2005 SIGMOD Contributions Award
Hongjun Lu
"For lifetime dedication and service to the database research community,
especially the promotion of database research in the Asia-Pacific
Dr. Hongjun Lu, who passed away on March 6, 2005, made sustained and
outstanding service contributions to the database-research community
over the past 20 years, in addition to his many contributions to
database research. The health of that community today, and especially
the in-roads it has made in mainland China, are a testament to his
His list of notable contributions includes the following:
- Dr. Lu had a long history of providing outstanding service
to ACM and to the database community. He served as a member
of the ACM SIGMOD Advisory Board during the period 1998-2002.
He was elected as a Trustee of the VLDB Endowment in 2000
and served as its secretary, one of its executive officers.
He has served as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering (2002-2005), an Editor
for Knowledge and Information Systems: An international Journal
(1998-2001), and an Editor for a Springer-Verlag book series on
Database Management and Information Retrieval. He has served
on the program committees for almost all important ACM and
other international conferences and workshops in database and
related areas, including the ACM SIGMOD International Conference
on Management of Data, the International Conference on Very Large
Databases (VLDB'06 program co-chair), the International Conference
on Data Engineering (ICDE'02, ICDE'99: program vice chair, ICDE'05,
ICDE'03: panel chair), and the ACM SIKDD International Conference
on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD).
Dr. Lu was the founder and the Steering Committee chair for
two regional annual conferences, the Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) (started in 1997)
and the International Conference on Web-Age Information Management
(WAIM) (started in 2000).
- Dr. Lu has devoted a great deal of his time and energy to the
promotion of database research in the Asia-Pacific region. He has
organized or co-organized many international conferences in that
region. He played a major role in proposing and attracting the
2007 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data to
Beijing, China. His service roles include program co-chair for the 2006
International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'06) (Korea),
panel co-chair for the 2005 International Conference on Data
Engineering (ICDE'05, Japan), conference chair for The
Sixth Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2004, Hangzhou, China),
program co-chair for the 23rd International Conference on
Conceptual Modeling (ER'04, Shanghai, China), panel
co-chair for the 19th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering
(ICDE'03, Bangalore, India), program co-chair for the 3rd
International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced
Applications (CODAS'01, Beijing, China), conference co-chair for the
2nd International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM'01,
Xi'an, China), program co-chair of the 1st International Conference on
Web-Age Information Management (WAIM'00, Shanghai, China),
area coordinator and program vice-Chair (Data Mining and Data
Warehousing) for the 15th International Conference on Data Engineering
(ICDE'99, Sydney, Australia), program co-chair of the
1st Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (PAKDD'97, Singapore), and more.
- Dr. Lu worked hard to raise the level and visibility
of academic database research in the Asia-Pacific geographic
region. His efforts there have included:
- He joined the National University of Singapore (NUS) in
1987, when database research activities there were just starting.
He trained the first database Ph.D. student in the department
and dedicated himself to helping to build a strong database group.
Today NUS has an internationally known database research group,
which is due in no small part to Dr. Lu's efforts.
- He worked to promote quality database research in
mainland China, aiming at cultivating a few internationally active
database groups there. He devoted time to coaching young
faculty and students to conduct quality research and to publish
at quality database conferences. The first result of his efforts
were two VLDB 2000 papers with all authors from mainland Chinese
universities, a historical event since that was the first time
that papers with all mainland Chinese authors appeared in a top
database conference.
- He acted as a bridge between the international and
mainland Chinese database communities. He has been serving as a
liaison for ACM SIGMOD to the Database Society of the China Computer
Federation, and he has been successful in recruiting ACM SIGMOD
members from China. In order to provide young faculty and graduate
students with more opportunities to participate international
conferences, he initiated a China-based International Conference on
Web-Age Information Management and has served as the chair
of its steering committee since 2000. With the sponsorship of the
VLDB Endowment, Dr. Lu organizied the VLDB Database School
(China) since 2002 to train young faculty members and senior
research students, which has been very well received.
- Dr. Lu has made significant contributions to the database
and information technology research fields. He is recognized
internationally as a leading database researcher, especially
on issues related to database-query processing and optimization,
data warehousing, and data mining. He has made many long-term
contributions, having produced over 200 research publications in
quality scientific journals, conferences, and workshop proceedings.
He has maintained a high level of productivity for over 20 years,
expanding from VLDB'85, ICDE'86 (best student paper award), and
SIGMOD'86, including one SIGMOD'04 paper, three VLDB'04
papers, and two ICDE'05 papers, to name just a few. He also
delivered tutorials and giving keynote speeches and
invited talks in database-related international and regional
conferences over the years. Dr. Lu's research contributions have
spanned a number of topics related to database query processing,
including join processing, indexing and query evaluation schemes
for object-oriented and XML databases, parallel query processing,
transitive closure, cluster/grid query processing, and multi-query
optimization. He has also made notable contributions to scalable
data mining, including work on classification using neural networks,
association rule mining, data cube computation methods, text
classification, frequent pattern mining, and learning-based
web query processing. Most recently, Dr. Lu has made several
contributions to the emerging area of stream data processing.
These achievements and level of contribution to the database
research community is especially admirable because Dr. Lu has
been working in the Far-East region, away from the center of
database technology development. Dr. Lu is generally regarded as
the most active and prolific database researcher in that region.