
Albert L. Zobrist

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9 Albert L. Zobrist, George Nagy: Pictorial Information Processing of Landsat Data for Geographic Analysis. IEEE Computer 14(11): 34-41 (1981)
8 Albert L. Zobrist, Nevin A. Bryant: Designing an Image Based Information System. Pictorial Information Systems 1980: 177-197
7 Albert L. Zobrist: Mapping With Census Data And Landsat Imagery. Data Base Techniques for Pictorial Applications 1979: 49-64
6 Glenn K. Manacher, Albert L. Zobrist: Neither the Greedy Nor the Delaunay Triangulation of a Planar Point Set Approximates the Optimal Triangulation. Inf. Process. Lett. 9(1): 31-34 (1979)
5 Albert L. Zobrist, Frederick R. Carlson Jr.: Detection of Combined Occurrences. Commun. ACM 20(1): 31-35 (1977)
4 Albert L. Zobrist: Leonard Uhr, Pattern Recognition, Learning and Thought. Artif. Intell. 6(4): 373-376 (1975)
3 Albert L. Zobrist, William B. Thompson: Building a Distance Function for Gestalt Grouping. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(7): 718-728 (1975)
2 Robert Balzer, Norton Greenfeld, Martin Kay, William Mann, Walter Ryder, David Wilczynski, Albert L. Zobrist: Domain-Independent Automatic Programming. IFIP Congress 1974: 326-330
1EEAlbert L. Zobrist: The organization of extracted features for pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition 3(1): 23-30 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1Robert Balzer [2]
2Nevin A. Bryant [8]
3Frederick R. Carlson Jr. [5]
4Norton Greenfeld [2]
5Martin Kay [2]
6Glenn K. Manacher [6]
7William Mann [2]
8George Nagy [9]
9Walter Ryder [2]
10William B. Thompson [3]
11David Wilczynski [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)