
Matthias Zimmermann

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14EEMatthias Zimmermann, Lars Zschorn, Joachim Käschel, Tobias Teich: A conceptual model and an information tool for the establishment of production networks based on small and smallest enterprises. IJMTM 14(3/4): 342-358 (2008)
13EERoman Bertolami, S. Uchida, Matthias Zimmermann, Horst Bunke: Non-Uniform Slant Correction for Handwritten Text Line Recognition. ICDAR 2007: 18-22
12EEMatthias Zimmermann, Dilek Z. Hakkani-Tür, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke: Text Based Dialog Act Classification for Multiparty Meetings. MLMI 2006: 190-199
11EEMatthias Zimmermann, Jean-Cédric Chappelier, Horst Bunke: Offline Grammar-Based Recognition of Handwritten Sentences. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(5): 818-821 (2006)
10EERoman Bertolami, Matthias Zimmermann, Horst Bunke: Rejection strategies for offline handwritten text line recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(16): 2005-2012 (2006)
9 Matthias Zimmermann, Hendrik Jähn, Joachim Käschel: Innovative Modelle und Methoden für den Aufbau und das Betreiben von Produktionsnetzwerken, die auf Klein- und Kleinstunternehmen basieren. GeNeMe 2005: 11-24
8EEMatthias Zimmermann, Yang Liu, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke: Toward Joint Segmentation and Classification of Dialog Acts in Multiparty Meetings. MLMI 2005: 187-193
7EEMatthias Zimmermann, Horst Bunke: Optimizing the Integration of a Statistical Language Model in HMM based O.ine Handwritten Text Recognition. ICPR (2) 2004: 541-544
6EEMatthias Zimmermann, Roman Bertolami, Horst Bunke: Rejection Strategies for Offline Handwritten Sentence Recognition. ICPR (2) 2004: 550-553
5EEMatthias Zimmermann, Jean-Cédric Chappelier, Horst Bunke: Parsing N-Best Lists of Handwritten Sentences. ICDAR 2003: 572-576
4EEMatthias Zimmermann, Horst Bunke: Automatic Segmentation o the IAM Off-Line Database orHandwrittenEnglishText. ICPR (4) 2002: 35-39
3EEMatthias Zimmermann, Jianchang Mao: Lexicon reduction using key characters in cursive handwritten words. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(11-13): 1297-1304 (1999)
2EEThien M. Ha, Matthias Zimmermann, Horst Bunke: Off-line handwritten numeral string recognition by combining segmentation-based and segmentation-free methods. Pattern Recognition 31(3): 257-272 (1998)
1EEThien M. Ha, Guido Kaufmann, Matthias Zimmermann, Horst Bunke: Handwriting recognition for a postal check reading system. KES (1) 1997: 54-63

Coauthor Index

1Roman Bertolami [6] [10] [13]
2Horst Bunke [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [13]
3Jean-Cédric Chappelier [5] [11]
4Thien M. Ha [1] [2]
5Dilek Z. Hakkani-Tür (Dilek Hakkani-Tür) [12]
6Hendrik Jähn [9]
7Joachim Käschel [9] [14]
8Guido Kaufmann [1]
9Yang Liu [8]
10Jianchang Mao [3]
11Elizabeth Shriberg [8] [12]
12Andreas Stolcke [8] [12]
13Tobias Teich [14]
14S. Uchida [13]
15Lars Zschorn [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)