Volume 30,
Number 1,
March 2004
Volume 30,
Number 2,
June 2004
Volume 30,
Number 3,
September 2004
- Thierry Matthey, Trevor M. Cickovski, Scott S. Hampton, Alice Ko, Qun Ma, Matthew Nyerges, Troy Raeder, Thomas Slabach, Jesús A. Izaguirre:
ProtoMol, an object-oriented framework for prototyping novel algorithms for molecular dynamics.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Shaun A. Forth, Mohamed Tadjouddine, John D. Pryce, John K. Reid:
Jacobian code generated by source transformation and vertex elimination can be as efficient as hand-coding.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Nicholas I. M. Gould, Jennifer A. Scott:
A numerical evaluation of HSL packages for the direct solution of large sparse, symmetric linear systems of equations.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Yihua Bai, Wilfried N. Gansterer, Robert C. Ward:
Block tridiagonalization of "effectively" sparse symmetric matrices.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Timothy A. Davis, John R. Gilbert, Stefan I. Larimore, Esmond G. Ng:
A column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Timothy A. Davis, John R. Gilbert, Stefan I. Larimore, Esmond G. Ng:
Algorithm 836: COLAMD, a column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Patrick Amestoy, Enseeiht-Irit, Timothy A. Davis, Iain S. Duff:
Algorithm 837: AMD, an approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
Volume 30,
Number 4,
December 2004
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:30:11 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)