For this, the last SIGMOD Record of the millennium, we
have put together a small but carefully chosen set of reports and
papers that I think is indicative of what the editorial board has been
trying to do with the journal. In addition to the submitted articles
and the ever popular Influential Papers and Standards sections, we
have reports on two recent international research meetings, an
Industry Perspectives paper describing a benchmark for financial
applications, an experiences paper examining the extent to which
current database systems do or do not support computational science
applications, and a succinct survey of logical models for OLAP. This
issue also marks the initiation of the Database Principles section
edited by Leonid Libkin. The goal of this new section is to help
bridge the gap between theoretical and systems-oriented database
research, and it is off to a strong start with an excellent paper by
Serge Abiteboul on views and XML.
I'd also like to point out a new policy for the Influential Papers
section that Ken Ross has instituted. In addition to asking specific
people to contribute to the section as has been done in the past, Ken
has also invited readers to send in their own reminiscences. Please
see Ken's introduction to the section for more details.
Finally, as part of our efforts to have past and future issues of
SIGMOD Record included in the tremendously valuable
SIGMOD Anthology collection, we need to clarify the
intellectual property issues associated with publishing in the
Record. I have attached the policy on ACM SIG publications below.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about
the rights to a past or future contribution to SIGMOD Record.
Michael Franklin |
October, 1999 |
Notice to Contributing Authors to SIG Newsletters:
By submitting your article for distribution in this Special Interest
Group publication, you hereby grant to ACM the following
non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide rights:
- to publish in print on condition of acceptance by the editor
- to digitize and post your article in the electronic version of this
- to include the article in the ACM Digital Library
- to allow users to copy and distribute the article for noncommercial,
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However, as a contributing author, you retain copyright to your
article and ACM will make every effort to refer requests for
commercial use directly to you. Therefore, ACM is asking all
newsletter authors to include their contact information in their
Notice to Past Authors of ACM-Published Articles
ACM intends to create a complete electronic archive of all articles
and/or other material previously published by ACM. If you have written
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conference proceedings prior to 1978, or any SIG Newsletter at any
time, and you do NOT want this work to appear in the ACM Digital
Library, please inform,
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