Workflow Management Based on Objects, Rules, and Roles.
Gerti Kappel, Peter Lang, S. Rausch-Schott, Werner Retschitzegger:
Workflow Management Based on Objects, Rules, and Roles.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 18(1): 11-18(1995)@article{DBLP:journals/debu/KappelLRR95,
author = {Gerti Kappel and
Peter Lang and
S. Rausch-Schott and
Werner Retschitzegger},
title = {Workflow Management Based on Objects, Rules, and Roles},
journal = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
volume = {18},
number = {1},
year = {1995},
pages = {11-18},
ee = {db/journals/debu/KappelLRR95.html},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
Workflow management systems are becoming important not only as key technology in their own right but they are gaining leverage as a key application of database management systems.
One of the main issues of workflow management systems, and thus implicitly of database management systems, is their support for flexibility to cope with frequently changing requirements in an organization.
This has been the driving force behind the development of the workflow management system TriGSflow.
It is based on an object-oriented database management system, enhanced with active concepts in terms of ECA rules and object evolution in terms of roles.
In this way, flexible modeling and enactment of business processes is supported allowing changes even during workflow execution.
The architecture of TriGSflow and its key concepts for workflow modeling are presented.
Copyright © 1995 by the author(s).
Abstract used with permission.
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Online Edition:
Data Engineering Bulletin March 1995:
Workflow Systems (Meichun Hsu, ed.)
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Referenced by
- Fabio Casati, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Paraboschi, Giuseppe Pozzi:
Specification and Implementation of Exceptions in Workflow Management Systems.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 24(3): 405-451(1999)
- Gerti Kappel, Werner Retschitzegger:
The TriGS Active Object-Oriented Database System - An Overview.
SIGMOD Record 27(3): 36-41(1998)
- Jian Tang, San-Yih Hwang:
A Scheme to Specify and Implement Ad-Hoc Recovery in Workflow Systems.
EDBT 1998: 484-498
- Raymond K. Wong, H. Lewis Chau, Frederick H. Lochovsky:
A Data Model and Semantics of Objects with Dynamic Roles.
ICDE 1997: 402-411
- Casimir J. Crawley, Omran A. Bukhres:
Failure Handling in CORBAflow: A CORBA-Based Transactional Workflow Architecture.
DASFAA 1997: 77-86
- Fabio Casati, Stefano Ceri, Barbara Pernici, Giuseppe Pozzi:
Workflow Evolution.
ER 1996: 438-455
- Gerti Kappel, S. Rausch-Schott, Werner Retschitzegger:
A Transaction Model For Handling Composite Events.
ADBIS 1996: 116-125
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