Query Processing in a Parallel Object-Relational Database System.

Michael A. Olson, Wei Hong, Michael Ubell, Michael Stonebraker: Query Processing in a Parallel Object-Relational Database System. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 19(4): 3-10(1996)
  author    = {Michael A. Olson and
               Wei Hong and
               Michael Ubell and
               Michael Stonebraker},
  title     = {Query Processing in a Parallel Object-Relational Database System},
  journal   = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
  volume    = {19},
  number    = {4},
  year      = {1996},
  pages     = {3-10},
  ee        = {db/journals/debu/OlsonHUS96.html},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Object-relational database systems are now being deployed for real use by customers. Researchers and industry users have begun to explore the performance issues that these systems raise. In this paper, we examine some of those performance issues, and evaluate them for object-relational systems in general and for INFORMIX-Universal Server in particular. We describe object-relational query processing techniques and make some predictions about how they will evolve over the next several years.

Copyright © 1996 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Abstract used with permission.

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Data Engineering Bulletin December 1996: Query Processing for Non-Standard Data (Joseph Hellerstein, ed.)
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Goetz Graefe: Encapsulation of Parallelism in the Volcano Query Processing System. SIGMOD Conference 1990: 102-111 BibTeX
Laura M. Haas, Walter Chang, Guy M. Lohman, John McPherson, Paul F. Wilms, George Lapis, Bruce G. Lindsay, Hamid Pirahesh, Michael J. Carey, Eugene J. Shekita: Starburst Mid-Flight: As the Dust Clears. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 2(1): 143-160(1990) BibTeX
Michael Stonebraker, Lawrence A. Rowe: The Design of Postgres. SIGMOD Conference 1986: 340-355 BibTeX
Michael Stonebraker, Dorothy Moore: Object-Relational DBMSs: The Next Great Wave. Morgan Kaufmann 1996, ISBN 1-55860-397-2

Referenced by

  1. Michael Jaedicke, Bernhard Mitschang: User-Defined Table Operators: Enhancing Extensibility for ORDBMS. VLDB 1999: 494-505
  2. Arunprasad P. Marathe, Kenneth Salem: Query Processing Techniques for Arrays. SIGMOD Conference 1999: 323-334
  3. Michael Jaedicke, Bernhard Mitschang: On Parallel Processing of Aggregate and Scalar Functions in Object-Relational DBMS. SIGMOD Conference 1998: 379-389
  4. Arunprasad P. Marathe, Kenneth Salem: A Language for Manipulating Arrays. VLDB 1997: 46-55
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