
Tobias Teich

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9EESascha Häckel, Marco Fischer, David Zechel, Tobias Teich: A multi-objective ant colony approach for pareto-optimization using dynamic programming. GECCO 2008: 33-40
8EEMatthias Zimmermann, Lars Zschorn, Joachim Käschel, Tobias Teich: A conceptual model and an information tool for the establishment of production networks based on small and smallest enterprises. IJMTM 14(3/4): 342-358 (2008)
7EEHendrik Jähn, Marco Fischer, Tobias Teich: Distribution Of Network Generated Profit By Considering Individual Profit Expectations. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2007: 337-344
6EEMarco Fischer, Hendrik Jähn, Tobias Teich: Partner Selection in Virtual Enterprises by Using Ant Colony Optimization in Combination with the Analytical Hierarchy Process. GECCO 2003: 2398-2399
5EEAndre Vogel, Marco Fischer, Hendrik Jähn, Tobias Teich: Real-World Shop Floor Scheduling by Ant Colony Optimization. Ant Algorithms 2002: 268-273
4 Andre Vogel, Marco Fischer, Tobias Teich: Real-world Shop Floor Scheduling By Ant Colony Optimization. GECCO 2002: 1273
3 Tobias Teich, Marco Fischer, Joachim Käschel, J. Sommerer: Möglichkeiten der Effizienzsteigerung in Produktionsnetzen. Modelle im E-Business 2002: 155-172
2 Horst Meier, Tobias Teich, Harald Schallner: Order Management in Non-Hierarchical Production Networks using Genetic Algorithms. PROLAMAT 2001: 382-393
1 Joachim Käschel, Bernd Meier, Marco Fischer, Tobias Teich: Evolutionary Real-World Shop Floor Scheduling using Parallelization and Parameter Coevolution. GECCO 2000: 697-701

Coauthor Index

1Marco Fischer [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
2Sascha Häckel [9]
3Hendrik Jähn [5] [6] [7]
4Joachim Käschel [1] [3] [8]
5Bernd Meier [1]
6Horst Meier [2]
7Harald Schallner [2]
8J. Sommerer [3]
9Andre Vogel [4] [5]
10David Zechel [9]
11Matthias Zimmermann [8]
12Lars Zschorn [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)