Digital Symposium Collection 2000  



Web-Based Information Access

Tiziana Catarci

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The need of friendly environments for effective information access is further enforced by the growth of the global Internet, which is causing a dramatic change in both the kind of people who access the information and the types of information itself (ranging from unstructured multimedia data to traditional record-oriented data). To cope with these new demands, the interaction techniques traditionally offered to the users have to evolve and eventually integrate in a powerful interface to the global information infrastructure. The new interaction mechanisms must be especially friendly and easy-to-use, since, given the enormous quantity of information sources available on the Internet, most of the users remain ``permanent novices'' with respect to each one of the sources they have access to. This tutorial offers a survey of the main approaches adopted for letting the users effectively interact with the Web. Thus, it covers topics related with both extracting the information of interest spread over existing Web sites and building new, more usable, sites. Being mainly ``user-centered'', the tutorial will analyze proposals coming from different areas, namely DB, AI, and HCI, which share the final goal of making the Web a huge, easy-to-access, information repository.

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