A Parallel Asynchronous Garbage Collection Algorithm for Distributed Systems.

Nader Bagherzadeh, Seng-lai Heng, Chuan-lin Wu: A Parallel Asynchronous Garbage Collection Algorithm for Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 3(1): 100-107(1991)
  author    = {Nader Bagherzadeh and
               Seng-lai Heng and
               Chuan-lin Wu},
  title     = {A Parallel Asynchronous Garbage Collection Algorithm for Distributed
  journal   = {IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng.},
  volume    = {3},
  number    = {1},
  year      = {1991},
  pages     = {100-107},
  ee        = {db/journals/tkde/BagherzadehHW91.html},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Copyright © 1991 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Abstract used with permission.

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Barbara Liskov, Rivka Ladin: Highly-Available Distributed Service and Fault-Tolerant Distributed Garbage Collection. PODC 1986: 29-39 BibTeX
Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut: "Algorithms for On-the-Fly Garbage Collection" Revisited. Inf. Process. Lett. 24(4): 211-216(1987) BibTeX
David Gries: The Science of Programming. Springer 1981
Susan S. Owicki, David Gries: An Axiomatic Proof Technique for Parallel Programs I. Acta Inf. 6: 319-340(1976) BibTeX
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Referenced by

  1. Aloke Gupta, W. Kent Fuchs: Garbage Collection in a Distributed Object-Oriented System. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(2): 257-265(1993)
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