Digital Symposium Collection 2000  



Information Aggregation and Agent Interaction Patterns in InfoSleuth(tm)

B. Perry, M. Taylor, and A. Unruh

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The MCC InfoSleuth(tm) Project 1 is an agent-based sys-tem for information gathering and analysis tasks performed over networks of autonomous information sources. A key motivation of the InfoSleuth system is that real information gathering applications require long-running monitor-ing and integration of information at various levels of abstraction. To this end, InfoSleuth agents enable a loose integration of technologies allowing: (1) extraction of semantic concepts from autonomous information sources; (2) registration and integration of semantically annotated information from diverse sources; and (3) temporal monitoring, information routing, and identification of trends appearing across sources in the information network. In this paper we discuss the agents in InfoSleuth applications and the goal-driven interaction patterns that enable them to dynamically organize and cooperate to perform integrated and temporal information-gathering tasks.

Copyright(C) 2000 ACM