
Paolo Zuliani

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10EEPaolo Zuliani: A Formal Derivation of Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm. TASE 2007: 67-74
9EEPaolo Zuliani: Quantum Programming With Mixed States. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 170: 185-199 (2007)
8EEBarbara Russo, Alberto Sillitti, Paolo Zuliani, Giancarlo Succi, Paolo Gasperi: A pilot project in PAs to transit to an open source solution. DG.O 2005: 303-304
7EEBruno Rossi, Barbara Russo, Paolo Zuliani, Giancarlo Succi: On the Transition to an Open Source Solution for Desktop Office Automation. TCGOV 2005: 277-285
6EEPaolo Zuliani: On Counterfactual Computation. UC 2005: 251-266
5EEPaolo Zuliani: Compiling quantum programs. Acta Inf. 41(7-8): 435-474 (2005)
4EEGiancarlo Succi, Witold Pedrycz, Snezana Djokic, Paolo Zuliani, Barbara Russo: An Empirical Exploration of the Distributions of the Chidamber and Kemerer Object-Oriented Metrics Suite. Empirical Software Engineering 10(1): 81-104 (2005)
3EEAndrea Janes, Barbara Russo, Paolo Zuliani, Giancarlo Succi: An Empirical Analysis on the Discontinuous Use of Pair Programming. XP 2003: 205-214
2EEPaolo Zuliani: Logical reversibility. IBM Journal of Research and Development 45(6): 807-818 (2001)
1 Jeff W. Sanders, Paolo Zuliani: Quantum Programming. MPC 2000: 80-99

Coauthor Index

1Snezana Djokic [4]
2Paolo Gasperi [8]
3Andrea Janes [3]
4Witold Pedrycz [4]
5Bruno Rossi [7]
6Barbara Russo [3] [4] [7] [8]
7Jeff W. Sanders [1]
8Alberto Sillitti [8]
9Giancarlo Succi [3] [4] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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