
Donald E. Zimmerman

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4EEDonald E. Zimmerman, Pat Walls: Exploring navigational patterns on the web. SIGDOC 2000: 581-591
3 Donald E. Zimmerman, Michel Muraski: Only A Click Away - Copyright Infringement on the WWW. IPCC (2) 1998: 251-258
2 Donald E. Zimmerman, Michael Palmquist, Michel Muraski: Students as WWW Surfers - A Brief Look at Students and the WWW. IPCC (2) 1998: 285-292
1 Michael D. Slater, Donald E. Zimmerman, Martha L. Tipton, Holly Halvorson, Thomas Kean, Jordan D. Rost: Hypermedia use by the disadvantaged: Assessing a health information program. Hypermedia 6(2): 67-86 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Holly Halvorson [1]
2Thomas Kean [1]
3Michel Muraski [2] [3]
4Michael Palmquist [2]
5Jordan D. Rost [1]
6Michael D. Slater [1]
7Martha L. Tipton [1]
8Pat Walls [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)