagonal Ordering: A New Approach to High-Dimensional KNN Processing ADC 2004
  Exploring Bit-Difference for Approximate KNN Search in High-dimensional Databases ADC 2005

Shen, Jialie
  Exploring Bit-Difference for Approximate KNN Search in High-dimensional Databases ADC 2005

Sheng, Olivia R. Liu
  Integrating Expert Systems with Group Decision Support Systems TOIS 9(1)
  LinkSelector: A Web mining approach to hyperlink selection for Web portals TOIT 4(2)

Shepherd, John
  Document Classification via Structure Synopses ADC 2003
  A Collaborative Approach for Caching Dynamic Data in Portal Applications ADC 2004

Shepherd, Michael A.
  A Transient Hypergraph-Based Model for Data Access TOIS 8(2)

Sheppard, Sylvia B.
  TAE Plus: Transportable Applications Environment Plus: A User Interface Development Environment TOIS 11(1)

Shi, Zhongzhi
  FORMANAGER: An Office Forms Management System TOIS 2(3)

Shimony, Solomon Eyal
  Qualitative decision making in adaptive presentation of structured information TOIS 22(4)

Shimura, Takeyuki
  XRel: a path-based approach to storage and retrieval of XML documents using relational databases TOIT 1(1)

Shipman III, Frank M.
  Incremental Formalization with the Hyper-Object Substrate TOIS 17(2)

Shneiderman, Ben
  An Exploratory Evaluation of Three Interfaces for Browsing Large Hierarchical Tables of Contents TOIS 12(4)
  Structural Analysis of Hypertexts: Identifying Hierarchies and Useful Metrics TOIS 10(2)
  Interface and Data Architecture for Query Preview in Networked Information Systems TOIS 17(3)

Shook, Douglas E.
  Access to, Usage of, and Outcomes from an Electronic Messaging System TOIS 6(3)

Shui, William M.
  Querying and Maintaining Ordered XML Data using Relational Databases ADC 2005

Shute, Steven J.
  Knowledge-Based Search Tactics for an Intelligent Intermediary System TOIS 7(3)

Si, Luo
  A semisupervised learning method to merge search engine results TOIS 21(4)

Sia, Ka Cheung
  Distributed content-based visual information retrieval system on peer-to-peer networks TOIS 22(3)

Sibley, Edgar H.
  A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Sidlo, J. R.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Siegel, Michael
  Context Interchange: New Features and Formalisms for the Intelligent Integration of Information TOIS 17(3)

Siegel, Paul
  DBTG Report, October 1969

Silva, Ilmério
  Local versus global link information in the Web TOIS 21(1)

Silvestre, Guenole C. M.
  Collaborative recommendation: A robustness analysis TOIT 4(4)

Simmons, Warren G.
  DBTG Report, October 1969

Simoff, Simeon J.
  Enterprise Architecture Modelling using Elastic Metaphors APCCM 2004

Singer, Yoram
  Context-Sensitive Learning Methods for Text Categorization TOIS 17(2)

Siochi, Antonio C.
  Computer Analysis of User Interfaces Based on Repetition in Transcripts of User Sessions TOIS 9(4)
  The UAN: A User-Oriented Representation for Direct Manipulation Interface Designs TOIS 8(3)

Sitzmann, Inga
  Compacting Discriminator Information for Spatial Trees ADC 2002

Sivakumar, D.
  Self-similarity in the web TOIT 2(3)

Sloane, Anthony M.
  A Pattern Enforcing Compiler (PEC) for Java: Using the Compiler APCCM 2005

Slocum, Jonathan
  Transportability to Other Languages: The Natural Language Processing Project in the AI Program at MCC TOIS 3(2)

Smith, John B.
  Search Improvement via Automatic Query Reformulation TOIS 9(3)

Smith, M. M.
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Smith, Philip J.
  Knowledge-Based Search Tactics for an Intelligent Intermediary System TOIS 7(3)

Smith, Stephen A.
  Projecting Demand for Electronic Communications in Automated Offices TOIS 1(3)

Smith, Tom
  Project Nick: Meetings Augmentation and Analysis TOIS 5(2)

Snodgrass, Richard T.
  Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL

Sockut, Gary H.
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

Söderlund, Lars
  An Architecture for Object Management in OIS TOIS 2(3)

Sodré, Victor de Freitas
  Improving Productivity and Quality of GIS Databases Design using an Analysis Pattern Catalog APCCM 2005

Soffer, Aya
  Knowledge encapsulation for focused search from pervasive devices TOIS 20(1)
  PicASHOW: pictorial authority search by hyperlinks on the web TOIS 20(1)

Solan, Zach
  Placing search in context: the concept revisited TOIS 20(1)

Song, Dawei
  Application of aboutness to functional benchmarking in information retrieval TOIS 19(4)

Spigel, Jeffrey S.
  Evaluating the competitive effects of mergers of internet backbone providers TOIT 2(3)

Sproat, Richard
  Integrating geometrical and linguistic analysis for email signature block parsing TOIS 17(4)

Srihari, Sargur N.
  Integrating Diverse Knowledge Sources in Text Recognition TOIS 1(1)

Srinagesh, Padmanabhan
  Evaluating the competitive effects of mergers of internet backbone providers TOIT 2(3)

Srinivasan, Padmini
  An Investigation of Content Representation Using Text Grammars TOIS 11(1)
  Topical web crawlers: Evaluating adaptive algorithms TOIT 4(4)

Srivastava, P. K.
  A Heuristic Algorithm for Combining Fuzzy Results in Multimedia Databases ADC 2002

Stanley, Carolyn
  Ensuring the Court Admissibility of Computer-Generated Records TOIS 3(4)

Stantic, Bela
  An Efficient Method for Indexing Now-relative Bitemporal data ADC 2004

Star, Susan Leigh
  Analyzing Due Process in the Workplace TOIS 4(3)

Stefik, Mark
  WYSIWIS Revised: Early Experiences with Multiuser Interfaces TOIS 5(2)

Stettner, Heidi
  Document Processing in a Relational Database System TOIS 1(2)

Stevens, Scott
  Introduction to the Special Issue on Video Information Retrieval TOIS 13(4)

Stieger, William H.
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Stonebraker, Michael
  Document Processing in a Relational Database System TOIS 1(2)

Storrosten, Marianne
  Groupwork Close Up: A Comparison of the Group Design Process With and Without a Simple Group Editor TOIS 11(4)

Stotts, P. David
  Hyperdocuments as Automata: Verification of Trace-Based Browsing Properties by Model Checking TOIS 16(1)
  Petri-Net-Based Hypertext: Document Structure with Browsing Semantics TOIS 7(1)

Straube, Dave D.
  Queries and Query Processing in Object-Oriented Database Systems TOIS 8(4)

Stricker, Thomas
  OS Support for a Commodity Database on PC clusters - Distributed Devices vs. Distributed File Systems ADC 2005

Strong, Diane M.
  Exceptions and Exception Handling in Computerized Information Processes TOIS 13(2)

Stuckey, Peter J.
  Compacting Discriminator Information for Spatial Trees ADC 2002

Stucky, Wolffried
  A Formal Foundation for Workflow Composition, Workflow View Definition, and Workflow Normalization based on Petri Nets APCCM 2005

Stumptner, Markus
  On the Road to Behavior-Based Integration APCCM 2004

Sturgess, Larry L.
  DBTG Report, October 1969

Sturman, David J.
  A Design Method for "Whole-Hand" Human-Computer Interaction TOIS 11(3)

Subramanian, Devika
  Customizing Information Capture and Access TOIS 15(1)

Sucahyo, Yudho Giri
  CT-ITL : Efficient Frequent Item Set Mining Using a Compressed Prefix Tree with Pattern Growth ADC 2003

Suchman, Lucy A.
  Office Procedure as Practical Action: Models of Work and System Design TOIS 1(4)
  Designing with the User - Book Review TOIS 6(2)

Sun, Yunqi
  Decoupled Simulation in Virtual Reality with the MR Toolkit TOIS 11(3)

Sung, Hosang
  Deferred Incremental Refresh of XML Materialized Views : Algorithms and Performance Evaluation ADC 2003

Surdeanu, Mihai
  Performance issues and error analysis in an open-domain question answering system TOIS 21(2)

Suthasinekul, S.
  A Prototype System for the Electronic Storage and Retrieval of Document Images TOIS 3(3)

Sweeney, Paula
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

Szabo, Ron L.
  Semantic Data Modeling of Hypermedia Associations TOIS 11(1)

Szczur, Martha R.
  TAE Plus: Transportable Applications Environment Plus: A User Interface Development Environment TOIS 11(1)

Taghva, Kazem
  Evaluation of Model-Based Retrieval Effectiveness with OCR Text TOIS 14(1)

Tague-Sutcliffe, Jean
  From Text to Hypertext by Indexing TOIS 13(1)

Takahashi, Shin
  A General Framework for Bidirectional Translation between Abstract and Pictorial Data TOIS 10(4)

Tan, Bernard C. Y.
  The Equalizing Impact of a Group Support System on Status Differentials TOIS 17(1)

Tan, Kian-Lee
  Exploring Bit-Difference for Approximate KNN Search in High-dimensional Databases ADC 2005
  B-trees: Bearing Fruits of All Kinds ADC 2002

Tanca, Letizia
  Logical and physical design issues for smart card databases TOIS 21(3)

Tang, John C.
  VideoDraw: A Video Interface for Collaborative Drawing TOIS 9(2)

Tang, Wenting
  Measuring and characterizing end-to-end Internet service performance TOIT 3(4)

Tari, Zahir
  A CORBA Cooperative Cache Approach with Popularity Admission and Routing Mechanism ADC 2002

Tatar, Deborah G.
  WYSIWIS Revised: Early Experiences with Multiuser Interfaces TOIS 5(2)

Taylor, Richard N.
  Chimera: hypermedia for heterogeneous software development enviroments TOIS 18(3)
  Principled design of the modern Web architecture TOIT 2(2)

Tellier, Harrison
  DBTG Report, October 1969

Terry, Douglas B.
  The COSIE Communication Subsystem: Support for Distributed Office Applications TOIS 2(2)
  Extending document management systems with user-specific active properties TOIS 18(2)

Terveen, Loren G.
  Evaluating collaborative filtering recommender systems TOIS 22(1)

Thalheim, Bernhard
  Context-Aware Web Information Systems APCCM 2004
  Database Collaboration Instead of Integration APCCM 2005
  Co-Design of Structuring, Functionality, Distribution, and Interactivity for Information Systems APCCM 2004
  Operational Semantics of Transactions ADC 2003
  Database Component Ware ADC 2003

Theodoridou, M.
  Multimedia Document Presentation, Information Extraction, and Document Formation in MINOS: A Model and a System TOIS 4(4)

Thistlewaite, Paul B.
  Methods for Information Server Selection TOIS 17(1)

Thoma, George R.
  A Prototype System for the Electronic Storage and Retrieval of Document Images TOIS 3(3)

Thompson, Bozena Henisz
  ASK is Transportable in Half a Dozen Ways TOIS 3(2)

Thompson, Frederick B.
  ASK is Transportable in Half a Dozen Ways TOIS 3(2)

Thornton, James
  Extending document management systems with user-specific active properties TOIS 18(2)

Thornton, John
  An Efficient Method for Indexing Now-relative Bitemporal data ADC 2004

Tiberio, Paolo
  Dynamic Partitioning of Signature Files TOIS 9(4)

Tinkham, Nancy L.
  LDC-1: A Transportable, Knowledge-Based Natural Language Processor for Office Environments TOIS 2(1)

Tomasic, Anthony
  Data Structures for Efficient Broker Implementation TOIS 15(3)

Tomkins, Andrew
  Self-similarity in the web TOIT 2(3)

Tompa, Frank Wm.
  Shortening the OED: Experience with a Grammar-Defined Database TOIS 10(3)
  A Data Model for Flexible Hypertext Database Systems TOIS 7(1)

Topor, Rodney W.
  Rewriting General Conjunctive Queries Using Views ADC 2002
  Removing XML Data Redundancies Using Functional and Equality-Generating Dependencies ADC 2005

Torres, Jose Maria Turull
  On the Computation of Approximations of Database Queries ADC 2004

Toshniwal, Durga
  Finding Similarity in Time Series Data by Method of Time Weighted Moments ADC 2005

Toyoda, Masashi
  WEB Community Mining and WEB Log Mining: Commodity Cluster Based Execution ADC 2002

Trauth, Eileen M.
  Channel Selection and Effective Communication for Managerial Decision Making TOIS 2(2)

Trigg, Randall H.
  TEXTNET: A Network-Based Approach to Text Handling TOIS 4(1)
  Guided Tours and Tabletops: Tools for Communicating in a Hypertext Environment TOIS 6(4)

Tsichritzis, Dennis
  A Data Modeling Approach for Office Information Systems TOIS 1(4)
  Message Addressing Schemes TOIS 2(1)
  Message Files TOIS 1(1)
  KNOs: KNowledge Acquisition, Dissemination, and Manipulation Objects TOIS 5(1)
  Complete Logical Routings in Computer Mail Systems TOIS 4(1)

Tsudik, Gene
  Fine-grained control of security capabilities TOIT 4(1)

Tsukamoto, Masahiko
  Design and Implementation of DB-MAN Alpha: Does Database Migration Work Well in a Real Environment? ADC 2002

Turine, Marcelo Augusto Santos
  A statechart-based model for hypermedia applications TOIS 19(1)

Turney, Peter D.
  Measuring praise and criticism: Inference of semantic orientation from association TOIS 21(4)

Turpin, Andrew
  Do Clarity Scores for Queries Correlate with User Performance? ADC 2004

Turtle, Howard R.
  Evaluation of an Inference Network-Based Retrieval Model TOIS 9(3)
  PIC matrices: a computationally tractable class of probabilistic query operators TOIS 17(4)

Tuzhilin, Alexander
  Templar: A Knowledge-Based Language for Software Specifications Using Temporal Logic TOIS 13(3)

Uemura, Shunsuke
  XRel: a path-based approach to storage and retrieval of XML documents using relational databases TOIT 1(1)
  A Path-based Relational RDF Database ADC 2005

Umigai, Akimichi
  Design and Implementation of DB-MAN Alpha: Does Database Migration Work Well in a Real Environment? ADC 2002

Upstill, Trystan
  Query-independent evidence in home page finding TOIS 21(3)
  How Valuable is External Link Evidence When Searching Enterprise Webs? ADC 2004

Utting, Kenneth
  Context and Orientation in Hypermedia Networks TOIS 7(1)

Vadapalli, Soujanya
  View Relevance Driven Materialized View Selection in Data Warehousing Environment ADC 2002

Vahdat, Amin
  Measuring and characterizing end-to-end Internet service performance TOIT 3(4)

Valle, Vincent Della
  DBTG Report, October 1969

Valluri, Satyanarayana R.
  View Relevance Driven Materialized View Selection in Data Warehousing Environment ADC 2002

Vandewalle, Joos
  (How) can mobile agents do secure electronic transactions on untrusted hosts? A survey of the security issues and the current solutions TOIT 3(1)

Vanoirbeek, Christine
  Automating XML document Transformations: A conceptual modelling based approach APCCM 2004

Varshney, Upkar
  Location management for mobile commerce applications in wireless Internet environment TOIT 3(3)

Vassiliou, Yannis
  DAIDA: An Environment for Evolving Information Systems TOIS 10(1)

Vazirgiannis, Michalis
  Web mining for web personalization TOIT 3(1)

Verity, Dominic R.
  A Pattern Enforcing Compiler (PEC) for Java: Using the Compiler APCCM 2005

Verrijn-Stuart, Alex A.
  On Utility-based Selection of Architecture-Modelling Concepts APCCM 2005

Vilela, Valério Moysés
  Improving Productivity and Quality of GIS Databases Design using an Analysis Pattern Catalog APCCM 2005

Vitter, Jeffrey Scott
  Aggregate Predicate Support in DBMS ADC 2002

Vlissides, John M.
  Unidraw: A Framework for Building Domain-Specific Graphical Editors TOIS 8(3)

Vogel, Douglas R.
  Integrating Expert Systems with Group Decision Support Systems TOIS 9(1)

Vorhaus, Alfred H.
  A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Vrieze, Paul de
  Transformation selection for aptness-based web retrieval ADC 2005

Vujovic, Nenad
  Evaluation of an Algorithm for Finding a Match of a Distorted Texture Pattern in a Large Image Database TOIS 16(1)

Waddle, Vance E.
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

Waema, T.
  Information Systems Strategy and Implementation: A Case Study of a Building Society TOIS 12(2)

Waldman, Marc
  The architecture of robust publishing systems TOIT 1(2)

Walker, F. L.
  A Prototype System for the Electronic Storage and Retrieval of Document Images TOIS 3(3)

Walsham, Geoff
  Information Systems Strategy and Implementation: A Case Study of a Building Society TOIS 12(2)

Wang, Guoren
  M+-tree : A New Dynamical Multidimensional Index for Metric Spaces ADC 2003

Wang, Hua
  Formal Authorisation Allocation Approaches for Permission-role Assignment Using Relational Algebra Operations ADC 2003

Wang, Jason Tsong-Li
  New Techniques for Best-Match Retrieval TOIS 8(2)

Wang, Jianying
  A Corpus Analysis Approach for Automatic Query Expansion and Its Extension to Multiple Databases TOIS 17(3)

Wang, Junhu
  Rewriting General Conjunctive Queries Using Views ADC 2002
  Removing XML Data Redundancies Using Functional and Equality-Generating Dependencies ADC 2005

Wang, Qing
  Deriving Relation Keys from XML Keys ADC 2003

Wang, Wei
  Path Materialization Revisited: An Efficient Storage Model for XML Data ADC 2002

Wang, Weigang
  Structured Hypertext with Domain Semantics TOIS 16(4)

Want, Roy
  The Active Badge Location System TOIS 10(1)

Ware, Colin
  Evaluating 3D Task Performance for Fish Tank Virtual Worlds TOIS 11(3)

Waterson, Sarah
  WebQuilt: A proxy-based approach to remote web usability testing TOIS 19(3)

Watson, Layne T.
  Streams, structures, spaces, scenarios, societies (5s): A formal model for digital libraries TOIS 22(2)

Watson, Richard T.
  The Equalizing Impact of a Group Support System on Status Differentials TOIS 17(1)

Watters, Carolyn R.
  A Transient Hypergraph-Based Model for Data Access TOIS 8(2)

Wei, Kwok Kee
  The Equalizing Impact of a Group Support System on Status Differentials TOIS 17(1)

Weibel, Stuart
  Making a Digital Library: The Contents of the CORE Project TOIS 15(2)

Weikum, Gerhard
  Recovery guarantees for Internet applications TOIT 4(3)

Weinberg, Sharn B.
  DBTG Report, October 1969

Weinert, Arla E.
  A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Weiser, Mark
  TEXTNET: A Network-Based Approach to Text Handling TOIS 4(1)

Weiss, Sholom M.
  Automated Learning of Decision Rules for Text Categorization TOIS 12(3)

Weld, Daniel S.
  Scaling question answering to the web TOIS 19(3)

Wen, Ji-Rong
  Query clustering using user logs TOIS 20(1)

Werner, George T.
  DBTG Report, October 1969
  DBTG Report, April 1971

Weyer, Stephen A.
  A Prototype Electronic Encyclopedia TOIS 3(1)

Whang, Kyu-Young
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

Whinston, Andrew B.
  An OIS Model for Internal Accounting Control Evaluation TOIS 1(1)

Whitehead Jr., E. James
  Chimera: hypermedia for heterogeneous software development enviroments TOIS 18(3)

Whitmore, Thomas
  Extending a Persistent Object Framework to Enhance Enterprise Application Server Performance ADC 2002

Whitsitt, Andrew J.
  Conceptual Learning in Database Design TOIS 10(3)

Widom, Jennifer
  Exploiting hierarchical domain structure to compute similarity TOIS 21(1)
  Whiteboards: A Graphical Database Tool TOIS 4(1)

Wiecha, Charles
  ITS and User Interface Consistency: A Response to Grudin TOIS 10(1)
  ITS: A Tool for Rapidly Developing Interactive Applications TOIS 8(3)

Wiederhold, Gio
  Database Design, 2nd Edition

Wiil, Uffe Kock
  Hyperform: A Hypermedia System Development Environment TOIS 15(1)

Wilbur, W. John
  The Knowledge in Multiple Human Relevance Judgments TOIS 16(2)

Williams, Hugh E.
  Burst tries: a fast, efficient data structure for string keys TOIS 20(2)
  A general-purpose compression scheme for large collections TOIS 20(3)
  Fast phrase querying with combined indexes TOIS 22(4)
  Genomic Information Retrieval ADC 2003

Williamson, Carey L.
  On filter effects in web caching hierarchies TOIT 2(1)

Winograd, Terry
  Computer Systems and the Design of Organizational Interaction TOIS 6(2)
  Efficient web browsing on handheld devices using page and form summarization TOIS 20(1)

Witten, Ian H.
  Arithmetic Coding Revisited TOIS 16(3)

Woelk, Darrell
  A Distributed Object-Oriented Database System Supporting Shared and Private Databases TOIS 9(1)
  Data Model Issues for Object-Oriented Applications TOIS 5(1)

Wolf, Joel L.
  On balancing the load in a clustered web farm TOIT 1(2)

Wolfman, Gadi
  Placing search in context: the concept revisited TOIS 20(1)

Wong, Kam-Fai
  Application of aboutness to functional benchmarking in information retrieval TOIS 19(4)

Wong, Raymond K.
  Cooperative Query Answering for Semistructured Data ADC 2003
  Optimizing The Lazy DFA Approach for XML Stream Processing ADC 2004
  Currency Exchange Rate Forecasting From News Headlines ADC 2002
  Querying and Maintaining Ordered XML Data using Relational Databases ADC 2005

Wong, S. K. Michael
  On Modeling Information Retrieval with Probabilistic Inference TOIS 13(1)

Wong, Stephen T. C.
  Preference-Based Decision Making for Cooperative Knowledge-Based Systems TOIS 12(4)

Woo, Carson C.
  A Speech-Act Negotiation Protocol: Design, Implementation, and Test Use TOIS 12(4)
  Supporting Distributed Office Problem Solving in Organizations TOIS 4(3)

Wu, Hongwei
  Deriving Relation Keys from XML Keys ADC 2003

Wu, O. Qi
  Query Optimization on Local Area Networks TOIS 3(1)

Wu, Xindong
  Efficient mining of both positive and negative association rules TOIS 22(3)

Wu, Zonghuan
  A highly scalable and effective method for metasearch TOIS 19(3)

Wüthrich, Beat
  On the Expressive Power of Query Languages TOIS 12(1)

Xiao, Jianchang
  Deriving Relation Keys from XML Keys ADC 2003

Xu, Guandong
  Discovering User Access Pattern Based on Probabilistic Latent Factor Model ADC 2005

Xu, Jinxi
  Improving the effectiveness of information retrieval with local context analysis TOIS 18(1)
  Corpus-Based Stemming Using Cooccurrence of Word Cariants TOIS 16(1)

Xu, Kai
  Database Support For Multiresolution Terrain Visualization ADC 2003

Yang, Beverly
  Building a distributed full-text index for the web TOIS 19(3)

Yang, Yiming
  An Example-Based Mapping Method for Text Categorization and Retrieval TOIS 12(3)

Yankelovich, Nicole
  Context and Orientation in Hypermedia Networks TOIS 7(1)
  The Envoy Framework: An Open Architecture for Agents TOIS 10(3)

Yao, S. Bing
  FORMANAGER: An Office Forms Management System TOIS 2(3)
  Query Optimization on Local Area Networks TOIS 3(1)

Yao, Yiyu
  On Modeling Information Retrieval with Probabilistic Inference TOIS 13(1)

Yates, JoAnne
  Genre taxonomy: A knowledge repository of communicative actions TOIS 19(4)

Yin, Jian
  Engineering web cache consistency TOIT 2(3)

Yokoyama, Shohei
  An Access Control Method Based on the Prefix Labeling Scheme for XML Repositories ADC 2005

Yonezawa, Akinori
  A General Framework for Bidirectional Translation between Abstract and Pictorial Data TOIS 10(4)

Yoshida, Yusuke
  Performance Evaluation of Combining Data Migration and Method Migration in Object Database Environments ADC 2002

Yoshikawa, Masatoshi
  XRel: a path-based approach to storage and retrieval of XML documents using relational databases TOIT 1(1)
  A Path-based Relational RDF Database ADC 2005

Yoshioka, Takeshi
  Genre taxonomy: A knowledge repository of communicative actions TOIS 19(4)

Young, John W.
  A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems
  Feature Analysis of Data Base Management Systems

Yu, Clement T.
  A highly scalable and effective method for metasearch TOIS 19(3)

Yu, Edmund S.
  Text Categorization for Multiple Users Based on Semantic Features from a Machine-Readable Dictionary TOIS 12(3)

Yu, Ge
  M+-tree : A New Dynamical Multidimensional Index for Metric Spaces ADC 2003

Yu, Jeffrey Xu
  Path Materialization Revisited: An Efficient Storage Model for XML Data ADC 2002
  M+-tree : A New Dynamical Multidimensional Index for Metric Spaces ADC 2003

Yu, Keh-Chiang
  Object Lens: A "Spreadsheet" for Cooperative Work TOIS 6(4)

Yu, Philip S.
  On the design of a learning crawler for topical resource discovery TOIS 19(3)
  On balancing the load in a clustered web farm TOIT 1(2)

Yuan, Yidong
  Multi-resolution Algorithms for Building Spatial Histograms ADC 2003

Zaïane, Osmar R.
  Classifying Text Documents by Associating Terms With Text Categories ADC 2002

Zanzi, Antonella
  A Visual Retrieval Environment for Hypermedia Information Systems TOIS 14(1)

Zave, Pamela
  An open architecture for next-generation telecommunication services TOIT 4(1)

Zdonik, Stanley B.
  A Visual Interface for a Database with Version Management TOIS 4(3)
  A Shared, Segmented Memory System for an Object-Oriented Database TOIS 5(1)

Zeltzer, David
  A Design Method for "Whole-Hand" Human-Computer Interaction TOIS 11(3)

Zeng, Daniel D.
  Applying associative retrieval techniques to alleviate the sparsity problem in collaborative filtering TOIS 22(1)

Zezula, Pavel
  Estimating Accesses in Partitioned Signature File Organizations TOIS 11(2)
  Dynamic Partitioning of Signature Files TOIS 9(4)
  Region proximity in metric spaces and its use for approximate similarity search TOIS 21(2)

Zhai, ChengXiang
  A study of smoothing methods for language models applied to information retrieval TOIS 22(2)

Zhai, Shumin
  Virtual Reality for Palmtop Computers TOIS 11(3)

Zhang, Aidong
  Theory of keyblock-based image retrieval TOIS 20(2)

Zhang, Chengqi
  Efficient mining of both positive and negative association rules TOIS 22(3)

Zhang, HongJiang
  Query clustering using user logs TOIS 20(1)

Zhang, Qing
  Clustering Moving Objects for Spatio-temporal Selectivity Estimation ADC 2004

Zhang, Shichao
  Efficient mining of both positive and negative association rules TOIS 22(3)

Zhang, Yanchun
  On Conceptual Modelling and Design of Role-Based Access Control Systems APCCM 2004
  Constructing Good Quality Web Page Communities ADC 2002
  Utilizing Hyperlink Transitivity to Improve Web Page Clustering ADC 2003
  LSDX: A New Labelling Scheme for Dynamically Updating XML Data ADC 2005
  Web Service Composition Transaction Management ADC 2004
  Web Service Composition with Case-Based Reasoning ADC 2003
  Discovering User Access Pattern Based on Probabilistic Latent Factor Model ADC 2005
  Formal Authorisation Allocation Approaches for Permission-role Assignment Using Relational Algebra Operations ADC 2003

Zhao, Jane
  Balancing Redundancy and Query Costs in Distributed Data Warehouses APCCM 2005
  Using Abstract State Machines for Distributed Data Warehouse Design APCCM 2004

Zhou, Aoying
  Deriving Relation Keys from XML Keys ADC 2003

Zhou, Junmei
  Deriving Relation Keys from XML Keys ADC 2003

Zhou, Xiangmin
  M+-tree : A New Dynamical Multidimensional Index for Metric Spaces ADC 2003

Zhou, Xiaofang
  Discovering User Access Pattern Based on Probabilistic Latent Factor Model ADC 2005
  Multiresolution Amalgamation: Dynamic Spatial Data Cube Generation ADC 2004

Zhu, Jianhan
  PageCluster: Mining conceptual link hierarchies from Web log files for adaptive Web site navigation TOIT 4(2)

Zhu, Lei
  Theory of keyblock-based image retrieval TOIS 20(2)

Zhu, Xingquan
  A hierarchical access control model for video database systems TOIS 21(2)

Zicari, Roberto
  An Algebra for Structured Office Documents TOIS 7(2)

Ziviani, Nivio
  Fast and flexible word searching on compressed text TOIS 18(2)
  Local versus global link information in the Web TOIS 21(1)

Zloof, Moshé M.
  Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager TOIS 5(4)

Zobel, Justin
  Burst tries: a fast, efficient data structure for string keys TOIS 20(2)
  Self-Indexing Inverted Files for Fast Text Retrieval TOIS 14(4)
  Efficient passage ranking for document databases TOIS 17(4)
  Fast phrase querying with combined indexes TOIS 22(4)
  Questioning Query Expansion: An Examination of Behaviour and Parameters ADC 2004


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