Volume 55,
- Michael J. Todd:
On Anstreicher's combined phase I-phase II projective algorithm for linear programming.
1-15 BibTeX
- J. F. Pekny, D. L. Miller:
A parallel branch and bound algorithm for solving large asymmetric traveling salesman problems.
17-33 BibTeX
- Michele Conforti, M. R. Rao:
Properties of balanced and perfect matrices.
35-47 BibTeX
- Gianni Di Pillo, Francisco Facchinei, Luigi Grippo:
An RQP algorithm using a differentiable exact penalty function for inequality constrained problems.
49-68 BibTeX
- José H. Dulá:
An upper bound on the expectation of simplicial functions of multivariate random variables.
69-80 BibTeX
- U. Passy, E. Z. Prisman:
A duality approach to minimax results for quasi-saddle functions in finite dimensions.
81-98 BibTeX
- A. G. Robinson, N. Jiang, C. S. Lerme:
On the continuous quadratic knapsack problem.
99-108 BibTeX
- Yin Zhang:
Computing a Celis-Dennis-Tapia trust-region step for equality constrained optimization.
109-124 BibTeX
- Michele Conforti, M. R. Rao:
Structural properties and decomposition of linear balanced matrices.
129-168 BibTeX
- Martin E. Dyer, Alan M. Frieze:
Probabilistic analysis of the generalised assignment problem.
169-181 BibTeX
- Ephraim Korach, Michal Penn:
Tight integral duality gap in the Chinese Postman problem.
183-191 BibTeX
- Alan J. King, R. Tyrrell Rockafellar:
Sensitivity analysis for nonsmooth generalized equations.
193-212 BibTeX
- Rachelle S. Klein, Hanan Luss, Donald R. Smith:
A lexicographic minimax algorithm for multiperiod resource allocation.
213-234 BibTeX
- Asim Roy, Jyrki Wallenius:
Nonlinear multiple objective optimization: An algorithm and some theory.
235-249 BibTeX
- Pierre Hansen, Brigitte Jaumard, Shi-Hui Lu:
Global optimization of univariate Lipschitz functions: I. Survey and properties.
251-272 BibTeX
- Pierre Hansen, Brigitte Jaumard, Shi-Hui Lu:
Global optimization of univariate Lipschitz functions: II. New algorithms and computational comparison.
273-292 BibTeX
- Jonathan Eckstein, Dimitri P. Bertsekas:
On the Douglas-Rachford splitting method and the proximal point algorithm for maximal monotone operators.
293-318 BibTeX
- G. R. Wood:
The bisection method in higher dimensions.
319-337 BibTeX
- Martin Grötschel, Zaw Win:
A cutting plane algorithm for the windy postman problem.
339-358 BibTeX
- Dorit S. Hochbaum, Ron Shamir, J. George Shanthikumar:
A polynomial algorithm for an integer quadratic non-separable transportation problem.
359-371 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:14:01 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)