A Software Engineering Methodology for Rule-Based Systems.

Robert J. K. Jacob, Judith N. Froscher: A Software Engineering Methodology for Rule-Based Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 2(2): 173-189(1990)
  author    = {Robert J. K. Jacob and
               Judith N. Froscher},
  title     = {A Software Engineering Methodology for Rule-Based Systems},
  journal   = {IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng.},
  volume    = {2},
  number    = {2},
  year      = {1990},
  pages     = {173-189},
  ee        = {db/journals/tkde/JacobF90.html},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Copyright © 1990 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Abstract used with permission.

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William J. Clancey: The Advantages of Abstract Control Knowledge in Expert System Design. AAAI 1983: 74-78 BibTeX
Anoop Gupta, Charles Forgy, Allen Newell, Robert G. Wedig: Parallel Algorithms and Architectures for Rule-Based Systems. ISCA 1986: 28-37 BibTeX
David Lorge Parnas: On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules. Commun. ACM 15(12): 1053-1058(1972) BibTeX
Wayne P. Stevens, Glenford J. Myers, Larry L. Constantine: Structured Design. IBM Systems Journal 13(2): 115-139(1974) BibTeX
Mark Weiser: Programmers Use Slices When Debugging. Commun. ACM 25(7): 446-452(1982) BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Sunro Lee, Robert M. O'Keefe: The Effect of Knowledge Representation Schemes on Maintainability of Knowledge-Based Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(1): 173-178(1996)
  2. M. B. O'Neal, W. R. Edwards Jr.: Complexity Measures for Rule-Based Programs. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(5): 669-680(1994)
  3. Ing-Ray Chen, Bryant L. Poole: Performance Evaluation of Rule Grouping on a Real-Time Expert System Architecture. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(6): 883-891(1994)
  4. Mukesh K. Mohania, Nandlal L. Sarda: Some Issues in Design of Distributed Deductive Databases. VLDB 1994: 60-71
  5. Amit Basu: A Knowledge Representation Model for Multiuser Knowledge-Based Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(2): 177-189(1993)
  6. Peter C. Lockemann, Guido Moerkotte: On the Notion of Concept. ER 1991: 349-370
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