
Z. Zhu

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5 Z. Zhu, X. Huang: A subspace method for the estimation of gain/phase mismatches and I/Q imbalances in a receive array antenna. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2007: 263-268
4EEZ. Zhu, D. J. Mulvaney, Vassilios A. Chouliaras: Hardware implementation of a novel genetic algorithm. Neurocomputing 71(1-3): 95-106 (2007)
3EESherali Zeadally, Liqiang Zhang, Z. Zhu, Jia Lu: Network application programming interfaces (APIs) performance on commodity operating systems. Information & Software Technology 46(6): 397-402 (2004)
2EEPredrag R. Bakic, D. Brzakovic, P. Brzakovic, Z. Zhu: An Approach to Using a Generalized Breast Model to Segment Digital Mammograms. CBMS 1998: 84-89
1 R. J. Moorehead, Z. Zhu: Feature Extraction for Oceanographic Data Using a 3D Edge Operator. IEEE Visualization 1993: 402-405

Coauthor Index

1Predrag R. Bakic [2]
2D. Brzakovic [2]
3P. Brzakovic [2]
4Vassilios A. Chouliaras [4]
5X. Huang [5]
6Jia Lu [3]
7R. J. Moorehead [1]
8D. J. Mulvaney [4]
9Sherali Zeadally [3]
10Liqiang Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)