
Hai Zhuge

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91EEHai Zhuge, Junsheng Zhang: Topological Centrality and Its Applications CoRR abs/0902.1911: (2009)
90EEHai Zhuge, Qing Li: Special Issue: Web 2.0, Semantics, Knowledge and Grid. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 21(5): 557-559 (2009)
89EEXiaoping Sun, Hai Zhuge, Qing Li: A framework for the massive knowledge Web. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 21(5): 705-723 (2009)
88EEHai Zhuge, Yunpeng Xing, Peng Shi: Resource space model, OWL and database: Mapping and integration. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 8(4): (2008)
87EEGeoffrey Fox, Hai Zhuge: Special Issue: The 2nd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(7): 751-752 (2008)
86EEHai Zhuge, Kehua Yuan, Jin Liu, Junsheng Zhang, Xiaofeng Wang: Modeling language and tools for the semantic link network. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(7): 885-902 (2008)
85EEHai Zhuge, Xiaoping Sun: A Virtual Ring Method for Building Small-World Structured P2P Overlays. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(12): 1712-1725 (2008)
84EEHai Zhuge, Liang Feng: Distributed Suffix Tree Overlay for Peer-to-Peer Search. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(2): 276-285 (2008)
83EEHai Zhuge, Xue Chen, Xiaoping Sun, Erlin Yao: HRing: A Structured P2P Overlay Based on Harmonic Series. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(2): 145-158 (2008)
82EEHai Zhuge, Xiang Li: RSM-Based Gossip on P2P Network. ICA3PP 2007: 1-12
81EEWanqing Tu, Jogesh K. Muppala, Hai Zhuge: Distributed end-host multicast algorithms for the Knowledge Grid. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(15): 2013-2029 (2007)
80EEJie Liu, Liang Feng, Hai Zhuge: Using semantic links to support top-K join queries in peer-to-peer networks. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(15): 2031-2046 (2007)
79EEHai Zhuge, Weiyu Guo, Xiang Li: The potential energy of knowledge flow. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(15): 2067-2090 (2007)
78EEHai Zhuge: Autonomous semantic link networking model for the Knowledge Grid. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(7): 1065-1085 (2007)
77EEHai Zhuge, Lianhong Ding, Xiang Li: Networking scientific resources in the Knowledge Grid environment. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(7): 1087-1113 (2007)
76EEGeoffrey Fox, Hai Zhuge: Special Issue: Autonomous Grid Computing. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(7): 943-944 (2007)
75EEHai Zhuge: Special section: Semantic grid and knowledge grid. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 23(3): 281-282 (2007)
74EEHai Zhuge, Xiang Li: Peer-to-Peer in Metric Space and Semantic Space. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(6): 759-771 (2007)
73EEHai Zhuge, Weiyu Guo: Virtual knowledge service market - For effective knowledge flow within knowledge grid. Journal of Systems and Software 80(11): 1833-1842 (2007)
72EEHai Zhuge, Peng Shi, Yunpeng Xing, Chao He: Transformation from OWL Description to Resource Space Model. ASWC 2006: 4-23
71EEHai Zhuge: The open and autonomous interconnection semantics. ICEC 2006: 105-115
70EEHai Zhuge, Erlin Yao: Completeness of Query Operations on Resource Spaces. SKG 2006: 3
69EEHai Zhuge: Discovery of knowledge flow in science. Commun. ACM 49(5): 101-107 (2006)
68EEHai Zhuge, Xue Chen, Xiaoping Sun: Trust-based probabilistic search with the view model of peer-to-peer networks. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(14): 1839-1855 (2006)
67EEHai Zhuge, Yanyan Li: Learning with an active e-course in the Knowledge Grid environment. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(3): 333-356 (2006)
66EEHai Zhuge: Knowledge flow network planning and simulation. Decision Support Systems 42(2): 571-592 (2006)
65EEHai Zhuge: Semantic component networking: Toward the synergy of static reuse and dynamic clustering of resources in the knowledge grid. Journal of Systems and Software 79(10): 1469-1482 (2006)
64EEJie Liu, Hai Zhuge: A semantic-based P2P resource organization model R-Chord. Journal of Systems and Software 79(11): 1619-1631 (2006)
63EEHai Zhuge, Xiangfeng Luo: Automatic generation of document semantics for the e-science Knowledge Grid. Journal of Systems and Software 79(7): 969-983 (2006)
62 Hai Zhuge, Geoffrey Fox: Grid and Cooperative Computing - GCC 2005, 4th International Conference, Beijing, China, November 30 - December 3, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
61EEHai Zhuge: Soft-Device Inheritance in the Knowledge Grid. AIS-ADM 2005: 62-78
60EEHai Zhuge: The Knowledge Grid and Its Methodology. SKG 2005: 1
59EEHai Zhuge, Weiyu Guo, Xiang Li, Lianhong Ding: Knowledge Energy in Knowledge Flow Networks. SKG 2005: 3
58EEJie Liu, Hai Zhuge: R-Chord: A Semantic-based Peer Data Management Model. SKG 2005: 34
57EEHai Zhuge, Yunpeng Xing: Integrity Theory for Resource Space Model and Its Application. WAIM 2005: 8-24
56EEHai Zhuge, Xue Chen, Xiaoping Sun: Preferential walk: towards efficient and scalable search in unstructured peer-to-peer networks. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 882-883
55EEJie Liu, Hai Zhuge: A semantic-link-based infrastructure for web service discovery in P2P networks. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 940-941
54EEHai Zhuge: Semantic grid: scientific issues, infrastructure, and methodology. Commun. ACM 48(4): 117-119 (2005)
53EEHai Zhuge: Exploring an epidemic in an e-science environment. Commun. ACM 48(9): 109-114 (2005)
52EEHai Zhuge, Erlin Yao, Yunpeng Xing, Jie Liu: Extended resource space model. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(1): 189-198 (2005)
51EEHai Zhuge: The Future Interconnection Environment. IEEE Computer 38(4): 27-33 (2005)
50EEHai Zhuge, Xiaoping Sun, Jie Liu, Erlin Yao, Xue Chen: A Scalable P2P Platform for the Knowledge Grid. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 17(12): 1721-1736 (2005)
49EEHai Zhuge, Yunchuan Sun, Ruixiang Jia, Jie Liu: Algebra model and experiment for semantic link network. IJHPCN 3(4): 227-238 (2005)
48EEHai Zhuge, Xiangfeng Luo: Knowledge Map: Mathematical Model and Dynamic Behaviors. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(3): 289-295 (2005)
47EELiu Wenyin, Shi Yuanchun, Hai Zhuge: Guest Editor's Introduction. World Wide Web 8(4): 375-376 (2005)
46EEHai Zhuge, Yanyan Li: KGTutor: A Knowledge Grid Based Intelligent Tutoring System. APWeb 2004: 473-478
45EEHai Zhuge, Xiangfeng Luo: Knowledge Map Model. GCC 2004: 381-388
44EEHai Zhuge, Jie Liu, Liang Feng, Chao He: Semantic-Based Query Routing and Heterogeneous Data Integration in Peer-to-Peer Semantic Link Networks. ICSNW 2004: 91-107
43EEHai Zhuge: Exploring Flows in the Intelligent Agent Grid Environment. MMAS 2004: 13-24
42EEHai Zhuge: Future Interconnection Environment - Dream, Principle, Challenge and Practice. WAIM 2004: 13-22
41EEHai Zhuge, Yanyan Li: Active e-course for constructivist learning. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 246-247
40EEHai Zhuge, Xue Chen, Xiang Li: Modeling the growth of future web. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 274-275
39EEHai Zhuge, Liping Zheng, Nan Zhang, Xiang Li: An automatic semantic relationships discovery approach. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 278-279
38EEHai Zhuge, Jie Liu: A novel heterogeneous data integration approach for p2p semantic link network. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 334-335
37EEHai Zhuge, Xiaoqing Shi: Toward the eco-grid: a harmoniously evolved interconnection environment. Commun. ACM 47(9): 78-83 (2004)
36EEHai Zhuge: Resource Space Grid: model, method and platform. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(14): 1385-1413 (2004)
35EEHai Zhuge, Ruixiang Jia, Jie Liu: Semantic Link Network Builder and Intelligent Semantic Browser. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(14): 1453-1476 (2004)
34EEHai Zhuge: Semantics, Resource and Grid. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 20(1): 1-5 (2004)
33EEHai Zhuge, Jie Liu: A fuzzy collaborative assessment approach for Knowledge Grid. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 20(1): 101-111 (2004)
32EEHai Zhuge, Yanyan Li: Semantic profile-based document logistics for cooperative research. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 20(1): 47-60 (2004)
31EEHai Zhuge: China's E-Science Knowledge Grid Environment. IEEE Intelligent Systems 19(1): 13-17 (2004)
30EEHai Zhuge, Jie Liu: Flexible retrieval of Web Services. Journal of Systems and Software 70(1-2): 107-116 (2004)
29EEHai Zhuge: Resource space model, its design method and applications. Journal of Systems and Software 72(1): 71-81 (2004)
28EEHai Zhuge: Fuzzy resource space model and platform. Journal of Systems and Software 73(3): 389-396 (2004)
27EEHai Zhuge: Retrieve images by understanding semantic links and clustering image fragments. Journal of Systems and Software 73(3): 455-466 (2004)
26EEHai Zhuge: Active Document Framework ADF: Concept and Method. APWeb 2003: 341-346
25EEHai Zhuge: Semantic Grid: Scientific Issues, Methodology, and Practice in China. GCC (1) 2003: 6
24EEHai Zhuge, Jie Liu, Lianhong Ding, Xue Chen: A Semantic-Based Web Service Integration Approach and Tool. GCC (2) 2003: 787-794
23EEHai Zhuge, Yunchuan Sun, Jie Liu, Xiang Li: A Computing Model for Semantic Link Network. GCC (2) 2003: 795-802
22EEHai Zhuge, Yunchuan Sun, Weiyu Guo: Theory and Algorithm for Rule Base Refinement. IEA/AIE 2003: 187-196
21EEHai Zhuge, Yanyan Li: An Open Framework for Constructivist Learning. WWW (Posters) 2003
20EEHai Zhuge, Yanyan Li: Document Logistics for Cooperative Research. WWW (Posters) 2003
19EEHai Zhuge, Liping Zheng: Ranking Semantic-linked Network. WWW (Posters) 2003
18EEHai Zhuge: Semantic-based Web Image Retrieval. WWW (Posters) 2003
17EEHai Zhuge, Jie Liu, Lianhong Ding: Service Integration Based on Componential Process Construction and Service Grid. WWW (Posters) 2003
16EEHai Zhuge: Component-based workflow systems development. Decision Support Systems 35(4): 517-536 (2003)
15EEHai Zhuge, Xiaoqing Shi: Fighting Epidemics in the Information and Knowledge Age. IEEE Computer 36(10): 114-116 (2003)
14EEHai Zhuge: An inexact model matching approach and its applications. Journal of Systems and Software 67(3): 201-212 (2003)
13EEHai Zhuge, Jie Liu: KGOL: a Knowledge Grid operating language. SIGPLAN Notices 38(4): 57-66 (2003)
12EEHai Zhuge, Yanyan Li, Jia Bi, To-Yat Cheung: KGCL: A Knowledge-Grid-Based Cooperative Learning Environment. ICWL 2002: 192-202
11EEHai Zhuge: A knowledge grid model and platform for global knowledge sharing. Expert Syst. Appl. 22(4): 313-320 (2002)
10EEHai Zhuge: A knowledge flow model for peer-to-peer team knowledge sharing and management. Expert Syst. Appl. 23(1): 23-30 (2002)
9 Hai Zhuge: A process matching approach for flexible workflow process reuse. Information & Software Technology 44(8): 445-450 (2002)
8EEHai Zhuge: Knowledge flow management for distributed team software development. Knowl.-Based Syst. 15(8): 465-471 (2002)
7EEHai Zhuge, To-Yat Cheung, Hung-keng Pung: A timed workflow process model. Journal of Systems and Software 55(3): 231-243 (2001)
6EEHai Zhuge, Xiaoqing Shi: Communication cost of cognitive co-operation for distributed team development. Journal of Systems and Software 57(3): 227-233 (2001)
5EEHai Zhuge: Conflict decision training through multi-space co-operation. Decision Support Systems 29(2): 111-123 (2000)
4 Hai Zhuge, Xiaoqing Shi: Dynamic evaluation approach for virtual conflict decision training. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 30(3): 374- (2000)
3EEHai Zhuge: A problem-oriented and rule-based component repository. Journal of Systems and Software 50(3): 201-208 (2000)
2EEHai Zhuge: Conflict group decision training: model and system. Knowl.-Based Syst. 11(3-4): 191-196 (1998)
1EEHai Zhuge, Jian Ma, Xiaoqing Shi: Abstraction and analogy in cognitive space: A software process model. Information & Software Technology 39(7): 463-468 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Jia Bi [12]
2Xue Chen [24] [40] [50] [56] [68] [83]
3To-Yat Cheung [7] [12]
4Lianhong Ding [17] [24] [59] [77]
5Liang Feng [44] [80] [84]
6Geoffrey Fox (Geoffrey Charles Fox) [62] [76] [87]
7Weiyu Guo [22] [59] [73] [79]
8Chao He [44] [72]
9Ruixiang Jia [35] [49]
10Qing Li [89] [90]
11Xiang Li [23] [39] [40] [59] [74] [77] [79] [82]
12Yanyan Li [12] [20] [21] [32] [41] [46] [67]
13Jie Liu [13] [17] [23] [24] [30] [33] [35] [38] [44] [49] [50] [52] [55] [58] [64] [80]
14Jin Liu [86]
15Wenyin Liu (Liu Wenyin) [47]
16Xiangfeng Luo [45] [48] [63]
17Jian Ma [1]
18Jogesh K. Muppala [81]
19Hung-keng Pung [7]
20Peng Shi [72] [88]
21Xiaoqing Shi [1] [4] [6] [15] [37]
22Xiaoping Sun [50] [56] [68] [83] [85] [89]
23Yunchuan Sun [22] [23] [49]
24Wanqing Tu [81]
25Xiaofeng Wang [86]
26Yunpeng Xing [52] [57] [72] [88]
27Erlin Yao [50] [52] [70] [83]
28Kehua Yuan [86]
29Shi Yuanchun [47]
30Junsheng Zhang [86] [91]
31Nan Zhang [39]
32Liping Zheng [19] [39]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)