
Ahmad Zmily

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5EEAhmad Zmily, Christos Kozyrakis: A low power front-end for embedded processors using a block-aware instruction set. CASES 2007: 267-276
4EEAhmad Zmily, Christos Kozyrakis: Simultaneously improving code size, performance, and energy in embedded processors. DATE 2006: 224-229
3EEAhmad Zmily, Christos Kozyrakis: Block-aware instruction set architecture. TACO 3(3): 327-357 (2006)
2EEAhmad Zmily, Earl Killian, Christos Kozyrakis: Improving Instruction Delivery with a Block-Aware ISA. Euro-Par 2005: 530-539
1EEAhmad Zmily, Christos Kozyrakis: Energy-efficient and high-performance instruction fetch using a block-aware ISA. ISLPED 2005: 36-41

Coauthor Index

1Earl Killian [2]
2Christoforos E. Kozyrakis (Christos Kozyrakis) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)