
Qiuming Zhu

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28EEEric Lindahl, Stephen O'Hara, Qiuming Zhu: A multi-agent system of evidential reasoning for intelligence analyses. AAMAS 2007: 279
27EEKajia Cao, Qiuming Zhu: Belief Combination for Uncertainty Reduction in Microarray Gene Expression Pattern Analysis. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2007: 844-851
26EEQinglu Kong, Qiuming Zhu: Incremental procedures for partitioning highly intermixed multi-class datasets into hyper-spherical and hyper-ellipsoidal clusters. Data Knowl. Eng. 63(2): 457-477 (2007)
25EEQiuming Zhu, Stuart Aldridge, Tomas N. Resha: Hierarchical Collective Agent Network (HCAN) for efficient fusion and management of multiple networked sensors. Information Fusion 8(3): 266-280 (2007)
24EERichard D. Corbin, Christopher B. Dunbar, Qiuming Zhu: A three-tier knowledge management scheme for software engineering support and innovation. Journal of Systems and Software 80(9): 1494-1505 (2007)
23EEKajia Cao, Qiuming Zhu, Javeed Iqbal, John W. C. Chan: A trend pattern assessment approach to microarray gene expression profiling data analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(12): 1472-1482 (2007)
22EEQiuming Zhu: Topologies of agents interactions in knowledge intensive multi-agent systems for networked information services. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(1): 31-45 (2006)
21 Kajia Cao, Qiuming Zhu, Javeed Iqbal, John W. C. Chan: On the Alleviation of Side Effect of Outliers to Fisher's Discriminate Criterion in Micro-Array Data Analysis. METMBS 2004: 263-269
20 Qiuming Zhu, Hongmei Cui, Kajia Cao, Wing C. Chan: Algorithmic Fusion of Gene Expression Profiling for Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Outcome Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 8(2): 79-88 (2004)
19 Xiaobo Wu, Qiuming Zhu: A Hierarchical Algorithm for Clustering class-imbalanced Datasets. IC-AI 2002: 457-463
18 Qiuming Zhu, Jeffrey S. Hicks, Plamen V. Petrov, Alexander D. Stoyen: Annotative Reasoning in AEDGETM - An Agent Architecture for decision aid Under Uncertainty. IC-AI 2002: 478-484
17EEXiaolu Huang, Qiuming Zhu: A pseudo-nearest-neighbor approach for missing data recovery on Gaussian random data sets. Pattern Recognition Letters 23(13): 1613-1622 (2002)
16EEYing Sun, Qiuming Zhu, Zhengxin Chen: An iterative initial-points refinement algorithm for categorical data clustering. Pattern Recognition Letters 23(7): 875-884 (2002)
15EEJeffrey D. Hicks, Alexander D. Stoyen, Qiuming Zhu: Intelligent Agent-Based Software Architecture for Combat Performance under Overwhelming Information Inflow and Uncertainty. ICECCS 2001: 200-
14 Miao Chen, Qiuming Zhu, Zhengxin Chen: An integrated interactive environment for knowledge discovery from heterogeneous data resources. Information & Software Technology 43(8): 487-496 (2001)
13EEQiuming Zhu, Yao Cai, Luzheng Liu: A multiple hyper-ellipsoidal subclass model for an evolutionary classifier. Pattern Recognition 34(3): 547-560 (2001)
12EEQiuming Zhu, Lu Peng: A new approach to conic section approximation of object boundaries. Image Vision Comput. 17(9): 645-658 (1999)
11EEQiuming Zhu, Yao Cai, Luzheng Liu: A global learning algorithm for a RBF network. Neural Networks 12(3): 527-540 (1999)
10 Zhengxin Chen, Qiuming Zhu: Query Construction for User-Guided Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Inf. Sci. 109(1-4): 49-64 (1998)
9 Qiuming Zhu: Minimum Cross-Entropy Approximation for Modeling of Highly Intertwining Data Sets at Subclass Levels. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 11(2): 139-152 (1998)
8EEQiuming Zhu, Yao Cai: A subclass model for non-linear pattern classification. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(1): 19-29 (1998)
7 Qiuming Zhu, Zhengxin Chen: Knowledge Discovery from Databases with the Guidance of a Causal Network. ISMIS 1997: 401-410
6EEYun Weng, Qiuming Zhu: Nonlinear Shape Restoration For Document Images. CVPR 1996: 568-573
5EEQiuming Zhu: Efficient evaluations of edge connectivity and width uniformity. Image Vision Comput. 14(1): 21-34 (1996)
4EEQiuming Zhu, Matt Payne, Victoria Riordan: Edge linking by a directional potential function (DPF). Image Vision Comput. 14(1): 59-70 (1996)
3EEQiuming Zhu: Virtual edges, viewing faces, and boundary traversal in line drawing representation of objects with curved surfaces. Computers & Graphics 15(2): 161-173 (1991)
2EEQiuming Zhu: On the minimum probability of error of classification with incomplete patterns. Pattern Recognition 23(11): 1281-1290 (1990)
1 Qiuming Zhu: Pattern Classfication in Dynamical Environments: Tagged Feature-Class Space and Univariate Sequential Classifier. Pattern Recognition 1988: 517-526

Coauthor Index

1Stuart Aldridge [25]
2Yao Cai [8] [11] [13]
3Kajia Cao [20] [21] [23] [27]
4John W. C. Chan [21] [23]
5Wing C. Chan [20]
6Miao Chen [14]
7Zhengxin Chen [7] [10] [14] [16]
8Richard D. Corbin [24]
9Hongmei Cui [20]
10Christopher B. Dunbar [24]
11Jeffrey D. Hicks [15]
12Jeffrey S. Hicks [18]
13Xiaolu Huang [17]
14Javeed Iqbal [21] [23]
15Qinglu Kong [26]
16Eric Lindahl [28]
17Luzheng Liu [11] [13]
18Stephen O'Hara [28]
19Matt Payne [4]
20Lu Peng [12]
21Plamen V. Petrov [18]
22Tomas N. Resha [25]
23Victoria Riordan [4]
24Alexander D. Stoyen (Alexander D. Stoyenko) [15] [18]
25Ying Sun [16]
26Yun Weng [6]
27Xiaobo Wu [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)