Volume 8,
Number 1,
January 1996
- Eric Dietrich:
Editorial AI, Situatedness, Creativity, and Intelligence; or the Evolution of the Little Hearing Bones.
1-6 BibTeX
- Brahim Chaib-draa, P. Levesque:
Hierarchical model and communication by signs, signals and symbols in multiagent environments.
7-20 BibTeX
- Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello:
An assumption-based truth maintenance system dealing with non-ground justifications.
21-42 BibTeX
- Gerhard Weiss:
An action-oriented perspective of learning in classifier systems.
43-62 BibTeX
- Martin Zahn, Walter Hower:
Backtracking along with constraint processing and their time complexities.
63-74 BibTeX
- Eugene Santos Jr.:
Unifying time and uncertainty for diagnosis.
75-94 BibTeX
- Christopher D. Green:
Fodor, functions, physics, and fantasyland: is AI a Mickey Mouse discipline?
95-106 BibTeX
Volume 8,
Number 2,
April 1996
Volume 8,
Number 3-4,
July 1996
- Robert C. Mathews:
Editorial The Right Stuff.
207-208 BibTeX
- Valerie L. Shalin, Dennis A. Bertram:
Functions of expertise in a medical intensive care unit.
209-227 BibTeX
- Lia Di Bello:
Providing multiple 'ways in' to expertise for learners with different backgrounds : When it works and what it suggests about adult cognitive development.
229-257 BibTeX
- Robert C. Mathews, Irving M. Lane, Lewis G. Roussel, Mark S. Nagy, Dawn E. Haptonstahl, Drew B. Brock:
Using conscious reflection, group processes, and AI to facilitate development of expertise.
259-276 BibTeX
- Robert L. Campbell, Lia Di Bello:
Studying human expertise: Beyond the binary paradigm.
277-291 BibTeX
- Rattikorn Hewett:
Using programming expertise for controlling software synthesis.
293-318 BibTeX
- David B. Leake:
Experience, introspection and expertise: Learning to refine the case-based reasoning process.
319-339 BibTeX
- Michael J. Prietula, Steven S. Vicinanza, Tridas Mukhopadhyay:
Software-effort estimation with a case-based reasoner.
341-363 BibTeX
- Edgar A. Whitley:
Confusion, social knowledge and the design of intelligent machines.
365-381 BibTeX
- Selmer Bringsjord, Elizabeth Bringsjord:
The case against AI from imagistic expertise.
383-397 BibTeX
- Mark H. Bickhard, Robert L. Campbell:
Developmental aspects of expertise: Rationality and generalization.
399-417 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:09:18 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)