
D. Brzakovic

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5EEPredrag R. Bakic, D. Brzakovic, P. Brzakovic, Z. Zhu: An Approach to Using a Generalized Breast Model to Segment Digital Mammograms. CBMS 1998: 84-89
4EEPredrag R. Bakic, D. Brzakovic: Extension of CNN-Based Multilevel Halftoning to Color Reproduction. ICIP (1) 1997: 836-829
3EED. Brzakovic, R. Patton, R. L. Wang: Rule-based multitemplate edge detector. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 53(3): 258-268 (1991)
2EED. Brzakovic, A. Liakopoulos, L. Hong: Spline models for boundary detection/description: Formulation and performance evaluation. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 53(4): 392-401 (1991)
1 B. White, D. Brzakovic: Two methods of image extension. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 50(3): 342-352 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Predrag R. Bakic [4] [5]
2P. Brzakovic [5]
3L. Hong [2]
4A. Liakopoulos [2]
5R. Patton [3]
6R. L. Wang [3]
7B. White [1]
8Z. Zhu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)