
Hanan Luss

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8EEHanan Luss, Richard T. Wong: Graceful reassignment of excessively long communications paths in networks. European Journal of Operational Research 160(2): 395-415 (2005)
7EEHanan Luss, Richard T. Wong: Survivable telecommunications network design under different types of failures. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 34(4): 521-530 (2004)
6 Hanan Luss, Andrew Vakhutinsky: A Resource Allocation Approach for the Generation of Service-Dependent Demand Matrices for Communications Networks. Telecommunication Systems 17(4): 411-433 (2001)
5 Mor Armony, John G. Klincewicz, Hanan Luss, Moshe B. Rosenwein: Design of Stacked Self-Healing Rings Using a Genetic Algorithm. J. Heuristics 6(1): 85-105 (2000)
4EEJohn G. Klincewicz, Hanan Luss, Dicky C. K. Yan: Designing tributary networks with multiple ring families. Computers & OR 25(12): 1145-1157 (1998)
3 Hanan Luss, Moshe B. Rosenwein, Richard T. Wong: Topological network design for SONET ring architecture. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 28(6): 780-790 (1998)
2 Rachelle S. Klein, Hanan Luss, Uriel G. Rothblum: Relaxation-based algorithms for minimax optimization problems with resource allocation applications. Math. Program. 64: 337-363 (1994)
1 Rachelle S. Klein, Hanan Luss, Donald R. Smith: A lexicographic minimax algorithm for multiperiod resource allocation. Math. Program. 55: 213-234 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Mor Armony [5]
2Rachelle S. Klein [1] [2]
3John G. Klincewicz [4] [5]
4Moshe B. Rosenwein [3] [5]
5Uriel G. Rothblum [2]
6Donald R. Smith [1]
7Andrew Vakhutinsky [6]
8Richard T. Wong [3] [7] [8]
9Dicky C. K. Yan [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)