Keynote address: computers versus common sense
Douglas B. Lenat
Page 1
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Managing persistent objects in a multi-level store
Michael Stonebraker
Pages 2-11
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A stochastic approach for clustering in object bases
Manolis M. Tsangaris and Jeffrey F. Naughton
Pages 12-21
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Effective clustering of complex objects in object-oriented databases
Jia-Bing R. Cheng and A. R. Hurson
Pages 22-31
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HYDRO: a heterogeneous distributed database system
William Perrizo, Joseph Rajkumar and Prabhu Ram
Pages 32-39
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Language features for interoperability of databases with schematic discrepancies
Ravi Krishnamurthy, Witold Litwin and William Kent
Pages 40-49
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Toward a multilevel secure relational data model
Sushil Jajodia and Ravi Sandhu
Pages 50-59
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Set-oriented constructs: from Rete rule bases to database systems
Douglas N. Gordin and Alexander J. Pasik
Pages 60-67
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Space optimization in the bottom-up evaluation of logic programs
S. Sudarshan, Divesh Srivastava, Raghu Ramakrishnan and Jeffrey F. Naughton
Pages 68-77
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Incremental evaluation of rules and its relationship to parallelism
Ouri Wolfson, Hasanat M. Dewan, Salvatore J. Stolfo and Yechiam Yemini
Pages 78-87
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An optimistic commit protocol for distributed transaction management
Eliezer Levy, Henry F. Korth and Abraham Silberschatz
Pages 88-97
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Using multiversion data for non-interfering execution of write-only transactions
D. Agrawal and V. Krishnaswamy
Pages 98-107
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Extracting concurrency from objects: a methodology
Panos K. Chrysanthis, S. Raghuram and Krithi Ramamritham
Pages 108-117
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Optimization and evaluation of database queries including embedded interpolation procedures
Leonore Neugebauer
Pages 118-127
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Spatial priority search: an access technique for scaleless maps
Bruno Becker, Hans-Werner Six and Peter Widmayer
Pages 128-137
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Segment indexes: dynamic indexing techniques for multi-dimensional interval data
Curtis P. Kolovson and Michael Stonebraker
Pages 138-147
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Efficient assembly for complex objects
Tom Keller, Goetz Graefe and David Maier
Pages 148-157
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Algebraic support for complex objects with arrays, identity, and inheritance
Scott L. Vandenberg and David J. DeWitt
Pages 158-167
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Left-deep vs. bushy trees: an analysis of strategy spaces and its implications for query optimization
Yannis E. Ioannidis and Younkyung Cha Kang
Pages 168-177
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New direction for uncertainty reasoning in deductive databases
U. Güntzer, W. Kießling and H. Thöne
Pages 178-187
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A non-deterministic deductive database language
Yeh-Heng Sheng
Pages 188-197
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LLO: an object-oriented deductive language with methods and method inheritance
Yanjun Lou and Z. Meral Ozsoyoglu
Pages 198-207
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A retrieval technique for similar shapes
H. V. Jagadish
Pages 208-217
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Version management of composite objects in CAD databases
Rafi Ahmed and Shamkant B. Navathe
Pages 218-227
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Trait: an attribute management system for VLSI design objects
Tzi-cker Chiueh and Randy Katz
Pages 228-237
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Objects and views
Serge Abiteboul and Anthony Bonner
Pages 238-247
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Updating relational databases through object-based views
Thierry Barsalou, Niki Siambela, Arthur M. Keller and Gio Wiederhold
Pages 248-257
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Function materialization in object bases
Alfons Kemper, Christoph Kilger and Guido Moerkotte
Pages 258-267
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On the propagation of errors in the size of join results
Yannis E. Ioannidis and Stavros Christodoulakis
Pages 268-277
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Error-constrained COUNT query evaluation in relational databases
Wen-Chi Hou, Gultekin Ozsoyoglu and Erdogan Dogdu
Pages 278-287
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Incomplete object---a data model for design and planning applications
Tomasz Imielinski, Shamim Naqvi and Kumar Vadaparty
Pages 288-297
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Aspects: extending objects to support multiple, independent roles
Joel Richardson and Peter Schwarz
Pages 298-307
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Glue-Nail: a deductive database system
Geoffrey Phipps, Marcia A. Derr and Kenneth A. Ross
Pages 308-317
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Database programming languages: a functional approach
Jurgen Annevelink
Pages 318-327
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Nested relation based database knowledge representation
Qiming Chen and Yahiko Kambayashi
Pages 328-337
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K: a high-level knowledge base programming language for advanced database applications
Yuh-Ming Shyy and Stanley Y. W. Su
Pages 338-347
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An extended memoryless inference control model: accounting for dependence in table-level controls
S. C. Hansen and E. A. Unger
Pages 348-356
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Data caching tradeoffs in client-server DBMS architectures
Michael J. Carey, Michael J. Franklin, Miron Livny and Eugene J. Shekita
Pages 357-366
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Cache consistency and concurrency control in a client/server DBMS architecture
Yongdong Wang and Lawrence A. Rowe
Pages 367-376
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Replica control in distributed systems: as asynchronous approach
Calton Pu and Avraham Leff
Pages 377-386
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Flexible buffer allocation based on marginal gains
Raymond Ng, Christos Faloutsos and Timos Sellis
Pages 387-396
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MMDB reload algorithms
Le Gruenwald and Margaret H. Eich
Pages 397-405
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Dynamic file allocation in disk arrays
Gerhard Weikum, Peter Zabback and Peter Scheuermann
Pages 406-415
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Performance of B-tree concurrency control algorithms
V. Srinivasan and Michael J. Carey
Pages 416-425
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Fully persistent B+-trees
Sitaram Lanka and Eric Mays
Pages 426-435
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Multi-disk B-trees
Bernhard Seeger and Per-Åke Larson
Pages 436-445
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Are standards the panacea for heterogeneous distributed DBMSs?
Glenn Thompson
Page 446
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Starburst II: the extender strikes back!
Guy M. Lohman, George Lapis, Tobin Lehman, Rakesh Agrawal, Roberta Cochrane, John McPherson, C. Mohan, Hamid Pirahesh and Jennifer Widom
Page 447
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