
Lynette van Zijl

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15EELynette van Zijl: South African sign language machine translation project. ASSETS 2006: 233-234
14EELynette van Zijl: Magic numbers for symmetric difference NFAS. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 16(5): 1027-1038 (2005)
13 Lynette van Zijl, Graham Muller, Jan Daciuk: Minimization of unary symmetric difference NFAs. South African Computer Journal 34: 69-75 (2005)
12 Lynette van Zijl, Patrick Marais: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa, Afrigraph 2004, Stellenbosch, South Africa, November 3-5, 2004 ACM 2004
11EELynette van Zijl, Lesley Raitt: Implementation experience with collision avoidance in signing avatars. Afrigraph 2004: 55-59
10EELynette van Zijl: Magic Numbers for Symmetric Difference NFAs. CIAA 2004: 333-334
9EELynette van Zijl: Generalized acceptance, succinctness and supernondeterministic finite automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 313(1): 159-172 (2004)
8EELynette van Zijl, Dean Barker: South African Sign Language Machine Translation System. Afrigraph 2003: 49-52
7EELynette van Zijl: Succinct Descriptions of Regular Languages with Binary +-NFAs. CIAA 2003: 72-82
6 H. Hakl, Lynette van Zijl: Diamond terrain algorithm : continuous levels of detail for height fields. South African Computer Journal 29: 8-16 (2002)
5EELynette van Zijl: Random Number Generation with +-NFAs. CIAA 2001: 263-273
4EELynette van Zijl: Supernondeterministic Finite Automata. CIAA 2001: 274-288
3EELynette van Zijl, John-Paul Harper, Frank Olivier: The MERLin Environment Applied to *-NFAs. CIAA 2000: 318-326
2 Jacques Eloff, Lynette van Zijl: An incremental construction algorithm for Venn diagrams. South African Computer Journal 26: 53-59 (2000)
1 Lynette van Zijl, Deon Mitton, Simon Crosby: A Tool for Graphical Network Modeling and Analysis. IEEE Software 9(1): 47-54 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Dean Barker [8]
2Simon Crosby [1]
3Jan Daciuk [13]
4Jacques Eloff [2]
5H. Hakl [6]
6John-Paul Harper [3]
7Patrick Marais [12]
8Deon Mitton [1]
9Graham Muller [13]
10Frank Olivier [3]
11Lesley Raitt [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)