
Ling Zhuang

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9EELing Zhuang, Huafeng Liu, Hujun Bao, Pengcheng Shi: Volumetric Meshfree Framework for Joint Segmentation and Motion Tracking of the Left Ventricle. ISBI 2007: 396-399
8EEXian-Lun Tang, Yin-Guo Li, Ling Zhuang: A Hybrid Particle Swarm Algorithm for the Structure and Parameters Optimization of Feed-Forward Neural Network. ISNN (3) 2007: 213-218
7EELing Zhuang, Honghua Dai: Parameter Estimation of One-Class SVM on Imbalance Text Classification. Canadian Conference on AI 2006: 538-549
6EELing Zhuang, Honghua Dai: Reducing performance Bias for Unbalanced Text Mining. ICDM Workshops 2006: 770-774
5EELing Zhuang, Honghua Dai: Parameter Optimization of Kernel-Based One-Class Classifier on Imbalance Text Learning. PRICAI 2006: 434-443
4EELing Zhuang, Honghua Dai: Parameter Optimization of Kernel-based One-class Classifier on Imbalance Learning. JCP 1(7): 32-40 (2006)
3EELing Zhuang, Huafeng Liu, Wei Chen, Hujun Bao, Pengcheng Shi: Simultaneous Segmentation and Motion Recovery in 3D Cardiac Image Analysis. CVBIA 2005: 499-507
2EELing Zhuang, Honghua Dai, Xiaoshu Hang: A Novel Field Learning Algorithm for Dual Imbalance Text Classification. FSKD (2) 2005: 39-48
1EELing Zhuang, Honghua Dai: A Maximal Frequent Itemset Approach for Web Document Clustering. CIT 2004: 970-977

Coauthor Index

1Hujun Bao [3] [9]
2Wei Chen [3]
3Honghua Dai [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Xiaoshu Hang [2]
5Yin-Guo Li [8]
6Huafeng Liu [3] [9]
7Pengcheng Shi [3] [9]
8Xian-Lun Tang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)