2000 SIGMOD Contributions Award
Laura Haas
Laura Haas is a research staff member and manager at IBM's Almaden
Research Center. Dr. Haas joined IBM in 1981 to work on the R*
distributed relational database management project, and subsequently
managed the Starburst extensible query processing work, which forms
the basis of the DB2 UDB query processor. Dr. Haas then headed the
Exploratory Database Systems Department at Almaden for three and a
half years. She returned to project management to start the Garlic
project on heterogeneous middleware systems. Dr. Haas was vice-chair
of ACM SIGMOD from 1989-1997. She has served as an Associate Editor
of the ACM journal Transactions on Database Systems, and as Program
Chair of the 1998 ACM SIGMOD technical conference. She has received
IBM awards for Outstanding Technical Achievement and Outstanding
Contributions, and a YWCA Tribute to Women in INdustry (TWIN) award.