Guidelines for SIGMOD RECORD Announcements of Meetings Sponsored by or Held In Cooperation with SIGMOD
Meeting announcements (calls for papers) must fit on a single page,
with 1" margins all around, using a postscript, PDF, or MS Word
format. Announcements should be submitted electronically to the SIGMOD
Record Editor.
Announcements are published free of charge, on a space available
basis. If the space is tight for an issue, then it may not be possible to
include all calls for papers. The Editor makes the final decision on
which announcements are included.
The deadlines are:
March issue --- January 15th
June issue --- April 15th
September issue --- July 15th
December issue --- October 15th
Calls for papers that have a submission deadline too close to (or
after) the Record's publication date will not be printed.
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