
Jan Daciuk

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13EERafael C. Carrasco, Jan Daciuk, Mikel L. Forcada: An Implementation of Deterministic Tree Automata Minimization. CIAA 2007: 122-129
12EEJan Daciuk, Denis Maurel, Agata Savary: Incremental and Semi-incremental Construction of Pseudo-Minimal Automata. CIAA 2005: 341-342
11 Jan Daciuk, Denis Maurel, Agata Savary: Dynamic Perfect Hashing with Finite-State Automata. Intelligent Information Systems 2005: 169-178
10 Lynette van Zijl, Graham Muller, Jan Daciuk: Minimization of unary symmetric difference NFAs. South African Computer Journal 34: 69-75 (2005)
9 Jan Daciuk: Semi-incremental Addition of Strings to a Cyclic Finite Automaton. Intelligent Information Systems 2004: 201-207
8EEJan Daciuk: Comments on "Incremental Construction and Maintenance of Minimal Finite-State Automata, " by Rafael C. Carrasco and Mikel L. Forcada. Computational Linguistics 30(2): 227-235 (2004)
7EEJan Daciuk, Gertjan van Noord: Finite automata for compact representation of tuple dictionaries. Theor. Comput. Sci. 313(1): 45-56 (2004)
6EEJan Daciuk: Comparison of Construction Algorithms for Minimal, Acyclic, Deterministic, Finite-State Automata from Sets of Strings. CIAA 2002: 255-261
5EEJan Daciuk, Gertjan van Noord: Finite Automata for Compact Representation of Language Models in NLP. CIAA 2001: 65-73
4EEJan Daciuk: Experiments with Automata Compression. CIAA 2000: 105-112
3EEJan Daciuk, Stoyan Mihov, Bruce W. Watson, Richard Watson: Incremental construction of minimal acyclic finite-state automata CoRR cs.CL/0007009: (2000)
2 Jan Daciuk, Stoyan Mihov, Bruce W. Watson, Richard Watson: Incremental Construction of Minimal Acyclic Finite State Automata. Computational Linguistics 26(1): 3-16 (2000)
1EEJan Daciuk: Treatment of Unknown Words. WIA 1999: 71-80

Coauthor Index

1Rafael C. Carrasco [13]
2Mikel L. Forcada [13]
3Denis Maurel [11] [12]
4Stoyan Mihov [2] [3]
5Graham Muller [10]
6Gertjan van Noord [5] [7]
7Agata Savary [11] [12]
8Bruce W. Watson [2] [3]
9Richard Watson [2] [3]
10Lynette van Zijl [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)