1995 SIGMOD Contributions Award
Yahiko Kambayashi
Yahiko Kambayashi received the B.E., M.E., and Ph. D. degrees in
electronic engineering from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1965,
1967, and 1970, respectively. During 1970 - 1971 he was a Research
Associate at Kyoto University. From 1971 to 1973 he was a Visiting
Research Associate at the University of Illinois, Urbana. During 1973
- 1984 he was with the Department of Information Science, Kyoto
University. In 1984 he became a Professor at the Department of
Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Kyushu University,
Fukuoka, Japan. Since1990, he has been a Professor of Kyoto
University. He is currently a Professor at Department of Social
Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics. In 1979, he was a
Visiting Professor at McGill University, Montreal, P.Q., Canada, and
in 1984 he was a Visiting Professor at Wuhan University, Wuhan,
China. His research interests include logic design, databases and
applications of database technology to computer supported cooperative
wo rk. Logic design method called transduction method developed
jointly by him and Prof. Muroga of University of Illinois is now used
by major U.S. and Japanese logic design software venders. He had been
the head of the Japanese database research project supported by the
Ministry of Education, consisting of over 50 university researchers
from April 1996 to March 1999. Dr. Kambayashi was a Chairman of
SIGDBS (database systems) of the Information Processing Society of
Japan (IPSJ), a Chairman of SIGCOMP (computation theory) of the
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of
Japan(IEICEJ). He was also a member of the board of IPSJ(two terms),
a member of VLDB endowment, the vice-chair of ACM Tokyo/Japan
Chapter, and members of editorial boards of several international
journals. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a member of IEICEJ, IPSJ and the
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). He get Yonezawa Award of
IEICEJ(1975), Niwa Award of JICST(1978), Best Book Author Award of
IEICEJ(1987), and ACM SIGMOD Contribution Award(1995).